Chapter 1 - Helping her friend

1014 Words
*Her* Skylar had just finished her shift and was out the door of the hospital taking in the fresh air, when her phone went off. She had got a frantic text message from her friend Calista. She started to massage her temples as she read it. She sighed as she got to the bus stop. Calista was anxious because she had not heard from her mate for over a week.  While waiting for the next bus, she sent Calista a message telling her that she will be there soon to help her.  The bus soon got to her stop and Skylar got on and sat down in the seat that was third from the front.  After ten minutes the gentle movement of the bus had lulled her to sleep.  The tone of her phone startled her awake. She was initially disoriented but then realised she was nearing the stop that was closest to Calista house.  She shook herself and slapped her cheeks. She was in bad need for coffee. She pushed the button to signal that she wanted to get off and was let off the bus.  The bus stop was only five minutes away from Calistas house so Skylar sent her a message telling her she was just around the corner and then she stuffed her phone in her little black leather backpack.  She soon knocked on Calistas door and a frantic Calista opened it. Skylar closed her eyes and sent some calming vibes to her friend. Calista then let her friend in and they settled in the loungeroom. Calista started babbling about furniture stores and delivery drivers, Skylar, without meaning too, soon tuned out.  She excused herself and then politely asked her friend. "Cal, would you like a coffee, cause I badly need one, I'm sorry." She started heading towards Calistas kitchen as her friend meekly said "yeah, sure. I'm just going on the laptop to search for furniture stores"  While Skylar was waiting for the Kettle to boil she heard her friend madly tapping away on the keyboard of her laptop. The Kettle whistled and Skylar finished making them both a coffee and joined Calista in the lounge. She put the coffee mugs on the coffee table and slumped next to Calista on the couch.  Her friend was on the phone. She was discreetly asking them weather they had a delivery driver called Nicholas, but both phone calls came up negative leaving her friend deflated. Skylar could sense her friends shift in mood again so to stem her anxiety, Skylar held her hand and remained positive for her.  The third phone call was more fruitful and Calista finally got a lead.  Vera whispered calming words to her friend who squeezed her hand harder in return. Skylar had given her friend courage to continue on, however the phone was passed onto a gruff sounding man who was not impressed. He started firing accusing questions at Calista. To keep her friend calm, Skylar hugged her friend from the side and as she was curious as the conversation went on, she leant her ear closer to the phone.  Part way through the conversation there was a growl. 'No way....another werewolf?' Skylar thought to herself.  Skylar knew her friend had also picked up what the growl meant, because she began to calm down.  Calista had proved her thoughts when she asked weather whoever was on the phone was an alpha. Skylar knew there was one thing you didn't do to werewolves and that was to second guess their power.  Skylar whispered a warning to her friend. "Careful. By the way where is this conversation going...?"  Skylar felt her friends determination as she announced to the person over the phone that she was the mate to the missing wolf. The phone went silent and then the wolf on the other end asked for Calistas address so they could pick her up to help find Nicholas. So she gave her address over and the Alpha Siad that his beta will come around shortly. Skylar gulped. "Great. Now what's going to happen?" Skylar thought to herself.  Calista had finished her phone call and just stared at the phone before she quietly said. "That went from 0 to 50 real quick". Skylar picked up on her friends sudden excitement. "Yeah you can say that again!" She took a deep sip of her coffee. It was going down really well.  Calista put the phone on the coffee table, when there was a frantic knocking on the door.  Skylar got sense of panic and distress from whomever was outside.  "That was quick!" Calista remarked before opening the door.  Skylar was surprised when a little girl tumbled inside and was out of breath.  She was hysterically crying, gasping and stuttering for Calista to help her father.  'Ah this must be the little girl that belongs to Cals' mate.' Skylar thought to herself. Calista brought her into the longeroom. She started telling Calista what happened, Skylar was getting clostrophobic with the constant wave of emotions from the child, so she got up to get a glass of water for her. In times like these Skylar was thankful for her satchet of mixed herbs of lavender for relaxation, sage for removing negativity, juniper for a pick me up, and sweetgrass for peacefulness. She always wore the satchet pinned to the inside collar of her scrubs. Inside the satchet were also tiny crystals of rose quartz to promote love and amythest to help bring good vibes. Another reason she wore it pinned to her collar was so these things were close to her heart.  Skylar inhaled and exhaled as she took in the herb scents it slowly calmed down her aura. She grabbed a glass from the top cupboard and filled it with water. She came back and put the water In front of the child and sat down on the arm of the chair.  'poor thing, what she must be going through...' Skylar thought to herself. As she looked up, Calista nodded to her then directed her eyes back to the child as she continued her teary story.  Skylar was getting a headache but she closed her eyes and sent more calming vibes to the child in the hopes that it'll make her headache slightly better.  But it was about to get a whole lot worse...
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