When Tobias had understood the words of Baal.

536 Words
#18. Nightmare is not over yet... —... The wind blew my dusty hair and I felt so light in my soul. I freed my father from such long torments... Freedom is different...—I finished. I make a book from my father's notes, as a warning to people like me. Who walk in dreams. Maybe this will help at least someone to escape from it. From Baal... I will try my best to make sure that there are fewer broken destinies like mine... and dad's... I look back at Gina, who is standing not far from the stage with our fifth child in her arms. We named him Charles Peter Thomas Bauer, I think many people will understand me. — Your book has flown around the southern part of the United States and Mexico. It's like she's infected everyone like a disease! Let me ask you, what prompted the lifeguard to write?—the girl in the green dress asked me. — Well... I just wrote what I saw when I fell asleep. Only sometimes dreams are dangerous...—I grin awkwardly. A break was announced for some time. Very good, i'm really hungry... I walked with Gina and kids to the set table. It's a good thing they set up a presentation in a restaurant... Food smells great. After what had happened, what was happening now seemed like heaven. After a while, I went to sign books. It's been a long time. Gina seemed to sense something. My wife looked around in alarm. — When are we going to the hotel?—my beloved asks me. — I don't know yet. But just a little bit left... There is no one here with the same history as me... It is very good. This raises the mood and makes it clear that not everything is so bad... Maybe I'll stop thinking about it in the future... I hope I stop...—I ran my fork along the edge of my plate. The sauce is look like... Stop! Well, I'm definitely not crazy! But now I'm getting scared too... Why did I see blood?? Why?? I'm glad that the book is growing in popularity ... — Mr. Bauer, they really want to talk to you. He said he was an old friend of yours...—the waiter came up to me with a bill. I looked up and saw a figure in black not far away. Small brown eyes, long pale face, black hair, long nose ... This skinny man is the main nightmare of my life. You may not believe in our story, consider it simple notes of a madman, but beware of dreams! You might meet this guy... Quickly leaving the money on the table, I grab Gina's hand and run with her and the kids to the parking lot. How can my feet are burning! I never was so fast... Suddenly, my car is in the way. What an i***t! I didn't notice my own car... I get up from the asphalt, my hands trembling when I pull out the key. The feeling of fear increases as I push my wife and children into the car. A sudden chill ran over my skin. — Tobias...—I hear a familiar voice. I want to scream in fear... END.
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