Fifty. Brandon visits Powell. ~•~•~•~

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Delilah I was staying in the main farm house. The kids were keeping me company: Joey, Johnny, and Avery's girls Angel and Ashley. They were in love with me. I was very nice to them, missing my own babies. I lavished these cuties with love. The physical therapist was coming in every day. Lillianne seemed smitten with the PT named Jonathan. He was in his early 20's. He told us that he had finished high school at 16 and graduated college at 22. Lillianne flirted with him, he paid her no attention. She was too forward for his taste. I saw how he ignored her loud mouth and flashy clothing. I was still taking the pain pills. Adam had Hanna regulate them for me. Hanna was very good at that. I wheeled myself down to the kitchen now with Jonathan. He was instructing me on doing some standing exercises at the kitchen counter. Jonathon made me do 15 reps. It felt weird without my lower leg, but he said that I was making good progress. " It's a good thing you were so fit before your amputation, it really made a difference. You are so strong Delilah." I smiled warmly at him as I counted each time I stood up. " One, two, three." All I could think of was my Antonio. ************* Brandon I left for the prison in Monroe, since Delilah wasn't going to be home anytime soon. I tried to call her several times, she wouldn't take my call. My mind knew that she was just going through some things, she needed time after losing Antonio. But I love her, I am her husband, even if I don't deserve her. I was feeling pretty depressed about it all. I drove to Washington in Georgia's truck, feeling guilty leaving the kids, but it was just one night away, then I would head right back to them. Dad called me on the road. I pulled the truck over to take the call. " Dad, I am on my way now." " Are you bringing the kids, I want to see them before I...I die." He sounded weak, tired. " Dad, I can't do that. I can't manage the kids and drive." I refused to give him any information on Delilah. " Can you bring me some books to read?" He asked. I was getting the feeling that my dad wasn't dying, he was manipulating me once again. Still, I needed to see him, to say goodbye, he was my father. I had brought my wheel chair, since I just couldn't trust my damn legs walking that far. When I got to the main gate, they searched me, making me stand up to be sure that I wasn't hiding any contraband. Of course I complied with all of their processes. An hour later, I sat down in a room with a bank of phones where there was glass between the visitors and prisoners. I waited at one of the phones. Powell came in the room looking very fit. The last that I had heard from him, he was not eating. He was trying to die, to end it all he told me. Liar, evil liar. I was angry, I didn't say one word. Powell did all of the talking, he blamed me for everything. " You pushed your wife away. she deserved so much more. It's a wonder that she even let's you near those kids." "You mean my kids, the ones I am taking care of?" I felt my hands go into fists at his insinuations. He never stopped talking. He just kept berating me while he complained about life in prison. Enough! I gently put the phone back on the hook and turned to leave without looking back or saying goodbye. Powell pounded on the glass. He tired to call my cell phone. This time, I refused the call. My little boys heart was sad that my own daddy was so psychotic and narcissistic. I thought of Sam, I would never hurt him like this man hurt me. I sat in the truck now and fumbled with my phone, trying to call Delilah. To my surprise, she agreed to talk to me. " I need to see the kids, you can't keep them from me, I need them with me." She said. " Well, first of all, hey there Delilah, how are you my love?" She was angry at me. " I am fine. I have been working with Jonathan. He is my PT, not that you would care." I took a deep breath. "I do in fact care. I have worked very hard to repair the damage that I did to you, to us." She was quiet. "Did you tell Antonio not to take my calls?" Ah, there it was. She was angry with me over Antonio. " I did not. I am sorry he is not talking to you my love. That must be very hurtful." I felt my stomach lurch, she still loved him, not me...him. "Don't pretend that you love me Brandon, I had an epiphany in the hospital. You called me all sorts of names. I went through my texts. You said horrible things to me. I never did anything to you to make you hate me so much." I sadly agreed." Yes I know, I was kind of a jerk back then. If you don't want to see me, I understand. I will bring the kids up when I get home." It was over, my marraige was over. " Home, where are you now, who has my children?" I was afraid to tell her the truth. " I'm driving back from the prison. Your mom has the kids." " The prison? You are visiting your dad? The man that tried to f*****g kill me? f**k, that is just too much. Do you even know what he put me through? He nearly raped me." She yelled. Delilah rarely swore, she was upset. " I didn't know that, I'm sorry love." I said calmly, but inside I was even angrier at dad. " If you chose to have a relationship with your father, I cannot allow you to see the kids. I will get a restraining order. I'm not kidding." She said. " I'm not having a relationship with him. I will always choose you and my kids over my father. I'm embarrassed to even call him that." I admitted sadly. " Well, just bring the kids tonight. I am missing them very badly....I miss Antonio too. Why did he leave me. We were almost back together. I wanted him to make love to me in the helicopter. Adam wouldn't let him." " Wife, please. Enough! I cannot take it. You need to stop all of this Antonio crap. I am your husband. Act like my wife, please." I begged her. Delilah cruelly told me then, "We made love when I was pregnant with Sam. He was inside me, I wish it was his baby, not yours." I felt a sharp knife enter into my heart then. She was killing me now. I hung up on her, breathing very hard now. I think I was having a panic attack. I tried to pull the car over, but when I pushed the brake, my damn leg gave out. I couldn't even press the brake. The truck went straight off the road. I cried out as it rolled over and over a steep embankment. It finally came to rest against a big fir tree with a jarring crash. I hit my head. I was upside-down, knocked out. ********** Delilah I put my hand to my mouth. I couldn't believe that I had told him that about Antonio. I was so mad at him over those old texts and old messages. He called me a frigid, cheating slut. He called me a b***h, a liar. I knew that I was spiraling down. The narcotics were affecting my disposition. I was feeling angry, I know that I was so mean to Brandon, but I blamed him for losing my leg for some reason. I picked up my phone and called mother. "Mom. Brandon went to see his father. He is choosing Powell over me and his kids. He is a traitor. I want my kids, now! I'm going to get a restraining order. I'm tired of them mistreating me" Georgia told me that she actually had agreed with Brandon seeing Powell before he died in prison. "Human dignity allows for forgiveness on a person's death bed, Delilah." She encouraged him to go, to even let him take her old truck. " Delilah, you are not to talk about a restraining order anymore. Brandon is only seeing Powell because he is dying." " He didn't tell me that." I said. " Why won't Antonio take my calls, did Brandon threatened him?" I asked her in an angry tone. " Daughter, Antonio left for Italy. Louisa is expecting. He is moving back there." She had to tell me that. " No mother, no. I won't believe it. Brandon did this, he sent him away from me. We love eachother. I am supposed to be with him, not Brandon. Brandon did this to me." I felt rejected once again, I cried and hung up the phone. Georgia tried to call Brandon. He must still be at the prison. She left him a message. "Son, I'm taking the kids to see Delilah. She's having a rough time. I will be at Adam's farm for a few days. Call me tonight please." Georgia packed up the kids. She was in such a hurry to leave, she forgot to turn off the tea Kettle. The fire didn't start right away, it smoked and crackled. The heat of the stove top lit the hand towel that Georgia had left on the stove. The towel flamed and flickered. Flames rose to the ceiling. The flames went into the rafters. The roof started smoking. The light wind that was blowing fed those flames. There are three things that cause a fire. Heat, air, and a fuel source. The house went up in high licking flames. It completely burned down throughout the night. *********** Brandon I woke up in the truck. It was dark outside. I was still strapped into the seat belt and I hurt like hell. My head was Killing me. The blood flowing to my head from being upside-down for hours was causing pressure. I tried to move, but was pinned to the side of the tree. A trickle of blood dripped down, into my eye. I was feeling so sick. I guess that I fell back under. Nobody even knew that I was missing yet.
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