Chapter 8 - Mission Time

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*Her* Skylar sighed as she turned to her best friend. " That was intense" Calista said to her. Skylar pinched her nose and started pacing then she Shrugged her shoulders.  "His constant changing emotions are hurting my head." Skylar then massaged her temples and sighed. "He's mad at me because I wanted to go with you. He wants me to stay here where it's safe. "  For a few seconds her hadn't said anything. She had zoned out. Skylar waved her hand in front of her friends face to try to get her attention. " to Calista...."  Calista looked at her friend and blinked. "Oh sorry....I was....thinking about how nice your relationship with David is....and I kinda got lost in my thoughts...."  Skylar gave Calista a hug. "Oh darl... you'll get him back. Besides I have something for you."  Before arguing with David, Skylar went through her crystal and herb stash. She made a little purple velvet pouch for her friend. She was worried about how she would cope going out on her own to rescue her mate. "I have put a little package together to keep you safe on your....mission tonight.... rose quartz for love, lavender for healing and protection, pyrite crystal for protecting against negative energies and lastly a hematite crystal for courage and inner strength. Keep this in your pocket please! It'll give me piece of mind!"  She gave her friend another hug and silent prayer before turning around and walking back towards David's room to wait for him.  "Please stay safe and good luck on your mission, now I have Wolfie issues to fix....." She said over her shoulder. She sat on David's bed and sighed. She threw herself backwards, her hair splayed around her head laying on her back on the bed.  "Arggg! That wolf makes me so angry!"  "Aww, I'm sorry to hear you guys haven't worked through things yet."  Skylar sat up quickly at the voice.  "Uh....Lu...Luna Amy? What...are you doing here?"  Skylar couldn't get a reading on the other women.  "I am here to simply have a chat with you. Is that alright?" The Luna gracefully sat down next to Skylar on the bed.  "You know...David isn't so bad once you get to know him. He's a complicated man, a strong man, but he's been through alot. To him, finding you, was finding the missing piece in his shattered heart. Did he tell you why he was discharged from the army?"  Skylar shrugged. She remembered him mentioning his army buddies when she was oggling his room but they had never spoken about it.  "No, we... haven't had an in-depth conversation yet.'  The Luna looked down at her hands that were placed gently tighter in her lap before looking up once again to look Skylar in the eyes.  "Then perhaps that is a conversation that only he can tell you, but know this; David needs you. Please do not push him away. I sense you are a strong women, you are perfect for our pack so please give him a chance."  Skylar could sense the love and kindness exuding from the women sitting across from her, and new that she cared alot about her pack members. So Skylar sighed again.  "Ok.... I' to him when he gets back."  The Luna grabbed Skylar's hands and rubbed her thumbs over her knuckles. "Good, I'm glad. Oh....and about your job....I think you will enjoy working at our pack hospital, but that's something only you can decide." She stood up. "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, in a couple more hours our pack will be on standby as the trackers, your friend, our alpha and Beta David will be on their mission. " She turned around and left the room, gently closing the door behind her.  Skylar got up from the bed, and went for a bath. After soaking for half and hour, Skylar stepped out and cringed as her toes touched the cold floor. She grabbed a towel off the rack and wound it around herself.  She was startled as David was sitting on his bed quietly waiting for her.  Skylar could feel the sadness rolling off him.  "I'm sorry. I just...."  Skylar sighed. While she was in the tub she had time to calmly think.  "Your forgiven, but we need to figure out some rules. Firstly, I don't want or like to be told what to do, however after speaking to your Luna, I will stay here."  She felt his mood shift to happiness and then she smiled. "Secondly, if I'm going to stay here, I need my clothes."  "Yes, yes...of course, I... I'll get them tomorrow for you." He nodded "and thankyou." Skylar rolled her eyes as his mood changed again back to sadness.  She sat down on the bed next to him.  "Umm..." When she looked at his face and seen that his eyes were on her bare skin, she blushed and then stood back up again and ran into the bathroom. David was anxiously knocking on the door. "Uh Skylar, I've mind linked the Luna. She will bring you some clothes. Can you come out. I promise I won't peek."  Skylar shyly opened the door and laughed as David had his eyes closed while waiting for her.  Then there was a knock on the door and he left to get it and come back with some clothes for Skylar. She took the bundle from him and then closed herself in the bathroom to get changed.  In the bundle she found her own washed underwear, a pair of blue jeggings and a pastel pink T shirt. Once she was dressed, she put her hair in a ponytail and then she left the bathroom. She found David standing by the window looking out. He turned around as he heard her soft footprints on the floor.  Skylar stopped "thankyou for asking for clothes for me." She started rubbing her arms in nervousness. She didn't know what else to say.  David was also fidgety. He was rubbing his neck with his hand again. A habit Skylar was starting to notice.  "I'll have to leave soon, Alpha will be needing help with our mission for tonight. " David then dropped his hand down to his side. He gestured towards the bedside table. "I had a hot chocolate brought to you too. Sleep here I don't know what time I'll be back."  He stepped towards her. "Can...can I hug you?"  Skylar nodded and was then engulfed in a big bear hug. He was warm and smelt like the woods. He made Skylar feel safe. She giggled as his cold nose touched the bare skin at the hollow of her neck. It sent tingles down her spine.  He at last let her go, and then he stepped away from her. "I have to go..." Skylar heard the reluctance in his voice.  "Ok....uh...stay safe..." She didn't know what else to say. He smiled at her and again kissed her forehead before he set out, taking one last look at her before closing the door behind him.  Skylar sank down onto the bed. She knew it was going to be a long night because now she was worried for her best friend and her mate.....
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