Twenty one: Brandon takes care of the baby.°♡°♡°♡°♡°

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Brandon Delilah was full on sick. Georgia had gone out to do the morning chores and said she would be back as soon as she could. Baby Sam was crying. Delilah couldn't get up. She was dizzy. " Hey there Delilah," No response. "Hey.....Delilah the baby is crying." Delilah moaned. " I'm coming." She got up and picked Sam up and took him to me. " I'm sick, can you please hold him. I will get him a bottle." I told her to go back to bed. " I got this." Delilah went and grabbed a bottle and took it to me. "It's cold, but I have to lay down." Delilah took a step and dropped to the floor. I yelled, "Delilah! are you okay?" " I'm okay, just real dizzy. I will get up in a minute when it passes." I moved over to the bedside and grabbed my wheel chair. I sat Sam on the bed and removed the wheel chair arm as Delilah had taught me. I scooted myself into the chair. Sam was screaming now. I moved to where Delilah laying on the carpet. She weakly smiled. "I'm okay, just get Sam please." I gave her my hand and pulled her up, then wheeled to the bed with her on my lap. I helped her to lay down, then gently picked up MY son. "Come on fella, don't cry." I wheeled into the kitchen and warmed up the bottle under the hot water in the sink. Sam was rooting for the bottle. I held it to him and watched him drink it down. I didn't know that I needed to burp him, Sam cried. I held him up to my face. "Hey guy, I'm here, daddy is here." Sam gave a big urp and warm milk landed all over my chest. "Uh... why did you do that buddy?" I talked to my son and told him to be a good boy,"mommy is sick son, It's just you and me." Delilah fell asleep. She woke up to me placing a cool cloth to her head. I placed a cup of water to her lips and made her drink. She sipped the water. "I'm so hot. How is the baby, is he sick?" "I rocked him in that wood thing. He's sleeping. No fever." I smiled. Georgia came in stomping her wet boots. The snow was melting. She checked on Delilah. "Are you okay, you look pale." *********** Delilah I told mom that Brandon had been taking care of everything. Georgia frowned. She whispered, "Can we trust him though?" I couldn't talk any more. The fever was a little better but I was still weak. Brandon was trying to change Sam's diaper. He cleaned him up and got the dry heaves. He plugged his nose and then put the new diaper on back wards. The velcro tabs under him, instead of in front. ********* Georgia I came in and smiled."The tabs go in the front. Everyone does that the first time though." I picked up my grandson and placed him inside of an infant front pack close to my chest, I had my hands free now. Brandon asked me if he could try that thing out. I shook my head. "Son, we need to talk." Brandon nodded and wheeled to the kitchen and got a cup of coffee. He offered me one. I declined. "Yesterday you had that seizure. Do you recall?" He nodded. "I'm aware." "Well after that, you kind-of went back to being you. You asked Delilah to sign the divorce papers so you could marry Lillianne. You grabbed Delilah's arm and hurt her. I had to pry you off of her." He frowned. "She didn't say anything. I asked her about the bruise. You're saying that I did that to her?" I nodded. "Is that why she gave me that pill?" He was frowning. "I thought I was dreaming all of that." I said,"I think you should go stay with your dad, or Lillianne. Delilah seems to trigger you." ******** Delilah I came in just then. My hair felt like a mess and I had puffy bags under my eyes. "Mother, Brandon is staying. I was so sick this morning. He took care of his son and me all morning. I think the medicine is working. No seizures, no episodes. Let's see if the medicine works." Brandon had been staring at my purple arm. "Your mother is right. What if I hurt you again, or Sam? We can't take any chances. I'll call dad." I sat on his lap. "Not yet. Brandon, when you were going berserk, Sam started to cry." Brandon winced, " I was berserk, I'm so sorry honey." I kissed his cheek. "But you, you stopped yelling you calmed down. Hearing Sam seemed to bring you around. I want you to stay, please. I thought I could do it all by myself, with mom here. But...a boy needs his daddy. Sam needs you and you need Sam." Brandon wheeled me into my room and I hopped off the chair. He kissed my hand. " When you are no longer sick, I want you to sleep with me."He smiled. " If I have another seizure, leave me alone. Don't come near me. Delilah, I am sorry. I did rip up those divorce papers didn't I?" I nodded." Yes, yes you did. That's why I told you I would sign them." I smiled, sheepishly. He looked sad. "I keep hurting you. I promise, I did not mean to do that to you. I...well I can't change my past. I can only try to be honest and move forward. Lillianne said that I told her that you and I hadn't been together intimately, she said the baby probably wasn't even mine and that you were a gold digger." I laughed. "Did you tell her that I hit you with the lamp and forced myself on you?" He said no. He frowned, trying to remember. " Are you asking me if this is true, if Sam is not your baby? I think you know the answer to that. I wanted to hide him from you. I didn't tell you about him because I was afraid you would take him from me, if he wasn't your baby why would I go through all of that trouble?" "Delilah, I believe you. I know he's mine. He looks just like me. I just wanted you to know what she said. She tried to confuse me. I am ready to give her up, my job, my old life just to be near you. If my legs never get better, I will be okay as long as you love me. Do you love me?" I nodded. "Brandon I have always loved you. I want to try. If we can't do it for ourselves, let's try for Sam." Brandon told me to go back to sleep. " You need anything, yell for me." My illness got worse. I was coughing up green stuff with had a fever of 104° Georgia put me into the car and took me to the ER. She left Brandon at home with Sam. The doctor said I had caught pneumonia. They put me on IV antibiotics and fluids. I was pretty out of it. ********** Brandon I heard a knock on the door. I wheeled in my chair to answer it. Seeing a tall well built man with black hair, who held out his right hand. He only had one arm. He smiled down at me. " I'm Adam, you must be Brandon. Georgia asked me to assist with chores. I live right over there." He pointed to the neighboring farm. Georgia had asked Adam Parker to come over to help out? Of course, she couldn't trust me, especially with the baby. Adam said that he had a two son's of his own. I looked at this guy Adam and grinned. " I guess we are quite the pair, my legs don't work and you only have one arm." Adam raised a brow. " I do?" " And you have a sense of humor." I said, I liked this guy. Adam grinned. "Where's Sam at, I need to meet Delilah's baby. Hanna, my wife is expecting our third baby. She wanted to come, I forbade it. She gets too attached. She might steel this little guy." He's married, I definitely like Adam already. I gave him a list of chores to do. Adam took the list, nodded and returned in a half hour. "Okay all done. How about a beer? Oh, sorry you are the sober one right?" I turned my head to the side questioning this. "No I'm okay, I drink beer." Adam mentally kicked himself, that was the other guy Delilah had been seeing, Antonio. I didn't catch it. I didn't know that Antonio had a drinking problem. I took the beer and took a big swig, pointing to Adam's stump. "How did that happen, or were you born that way?" Adam told me it was a bear bite that got infected. "They had to take the arm. I almost died." Adam asked me about my legs. I frowned, remembering what they told me. "I guessed I crashed my nice Porsche." Adam smiled, " Ah, I need to show you my car collection. You might enjoy what I have in my garage." After a little time visiting with Adam, I felt very odd. I said that I needed to lay down. "Adam can you watch Sam for me, I feel weird." I was feeling buzzed all over. I had forgotten to take the new seizure medicine. I started to seize, shaking all over, I fell out of my chair. I bit my tongue and my hands squeezed into fists. My body felt stiff all over. Then even worse, I wet my pants, I was having a grand mal seizure this time. Adam quickly called 911. He was told to turn me to my side and protect my head. Sam was screaming in the crib. When the medics arrived, Adam led them to me on the floor, blood on my mouth. They picked me up. "He's a paraplegic," Adam told them. I just stared into space, breathing deeply. I wanted to say, "Take care of my son Adam." But nothing came out. The ambulance took me to the ER where Delilah was. Adam called Georgia to let her know. He took Sam home with him to meet his wife Hanna.
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