Thirty one. Milly and Powell

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Delilah I kissed my man. " We will fight your daddy." Brandon had his doubts about crossing Powell. He was fearful of what he was capable of. " Delilah, my dad can be ruthless. He always gets his way. I think we should be prepared for the worst." I nodded. "Let's talk to Adam's lawyer." Sam was tired he had a long day on the car. Brandon tucked him in and sang a song to him. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..... Sam rubbed his eyes with his fists. He yawned and closed his eyes. I watched this man change so much. He was so gentle with Sam. He was so patient. It made me feel warm inside to know that they were made for eachother. " Hey, are you feeling okay moma?" He asked me. "So far so good. I didn't have any morning sickness today." " Come here." He said. I walked over to him as he lay in the bed next to a sleeping Sam. "Put our boy in his crib, then tuck me in."He smiled. I did as he asked. I gently placed Sam in the bed. Brandon put his hand out to me. I grabbed it. "Have I told you yet today how beautiful you are, how much I love you. I was never the man I should have been when I married you. I remember seeing you standing on the beach. You had a ring of flowers on your head." He grinned moving his hand around his head. I remembered it. " Delilah, will you do it all again? Will you have a big wedding and stand up next to me? I need you to know me now. Not who I was. I am ashamed of how I treated you. I was such a jerk. I do not deserve you Lilah girl. If Powell does lock me up somewhere, I deserve it....I am sorry. I wish so bad that I could press rewind and go back. I would never leave you." He had tears in his eyes. I rubbed his head. "I wanted you so bad. It hurt me so deeply when you shunned me. I forgive you Brandon. The man you are right now, he is my true love. If you get your memory all back and remember why you hated me, at least I had this time with you. It is the best, most precious time in my whole life. I thought I would die without Sam in my life. I think I was wrong....I would die without the both of you. Please Brandon, don't break our hearts. Don't stray. If you ever want to leave me. Just be honest, please." Brandon sat up. He pulled me onto his lap and cradled me in his arms. " I promise you. I will not leave you. I will never stray. I don't want anything more than to be with you and our children. I never hated you, I was a fool. My experience growing up, I saw my dad cheat on my mother. He was never faithful to her. I learned from him. I hate that. My mother has dementia now. He financially supports her. He visits her every so often. Mom thinks they are still married. It is so sad. He doesn't love her, but he can't turn her away." " I think that is so sad." I said. " Delilah, I think I have my most of memory back already. When I had that head injury, all I could think of was if you were okay. I was so scared that you were in the car with me. My thoughts all shifted. I remember something you told me after you put your wedding ring on the dresser. You said you could never compete. You told me that I loved myself more than I could ever love another person. I thought about that for a long time. You were right. I did. That was true." " I don't think that anymore Brandon. I think that you love me and Sam. You give me all you have everyday. You make me feel so loved." Brandon looked away. " I had never known that I was so broken. I couldn't love a baby before. I couldn't love you like you deserved. I am so happy now." He looked back into my eyes. I smiled. "Hold me Brandon. I need you." We fell asleep in eachother's arms. ******** California....... Lillianne Milly left the house and walked out to the garden. She was looking for her son. She thought he was hiding out there. I had come over to talk to Powell. I was tired of staying away. I saw Milly out in the garden and went out to confront her once and for all. Milly saw me approaching her. "Excuse me miss, I can't find my son. Can you please help me find him?" She looked very worried. I was confused. Why would she think Brandon was out here. " You see, he saw his father with the housekeeper. He was very upset. I told Powell not to sleep with the help. I begged him. He's only a young boy. He ran out of the house." She wrung her hands. I asked her,"How old is Brandon?" " Oh my, he's seven. He is too young to see his father kissing another woman. I know he is so upset. He's hiding here somewhere. Damn that Powell." She was crying now. I told her that she would go ask Powell about this. She walked into the house. Powell wasn't home. He had gone to court today. I sat on the sofa and thought about what Milly had said. I myself had a memory like that one. I had tears in my eyes. "Why do men have to cheat." I asked myself. Milly was calling for her son. She stayed outside for a long time. It started to rain. Milly was soaking wet. I ran out to her and took her hand. " Come on Milly. Brandon called he is safe." I lied. Milly nodded. "Thank you. Are you Powell's new mistress?" I nodded." Yes, I am. I'm so sorry Milly. I will leave." Milly held my hand. " Please, tell me what drew you to my husband?" She asked. I quietly told her, "His money. I want to be well cared for. I don't love him. I never loved him like you do. Why do you stay Milly?" Milly frowned, thinking." I love him. He loved me once. He grew tired of me. I tried to please him in bed. He pushed me away. He broke my heart. I have Brandon. He is my life. I love my son. Where did he go? I think he went outside in the garden. I better go find him." She stood up and walked out in the rain. I let her go, thinking maybe Milly should just go. This was no life for a person. Maybe she will get sick and die. I grabbed my things and left. I didn't look back. ******** Powell I went to court and petitioned the court for conservatorship over Brandon. A date was set. Brandon would be made to testify. I would need to bring him back to California. I would use Milly as a lure. If that didn't work, I would force him to come. I called Lillianne. She didn't answer. I drove home. I didn't want to see my ex wife. I looked everywhere for Milly, finally seeing her sitting on the ground, shivering. " Milly, my goodness." I ran to her. She stared at me. "I met Lillianne today." She said as she shivered. I didn't deny it. I said," Milly come into the house, please. You'll die out here." Milly nodded." Yes, I know. I want to die. Powell just leave me. It will be easier for you my love. Just go inside. Please, I can't watch you cheat on me and Brandon anymore." She cried. " Where is he, I can't find him. I looked all over for him. He saw you with the housekeeper. He's too young to see his father kiss another woman. He's so young." Milly looked for him in the garden. I stood in the rain and watched my ex wife as she killed herself. I turned and walked back into the house. I prepared a warm drink and got a blanket, then went back out to the garden and put the blanket around her. I gave her the drink then picked her up and brought her into the house. I knew she had been a good and faithful wife. I put her in my bed. Milly shivered. She turned her head away from me. " Shoot me, please just end it. I've done nothing to deserve your hatred of me. My old heart is shattered apart. Powell do you hear me? Just do it. Free me from this pain. Kill me please." I sat next to my ex wife. " Milly you are being entirely too dramatic. I will not kill you. You may die from pneumonia. But I will not kill you. Now settle down." Milly got out of our bed and nodded. "I am being silly aren't I? I will go away. I will set you free of my silliness. You can call the red headed girl and tell her to come back. Powell, I love you. I always have. I'm sorry. Goodbye." Milly put on her coat and walked out the door. She didn't get very far. She was worried about her son. He was just a boy. He shouldn't be out here alone in the dark. She went to the garden to look for him. I saw her outside in the garden. I went and got my gun. Yes, I would kill her. End it now. Milly fell in the mud. She had broken her hip. She couldn't get up. She saw me approaching. She smiled. " Powell, please. Brandon is missing. Please find"....Boom. I shot her in the head, killing her instantly. I saw her smiling at me then dropped the gun and ran to her. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill you. I'm sorry. I couldn't do it any more. I just couldn't do it any more." I pulled her body to mine, then drug her into the garage. I placed her in the wheel barrow taking the shovel off the wall and dug a shallow grave in the garden. I placed her in the grave and covered her up. In the morning I went and bought several rose bushes to plant on top of my ex wife. I washed my hands and put it all behind me. I would never think of her again. That night I dreamed about Milly. She crawled out of the ground. She stood over me and spoke my name. Powell, I love you. Powell? I covered my head with my pillow. " Go away, just go the hell away!"
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