Chapter 6 - Growing Bond

1265 Words
*Her* Skylar opened her eyes. Last thing she remembered was lying down relaxing in the nice warm water of the bath. She looked down to see that she was dressed in a man's khaki tshirt. She inwardly groaned. That meant that her over bearing mate must have put her to bed last night.  She yawned and stretched, bit then she heard a whimpering from the other side of the bed on the floor. Skylar scooted over and dangles her head over the side of the bed, to see that David was sleeping on the floor. It was him whimpering. Skylar suddenly picked up his anxiety and distress. She could see the sweat beads on his forehead. 'Is he having a bad dream?' Skylar wondered softly.  She gingerly climbed out of bed and cringed as her toes touched the cold floor. She crept over to him and knelt on her knees next to him. She touched his cheek with the palm of her hand and the stress on his face instantly eased, however he was still whimpering.  "Pfft a big tough guy like this, gets upset at nightmares..." Although she wouldn't admit it to herself she was worried. She started gently tapping his cheeks. " Hey, wake's just a nightmare...wakeup.....David...."  His eyes suddenly snapped open, he sat bolt upright and hugged Skylar hard.  "Hey, hey, don't get touchy your crushing me..." David's grip on her began to loosen as his breathing slowed and he relaxed in her presence. He was taking big whiffs of her scent. Skylar sent him calming vibes and he quickly calmed down.  Skylar decided to break the awkwardness.  "So...shall we start again. We kinda got off on the wrong foot yesterday. Hi, I'm Skylar. Calistas best friend. I'm a nurse. My favourite colour is pink. I'm an empath, meaning I can feel peoples emotions and stuff....."  "Skylar is a beautiful name.... I'm David. Beta to Alpha William. Only came back to my pack last week. Was in the army. I was an Army Commander with special forces..."  They spent the next thirty minutes getting to know each other untill David admitted to what he had done. He began to scratch the back of his neck. "So there's something I wanted to tell you..."  Skylar could sense his tenseness.  "I put in your resignation and transferred you to work here at the pack hospital, so you could be near me...."  Skylar's jaw dropped. "YOU DID WHAT!" Skylar immediately jumped to get feet stomping down the hall to the room her best friend was staying in. She was so upset that she didn't bother knocking she just flung open the bedroom door and marched inside. Trying to calm her racing heart by doing some deep breathing excersises. Then she strode over and sat down besides her best friend on the bed, chewing her thumb nail while trying to think. Calista asked her if she was ok to which Skylar grabbed both her friends arms tightly before Letting loose the words "My moron of a mate put in my resignation at the hospital and transferred me to the pack hospital to work! Without asking me first!"  Skylar let go of Calistas arms and started pacing, only stopping when Calista stood in front of her. Now it was Calistas turn to offer her friend support. "I think we both need coffee and a freshen up. You need to take a relaxing bath and then some meditation."  Skylar nodded but she'd already had a bath last night so she decided that a barefoot walk in the woods was what was needed. "Your right. I need a break from that wolf's emotions before they swallow me whole!"  She then stopped pacing, thanked her friend and then left. The t shirt she was wearing was big enough to cover naked baody. That didn't bother Skylar at the moment because she wanted to get in touch with nature anyways.  On her way out of the pack house there were alot of looks in her direction and whispers bit Skylar only wanted to get away from all the unfiltered emotions from the people in the pack.  The bare earth felt good under her feet. She took a deep breath in and out of the fresh air. She reached the tree line and laid down under a big oak tree. She put her arms behind her head and looked up into the canopy of the tree and up to the sky.  She then closed her eyes letting her energy calm and become one with nature. Everyone's emotions that she was banking up were released untill she could feel nothing. It was a great relief.  She was unsure of how long she was there for until she heard a stick c***k and a bush russel from behind her. She sat up when a red wolf appeared from behind the bush. He padded forward and sat just outside of her reach in front of her.  "Ah...hi...." She said to the wolf. He c****d his head to the side before slowly stepping forward so that his nose was close to her outstretched hand. He smelt her hand and sighed. He then came closer to her so she was able to pat his fur.  Skylar was in awe. He was beautiful and soft.  All of a sudden his ears went up in full alert before he turned around and bolted.  "No....wait..." Skylar got up off the ground, patting dirt and leaves off the shirt she was wearing before she quickly walked in the direction that the wolf left and she found she was heading for the pack house.  She shrugged because she felt she had to go back eventually. As she stepped inside the eyes that were previously giving her looks on her way out were now busy. No one paid her any attention.  She made her way back to David room to find a change of clothes on the bed for her. Black leggings and a pink tshirt. Skylar smiled that David remembered her favourite colour.  She went into the bathroom and found her hair tie. With her fingers she made some sense of her hair before putting it into a ponytail. She noticed the now stale sandwich and juice on the bedside table and decided to take it to the kitchen and see if she could find something fresh to eat. She found the kitchen and it was full of busy bustling people. All their emotions hitting her at once. She started feeling dizzy, but then a pair of strong arms steadied her.  "Are you ok?" It was David. Skylars headache suddenly disappeared and that's never happened to her before. David had somehow blocked all the noise from everyone elses emotions.  "Ah yeah....thankyou. I got hungry...." Skylar said in a small voice.  "Oh! Sorry my little were asleep when I brought you something last night....let me find you something."  He fished around on the pantry and found the tin of cookies that the Luna had baked earlier.  "Here, um... I'll make you a coffee to go with them...."  For once since meeting him, Skylar was greatful to David, because she was now in an unfamiliar place. He returned with a steaming hot mug, to which Skylar Glady took, along with three cookies.  " you met Ulric....he couldn't help himself... I'm sorry that he disturbed you when you the woods..." He sheepishly said. Skylar was taken back. " That was your wolf? was so.... beautiful...."  David scoffed. " Ha ha ha....I don't think he'd like to be called that...."  Skylar blushed Scarlett. Suddenly David's laughing stopped.  Skylar watched as David's eyes glazed over, but then quickly returned to normal. "Sorry my little dove, my alpha needs me." He reflexively kissed Skylar on the cheek.  "Uh....I didn't mean that...." He said awkwardly before he backed away and then went to his alpha.
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