One, My lovely husband ~•~•~•

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The big fight. Delilah My name is Delilah Jonas. I was busy using every ounce of strength my 5 foot 7, 125 pound frame had to offer me. Oomph...huff, huff, huff, huff. What muscles I had were straining hard as I hauled my dead beat husband down the flight of stairs that lead to our dingy basement. Don't stop now.... My beloved Brandon was 6 foot 3 and 200 pounds of lean muscle, no easy task. I kicked the basement door open with my foot. I wore these sexy thigh length- black leather boots that slid down the wooden door scuffing them up as I tried to leverage the door open and pull him through the doorway. Brandon's brown hair was stained with oozing blood where I had accidentally hit him with the brass table lamp. Looking down at him, my mind recalled what he had said to me in the past, fuelling sadness and pain. Ugly, frigid, b***h, cheater- those same four words. Angrily I bent down and slapped his handsome face stinging my palm. Watching him for a response, he didn't wake up, he was out cold. I frowned. I stared at his red cheek where I had just hit him, then looked at my hand- pulling it into a fist. Brandon had those masculine sharp angles that made a man's face handsome. He had piercing light blue eyes. I touched his face with my finger tips, he had dimples that could melt a wife's cold, cold heart if he had chosen to love me, but he did not. He was like a shiny carmel apple, looking delectable- until you bit into it and found that it was actually rotten inside. I felt sad looking down at him now, heart-broken. Rubbing his face softly where I had hit him, I still felt something for him. Tears were forming in my dark brown eyes. My long, fake eyelashes dipped closed as a tear ran down my cheek. Yes, I had adored him at one time. I still love you for some reason. The voices in my head told me to fight. I picked his muscular arms up by the wrist and began to drag him down to the basement, one inch at a time. Feeling powerful, so much stronger since I had gotten myself into better shape this past year. I had pushed myself, I worked out for hours, toning my body for him- for him to see me, find me attractive, not Lilly Spark, to see only my body. I touched my mouth. It was feeling swollen where he had harshly kissed me, biting my lip open during our fight. Why do you hate me so much my beloved? ********* Brandon Jonas I had finally convinced my sexy online mistress, Lilly Spark into meeting me at my home. It was our first- real and in person-s****l encounter. Sure, we had phone s*x and face timed plenty, it wasn't enough of her though, I wanted to touch her. When my wife Delilah said that she was leaving town on an unplanned work trip, I had the house all to myself. I had been longing to feel Lilly's skin, kiss her full lips. This body was ready to explode with lustful desire for her. Desire that had been building for her for all these months during our virtual love affair. My desire quickly turned into an inferno of furry when I had found out that my lovely mistress- Lilly Spark was in fact, my own b***h wife all along. I was made a fool. I was her fool, her little puppet.... b***h, What a callous b***h you are Delilah. I had welcome Lilly to my bed, not Delilah. Finally making love to her, not Delilah. Moving with passion kissing sweet Lilly, my tongue darting into her open lips, but one taste of her sweet mouth- I recognized that taste instantly. I knew then that it was my wife Delilah, not Lilly that I was kissing. My pride was injured. l lashed out, I was cruel to her. I bit her lip, ripping it open, forcefully pushing her off of me, away from me into the bedside table. Hurting her. Get away from me, you psychotic b***h. ********* Delilah I groped for anything to hold onto to stop my fall, I caught the heavy brass lamp. As I grabbed for it, the lamp flew forward smashing Brandon harshly in the temple. He slunk back, he was unconscious. Gritting my teeth, my long red nails pressing into my palms as I squeezed my hand into a fist. I felt crazed from his rejection, it sent me over the edge. Wiping my forarm over my sore mouth, blood smeared all over my tanned arm. I went tanning for you Brandon, to be who you want me to be... I leaned down, pulling my flaccid husband out of bed and down to the basement. I was determined to do this. So I inched him down the steps as he lay unconscious. His head hit the dirty wooden step as I pulled him forward. Bang, bang, thump, thump, thump. Three more steps to go. Shit! I lost my grip as sweat poured off of my head, frantically grabbing at his shirt. Ugly, frigid, b***h, cheater... Then I remembered those four words that he had said, playing them over and over in my broken mind, crushing me. I am not enough for you my love... I wiped the blinding sweat from my eyes with the back of my hand as he suddenly slid away. He fell down the rest of the way, the gravitational pull of the steps taking him from me. Bang, bang, bang. One final stop and his body crashed into the wall. This time he moaned in pain. I spat the blood building in my mouth down upon him. My eyes were lit up with the fire of a scorned wife. Rejection, why my love.... Lifting my boot, I pushed on his back. I kicked him over toward the waiting bed. I had planned it all out for the past few weeks. Even purchasing a stun gun to subdue him, though I didn't use it. I had doubted that my husband would ever stay with me on his own accord anyway. So I had a plan B if he had refused my advances, and he had violently refused me. I was tying Brandon to my bed. I would keep him in the basement, use him. Oops, I accidentally scratched his back with my fake nails, as I tried to lift him. Using my legs to hold his torso up, then pulling him by his now torn t-shirt. I shoved him over and rolled him onto the bed. Umph. I did it. Damn! I felt powerful as I walked to the end of the bed, my hips swayed gently as I moved, imitating my online persona- Lilly Spark. I took my time now, placing one zip tie over his bare foot, around his trim ankle. I fastened it to the lower bed rail, then did the same to the other side. His feet were nice. They were lean and well shaped. Ah! I remember the way that he would rub my own feet with his- when we had been lovers once. I shook my wavy blond wig out, shaking the thoughts of my past from my mind, remembering a time long ago when he would readily make love with me. I still love you husband did you ever really love me?... I admitted to myself that all of my efforts to make him want me had failed, I was defeated. He will surely hate me now. Yes, I cried at the loss of my beloved as I pulled his muscular arm up, attaching it to my bed with a zip tie around his wrist. He hates everything about me, my body, my words, my life.... I grabbed the last zip tie and pulled his other arm up. He suddenly opened those beautiful blue eyes, he blinked at me and frowned trying to understand. He jerked his arm away and grabbed me by the neck. He choked me, squeezing my throat with his strong hand. I struggled to breath, eyes bulging widely." Stop!" I rasped. He was killing me. I acted fast and stomped on his groin with my booted foot. He fell back. I slapped the last zip tie into place to the bed rail. "Let me go, you ugly f***ing b***h!" Walking backwards crying, trying not to let his words affect me, like arrows shooting into my once loving heart. Oh, the crippling pain of his words... He seemed secure now. He wasn't able to break loose. He shook the bed violently trying to get loose. I adjusted the ill fitting red lingerie I had on, to cover up my exposed breast. I had purchased the outfit for two hundred dollars, thinking Brandon would be swayed by seeing me wear it after my body's transformation. I had worked hard to lose the extra weight and become as sexy as his mistress Lilly was supposed to be, he had complimented Lilly, seeing her body on the camera. My body... me...not Lilly. He seemed to like it when Lilly Spark had worn the lingerie the other day on their face time dalliance. I sat down and took off those uncomfortable boots, my red lingerie, removing my disguise, and finally I removed the wavy blond wig, scratching my head. I stared at Brandon, looking into his angry face. " Every sweet moment that you had with her, it was me."I said softly, hurting inside. Walking over to him, naked. I carefully straddled him and began to move on top of him. He fought me, bucking his hips, "You're crazy!" He yelled. But the more he struggled, the more exited he grew. He was inside me now. He moved up and down as his lean body betrayed him. He closed his eyes and let me do it. It was a testament to his shallowness. I pressed my sharp nails in his hard chest. My tender thighs squeezed his hips as I rode him. I loved you so much... When I saw that he was almost to ecstacy, I moved back, holding back. Whispering to myself then- ugly, b***h, frigid, cheater. Those four hurtful words were attached to my heart now, turning off all of my desire like a bucket of ice water poured over my head. I stumbled off of him, crying. He thrust up, trying to find my warmth again. I fell to the floor, facing away, breathing hard. This wasn't me. I had never hurt anyone before in my life. I picked up the costum I had worn to lure him- to love me once again. I slowly walked away. He cried out,"Lilly please, come back!" I turned my head, my real hair swayed around my face like a fierce princess. He called me Lilly! "My name is Delilah, say it...Do it now!" I cried harder, thick tears dripping down in sorrow and loss. He looked shocked. His timid wife had never acted this way in his entire marriage. Why, why are you doing this to me Delilah? I must be mentally ill, he thought, psychotic. He shut his mouth. He refused to give me what I had wanted. He turned his head away from me. Maybe he didn't know me at all. I ran off up the stairs leaving him all alone- in the basement, tied to my bed.... SIX MONTHS AGO. ..... Delilah Brandon I had been married for the past six years. He had always seemed to have a wandering eye, throughout our whole marraige. He didn't hide the fact when he found other woman attractive. He would even flirt with them in front of me, from time to time. I understood. I had been caught up in his seductive web once too. I had even cheated with him on his last girlfriend. Why I had agreed to marry him, I did not know. Brandon was showing signs of being restless in our marraige. I had been keeping very close tabs on his social media and snooped on his cell phone and email regularly. He hadn't realized that when he had asked me to set up his new phone, I gained access to all of his passwords. I was working on making changes in my own life. I was going to the gym every day. I admit that I had let myself go in the past few years. Gaining 20 pounds, wearing no make up, rarely fixed my hair up. I was working from home as a data entry agent for an insurance company. It was such incredibly boring work. I had fantasized about a handsome man coming to me, picking me up from this dull life and making sweet love to me all day long. I sighed. Suddenly I noticed a ping on one of Brandon's accounts, I had loaded his social media onto my computer. "What are you up to now?" " What the hell!" I stood up and screamed at the computer. Brandon had just been admitted into a men's page, a site for married men to find a quick hook up. "That cheating bastard!" That s**t hurt. I had been exercising, I had lost 10 of my 20 pound goal, I had gotten my hair done. I looked at my shiney tresses. I think that I looked better than I have in years with my long blond hair and dark brown eyes. My face had thinned out, I did my make up every day now. I went to the fridge and grabbed a carrot and started chewing, like a rabbit. Throwing the half eaten carrot into the sink, I opened the freezer. I ate a pint of chocolate fudge ice cream, licking the spoon clean. Brandon was at work, he wasn't even supposed to be on social media right now. He was working for his father in the large law firm that his family had owned. Jonas and Jonas. His father Powell Jonas was council to the elite in LA. Brandon went to law school, he was following in his family's foot steps, he just couldn't pass the bar exam. He had tried 3 times now. I picked up the phone to call him. He didn't answer. My computer dinged again. He was talking to some chick named naughty Nancy. I compulsively started texting him. " You asshole, I can see you, I see everything!" I almost pushed send. At the last minute deciding not to send the message. I would message him on the dating site instead. "You just got caught cheater!" I told myself. Creating a new persona, I wanted a sexy name. Seeing the white lilly growing in a pot on the kitchen counter, I thought of Lilly, Lilly Spark. I needed a spark of romance in this dying marraige. I typed a fake profile, 22 year old married college girl looking for a little fun, and whatever comes next. I added, married white female, curves, curves, and curves. I didn't know if that was good or not. I pressed save. About an hour later I got accepted into the group. Immediately my computer beeped. A man name, lonely Leon asked me why I didn't show up for our date. Huh? I resonded," What date?" He said,"The one I'm asking you on now, baby." Ew, I deleted and blocked him."gross." That gave me an idea though. I messaged Brandon, finding him under the name Lucky Lawyer. "Yeah right." I had used a picture of myself, taken with a filter. Lilly was a curvey blond bombshell. I knew his type. I slid into his DMs(direct messages.) "That wasn't very nice of you to stand me up last night Charles. I was waiting for you." He responded right away. "Well, I would never stand up a beauty like you, but sad to say, I'm not Charles." I smiled as I responded, "My bad. I am so lonely for a sweet, sexy lover.".... He answered, "Me too the old ball and chain has gotten stale." Dick! I couldn't help myself, "She did? don't you love her even a little bit?" I was crying now. "Well, of course. But a man as active as me, with appetites like I have- I need the rush, the thrill if you know what I mean?" I didn't. He hates me... "Well, I can help you there!" I typed. My heart was breaking now. Brandon flirted with her, he asked her about her bra size and what her favorite positions were. He was getting explicit. Lilly responded with what he would like to hear. She told him how hot and horny she was. I was feeling sick now. I couldn't go on much longer. He told her he would chat later, he was at work. My phone rang a little while later, it was Brandon. I said," Hello." Hiding my tears. "Hey baby, gotta work late tonight, don't wait up." He hung up on me. I yelled into my phone as I lost it. "You dirty dog, I hate you!" My computer dinged. It was Brandon. He had lied. "Hey, wanna meet me for a drink tonight?" Lilly responded. "Well, I need to get to know you a bit more. What is your shoe size?" I was feeling numb now. "LOL, I am like a 14!" I knew he was a 12. He kept asking her questions and flirting with her. She told him to message her tonight, "meet me at Alden's bar, down town. If I can sneak away, I will meet up. 7pm okay?" " Hell ya!" he answered. I went to the store and bought a burner phone. I gave Brandon this new number. Lilly Spark's private digits. Am I really doing this? He sent her two thumbs up and an eggplant imoge. "Eww!" I dressed in a pair of black stretch pants, a black shirt and hoody. Under cover. I waited in the back of the bar. I had taken an Uber. I waited in the dark, crossing my fingers that he wouldn't show up. He came! He was looking so handsome, wearing his long over coat, looking every bit the wealthy lawyer. I shrunk down. He looked around, then looked at his watch. Lilly wasn't there. I had brought the burner phone, the one that couldn't be traced back to me. Lilly texted him. "Hey, my man- big daddy is keeping me home tonight, he is real worked up, I can't get away. Kisses, baby." He texted back, " Wah, wah, call me tonight, I want to hear your voice !" I wasn't sure how I could pull that off. I decided that I would need an accent or maybe a filter? I left the bar, going out the back door and jogged home. I needed to relieve some stress anyway. He arrived home before me. He didn't even ask me where I had been. He went right into his home office. My new phone chirped, "s**t," I forgot to turn the ringer off. Lilly answered in a high voice whispering."Hey bebe, can't really talk now, big daddy is getting his drink on, he gets a little crazy when he drinks. Don't want him to get suspicious, text me later." He agreed and hung up. He seemed worried about Lilly now. Sounds like her husband was kind of an ass. I smiled. I took a shower and went to bed. Brandon came in, he started to touch me. He was so hot for Lilly. I thought maybe he did want me. Maybe I should tell him that I am Lilly. Maybe....He finished and rolled over and got out of bed, taking his phone. He went into the shower. No love, no pleasure. Lilly's phone dinged. "Hey, baby call me if you need me, thinking about you girl, good night." Lilly sent him a heart imoge and responded, "He is really mean tonight, just got whiped with his leathers. He is into bondage and stuff. Might be too sore to meet up for a while, miss you." Brandon was coming back into the bedroom. I rolled over and smiled into my pillow. He was such a jerk! *********** Brandon I couldn't sleep well thinking about Lilly. I was so worried about her. She sounded so sweet and innocent on the phone. Delilah was sleeping well. ******** The next day... Delilah I got up early, and went to the gym, taking my new phone with me. He texted Lilly there. "Been worried about you all night girl, send me a picture to show me you are ok." "Jeesh, this guy!" I thought. I had some make up in my bag. I put a smear of light purple and stuck on an old fake eyelash I found at the bottom of the bag. I took a close up picture of my eye. Then used a filter to enhance the color of my eye from brown to greenish. Men don't look at eye color any way. I pushed send. " Damn baby, he is mean. What's your address I will come get you, take you away." He offered. I was kind of impressed that he would care. I got gutsy and called him. I cleared my throat, "Hey, it's all good," Lilly whispered. "I bumped into the wall when he was going at it, he likes it rough, that's why I need a gentle lover, like you bebe." Brandon was quiet. I gripped the phone, he was onto me. " Hey, I gotta go. Can you call me tonight around 7pm?" I agreed. Brandon texted my real phone then. " Hey where are you at Delilah?" Shit, s**t! I didn't answer him. He called me. I let it go to voice mail. I went back into the gym and started running on the treadmill. I was so angry and hurt. I would take it out on my body. One of the local gym rats got on the treadmill next to me. "I've been watching you, you lost some weight, looking good!" I smiled and jumped off of the treadmill and headed to the tanning bed. Not interested. I had a nail appointment next. I was listening to some workout music on the way home. Just singing along. I felt happy. I had a warm glow, mainly from the tanning. It made me happy to care for myself.
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