Part 2: Marked With Baal.

1150 Words
#1 Nightmare is not over yet ... I want to scream from fear... I didn't live in peace for so long... It's so stupid to think that one day everything will always be fine... Gina screams when the roof of our car is shaken by something. — Well, I'm not so lucky!—the wheels squeal loudly as I turn, and I swear under my breath. — Aren't you afraid of all this paranormal stuff?—Gina hugs the children and climbs into the backseat. — Move the seats closer to the trunk and sit with the children on the floor! It's safer this way! Do as I say, Gina, don't look at me!—I can understand why she was so surprised: my voice was somehow hoarse and my tone was rougher than usual. Baal's charges seemed to be strange creatures made of earth and water. Maybe it's even the recently emerged dead from the grave... Stone breaks through the glass. It's a good thing it didn't hit any of us! Need a cross! We need a holy cross! According to my father's notes that I once took from Mindless, they can only be driven away by the Holy elements... But only drive it away, not kill... There was a knock on the windshield. Baal! It was on the hood of my car. How could this be? I can't understand. We're still going, we haven't stopped, and he's standing there so calmly! Where did it come from on my hood? Car jumped, the wheel hit a rock and Baal disappeared. It's like he wasn't here... What's happening to me? *** I don't pack my things, since we never take anything from the car, but I'll leave Baal's bait in this hotel, too. As is usually the case, the bait will be my old clothes. Such tricks give us at least some head start... —  Honey, not the yellow one, please. This bee shirt looks so good on you...—Gina looks at me with pleading eyes. I laugh, despite how tense the situation is right now. —Is the food ready? You packed all food?—I ask. — Charlie Junior is restless today. Could it be that your abilities were passed on to one of your children?—the smile changes to alarm. Gina hands our youngest a small bottle of yogurt, but Charlie Jr. slaps his mother's hand. It's like ... No! No! I ran to the bathroom. Tears roll down my cheeks. This easily brought back to my mind the events of three years ago. Father... I just found him and here he is, burning alive in this explosion... Peter Brady is more lucky in this-Mary is in a coma and he has a glimmer of hope that she will wake up one day and madness will stop... I lost my father before I even really knew him and I will be with this forever... ...When Gina comes in, I cry out loud, sitting on the floor. I buried my nose in my knees and my jeans were already soaked through with my tears. — My darling... It's not your fault.—I can feel her soft hands. Her hugs make it easier. We're going back to the place where it all started so long ago... When I was so small. *** When I come to the familiar lawn, I look at the fence where I once carved my own name with a knife. I run my fingers over the inscription and smell the old wood. This is the house where I was born... There's so much left in it... — Gina! Take the children to the room that is signed "Firefly"!—I open the dusty curtains in the living room. I vaguely remember this chandelier... My mother always preferred candles...  — That's when you started going to the bad place, Mindless?—Gina reaches for the door handle and the door opens. I closed my eyes and nodded. So the terrible wave of memories came. And the pain, and the joy, and all of it, it was all so painful... My memories... I open the window, trying to find a little breath of air. My room... My eyes were watering. I want to stay at least a little where once it was so bright... — What did you like when you were little?—Maxine asks me suddenly. — Chocolate and orange cookies. We'll get them somehow, honey, I promise...—I lift my daughter up in my arms and kiss her cheek, ruffling her golden curls. — Are we going to stay here?—Eileen opened the toy box. My telescope was still there. — Yes, my dear... I really don't know how much... But for now, we will live here. Do you know whose toys it is?—I asked my youngest daughter. Aileen shook her head. — My. All of this was my toys. And they are ok, not broken. You can take them. Except for the telescope.—I take it out of the drawer. I saw these paranormal psychos through her... When I was little, it was very interesting to learn Mindless then. Stupid! And now I'm marked... My nightmares will never stops... I went out into the corridor and my eyes suddenly fell on a family photo. It glowed. — Tobias...—Gina tugged at my arm, but I waved her away when I noticed that my hand, leaning against the wall next to the glow, was amplifying it. Thin threads of light stretched. I went, holding my right hand against the wall, following the direction of the light. My heart was racing. I run down the stairs and almost fell, but I kept going. I need... Fear and anticipation... I've never tasted a more perverse cocktail. This feeling excites the blood. I stumbled and fell when I saw where the light had led me. This is the basement... My old childhood fear... And this fear returns to me now... *** The gas pipeline here has not been working for a very long time. I was very lucky that i was able to fix the electronic switch and the solar panel would not be broken.  —What's now, Gina?—i shouted from the roof.  — The stove is working, everything is fine! I make lunch now or later?—My wife asks me as I climb through the window. —I'm hungry as a wolf!!!—with a playful growl, I ran to Gina and began to tickle her and kiss her.  Our ubiquitous children did not let us get carried away with this process. — It's disgusting!!—Max grimaced in disgust when I started kissing my wife. — Max, if i ever hear that sound again, i'll make you eat pumpkin jelly!— — Don't be such a bore, dear. Do you want your kids to think you're a tyrant? Since our baby was found allergic, pumpkin has become her personal horror story... Given the meager abundance of food, you'll have to choose between ravioli and soup.—  I didn't say anything. I waited for the children's reaction.
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