Twenty. The old Brandon ~•~•~•~•~•

1987 Words
Brandon I answered my phone, it was Lillianne." Baby, I miss you so much. You promised me that you would get the divorce papers signed so that we could be together." I listened to her with new ears, she was whiney. "Lillianne, I can't go anywhere until I can walk again. Delilah is setting up physical therapy here for me. That way I don't have to travel. I have to think of my health right now." Lillianne said,"I can have physical therapy set up for you at our home. All you have to do is take a short little ride here. Then, I can take care of you my lover. I can kiss away all of your pains. My lips miss your sweet body. My tongue is on fire for you." I just listened. She went on," I just don't understand about the baby. She got pregnant and didn't tell you that you were the father? I know you don't recall us going to Delilah's home and seeing that she was pregnant. You didn't even question if this was your child. You didn't even care. Why do you care now, it's just not like you. I don't think this is your baby Brandon. It's not even possible. You told me that you two weren't intimate for a long time." I thought about her words. I wondered if Sam was my baby, maybe he was Antonio's baby. She was sewing seeds of doubt into my fragile brain. " I'm pretty sure you are going to get sick of hearing that baby cry soon. You always said you never wanted kids, we laughed about it. You said kids were disgusting. Snotty noses and diapers" She grew quiet. I frowned, Lillianne might be right. Maybe it was foolish for me to abandon my whole life, what if it was all a lie. I needed to find out either way. " Look, I will be staying here with my wife and son for my recovery. Let's talk tomorrow. " Brandon, I am the love of your life, you told me over and over. You are breaking my heart. Please Brandon. Don't do this to me, to us. Don't just throw our future away. Think about what you are doing." She pleaded. "Brandon, I know how you really feel about Delilah. She's a gold digger. She conveniently has a baby for you to support. She's manipulating you. Don't you see that she planned this all out. That farm needs cash flow, her mother is probably in on it too. Be careful Brandon." She pushed one last time, "Just promise me my love, that when you do remember, you will get the divorce papers signed before you leave Oregon so that you will never have to go back to that horrible place ever again." She sobbed. "Your father has so many plans for you, for us. You aren't made to live on a farm it's so beneath you. I can provide everything you need here, everything you deserve. I love you so much !" "Enough! Lillianne, stop it, I'm staying!" I hung up the phone and threw it against the wall cracking the screen. I had finally had enough of her. She was pissing me off. Delilah wasn't lying. She was so honest with me that it hurt. She deserved so much better than a cripple. I vowed to work hard to be able to walk again. I didn't want to hear about how I had treated my wife. I refused to remember how I used to act and think. *********** Delilah I heard some of what Lillianne had said. I didn't mean to listen, I wanted to know if he had changed. From the sound of it, he had thrown his phone again. He called loudly for me. I went to him. "Brandon, what the hell? Don't be so loud?" He frowned. "I don't feel well. Can you get me to the toilet?" I smelled something. "I think it's too late for that." Brandon apologized, he made a mess in the bed. He pulled himself over and I cleaned him up the best I could. "Maybe we should get some of those adult diapers for you." He refused. "Just take me to the toilet sooner." He was embarrased. I was used to cleaning the baby and cleaning up after the animals. I assured him that could take it. Brandon told me that I needed to get physical therapy set up for him. I frowned. " Brandon, what if you were to go home and have caregivers and a better place to recover. You know, like Lillianne or your dad's house. Wouldn't you be more comfortable there, a place that's not horrible, I mean it seems so beneath you, being at a smelly farm and all?" Brandon raised an eye brow. "You little spy, you were listening in on us?" I looked down at my hands and nodded. " Maybe she's right. You don't belong here, farm life is hard work. We all know lawyers don't do manual labor. I was the one who did all of the yard work and mowing at the house." Brandon moved his legs off the bed. "Get me up, I will start mowing now if that's the price I need to pay to stay with you and Sam." I got him up and helped him into the old wheel chair I had gotten out of the attic. I set the chair next to him and removed the arm so he could slide onto the seat. I used to help grandpa when he was in the same wheel chair many years ago. " Let's get you a shower Brandon." He wondered how I would accomplish that. I had Brandon push the chair to the bathroom. I helped maneuver him through the door. I showed him the walk in shower that mother had placed in there for grandma. " Okay just slide over to the seat and I will close the door." He nodded. I picked up his legs and placed them inside and closed the door. I started the water. Brandon looked down at his legs. "I can't feel the water." I felt sorry for him, but persisted and handed him the soap. I made him wash himself and I helped him to rinse off. Throwing a towel at him, I made him do all the work. I had learned from grandfather that he needed do things for himself so he wouldn't depend on others. Brandon looked pale. Something was wrong. He said he was going to pass out. It was too much for him. I helped him back into the wheel chair and to bed. He was breathing hard. Brandon started to shake. He moved involuntarily, his head rolled back and his body stiffened. He was having a bad seizure. I rolled him onto his side and talked quietly to him. He couldn't talk. He stared straight a head. I waited until he stopped tremoring and ran to tell mother. Then came back with my cell phone and sat on the bed. My mother Georgia came in then. "Should we call the medics?" I agreed then dialed 911. The operator asked if Brandon had seizures before. I explained that he had a recent head injury. The operator told me, "The medics would be delayed from the snow. As long as he is breathing let him sleep it off." Brandon's doctor called me back. I told him that Brandon started feeling bad right after the hot shower. "That might have been too much for him to handle. Has he been remembering things yet?" "Yes a few things. He is very impulsive and yells for me if he needs help. He seems very loving and kind. I'm waiting for him to return to his old self. I am trying to trust him again." The doctor prescribed a seizure medication for him,"This will calm his brain waves as well. He should be less impulsive with this medication." I agreed to pick it up and start him on it right away. I canceled the ambulance since the doctor told me the seizure was to be expected with the brain swelling. Brandon slept for four hours. When he woke up, he couldn't remember where he was. The room was dark. He thought about Lillianne. I was right by his side. "Lillianne, we should be getting home soon. It's getting late." I told him he was right where he was supposed to be. " Pack my brief case and my black suit. I need my brown loafers too. Can you stop at the cleaners?" He was mentally packing. I let him ramble. He tried to get up. "Lillianne , where are you baby?" I tried to get him to open his eyes. "Brandon, it's me Delilah. Lillianne is in California. You're in Oregon, you were in a bad car accident." Brandon frowned. "Then can you just sign the papers so I can go home, I'm getting married soon." I said,"Yes, I will sign the papers, whatever you want Brandon." Brandon nodded. "Why are you keeping me hostage in this damn bed. Let me up, untie me. you can't hold me here. I won't stay here with you!" He lunged up at me and grabbed me by the arm. He squeezed. He hurt me. I fell back onto the bed. I didn't fight him. Struggling to keep calm, he was weaker then he had been before when he had hurt me so many months before. Georgia came in seeing Brandon with his hand around my arm. He was gritting his teeth and his face was twisted in an angry look. Georgia pulled him off of me. He thrashed about. He was delirious. I was breathing hard. I moved off of the bed. We watched him struggle, he twitched and yelled. "Untie me! Untie my legs, I cant move my damn legs, what did you do to me Delilah!" I had tears in my eyes. I lost him again. The old Brandon was back. Georgia talked to him now. "Brandon open your eyes! Do it now!" He tried to but he only fluttered them. Baby Sam started to cry now. Brandon suddenly quieted. He listened to his son cry. He calmed down and layed back onto the bed and fell back asleep. I put on my coat and slowly drove through the icey roads to the pharmacy. I picked up Brandon's medicine and drove back in the new falling snow. I came in freezing and went straight to Brandon. I took a pill out of the pill bottle. Speaking in a rasp, "Brandon, you need to take this seizure medicine, the doctor ordered it for you love." He opened his eyes. "Delilah?" I couldn't speak, my voice was hoarse. I just nodded. I was feeling feverish, sick now. He opened his mouth and swallowed the pill. "Stay with me please. I had a nightmare." He noticed I wasn't responding to him. He sat up and fumbled to turn the bedside lamp on. "Where are you?" I scooted away from him, afraid. He got the dim light on. He saw me at the end of the bed, rubbing my sore arm. "Are you okay? Can you please stay with me a while? What happened to your voice, are you sick? Your arm, it's all purple." I nodded, not speaking. He reached out for me, he pulled me to him. I lay next to him, waiting until he fell asleep then went to check on Sam. He was fine. I went to my own bed and fell into a deep fever and chills. ********* Georgia I was awake, I was thinking of my family's safety. I decided that I would call Powell and arrange for Brandon to go to his home to recover. I was afraid of him. What if he hurt the baby or my daughter?
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