Two: Delilah gets advice from Grandma. ☆~☆~☆~

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Delilah I got home, throwing my keys on the table. I went straight to the fridge and pulled out a light beer, running my hand in my blond hair. I sat out on the patio. My earbuds were still in my ears, I was nodding my head to the beat, soaking up some California sun. I put my legs up on the adjacent chair and kicked off my tennis shoes. Brandon sat down next to me, startling me. I smiled at him coldly. I didn't want to fight with him today. He motioned for me to remove the music from my ears. "What's up loving husband?" He frowned at the way I had greeted him. He looked away, guilty I screamed in my head, Liar! Holding it all in, the anger was building. He softly said, "Your mom called. Your gramma had a stroke. They couldn't reach you Delilah. If you want to see her alive, you should pack up now. I will take you to the airport, go pack." I had tears in my big brown eyes now. He put his hand on mine. I pulled away. I nodded and silently went up to pack. I couldn't believe it. My grandma is my best friend. I bought a one way ticket home to Oregon. Brandon leaned over to kiss my mouth like a normal husband would be expected to do at a time like this. I just smiled, closed my mouth without showing any teeth. It was all over. This marraige was over now. I wasn't planning on returning, ever. I lost him. I expected Brandon to text his sweet Lilly girl soon. He surprised me a little. He waited until I got to Oregon. I texted him on my own cell phone and told him that I had landed. OK just landed, in case you give a damn or something. He texted Lilly instead, avoiding the text from me, his frigid wife. "Hey girl, looks like I'm free all weekend, got any plans sweetie pie?" Lilly told him that his sweetie pie had the flu and was so sick. He sent a sad face imoge back, then a d**k pic to keep her spirits up . Lilly offered a picture of her hand on her forehead, feigning a fever, to keep him on the hook. He sent her another d**k picture. I scoffed, wondering who's d**k that was, it surely didn't look like Brandon's. The ice grew around my cold, cold heart. It was almost fully turned to pure stone now. I'm freezing. He seemed very scummy to me now. I was not sure he would ever be able to change. He texted me on my real phone. "Tell grandma I love her.Take care sweetie pie!" I shut off my phone in disgust. He had just called Lilly sweetie pie a moment ago. I put a finger down my throat to mimic throwing up. When I got to town, I rented a sports car and put it on Brandon's Am Ex, then drove quickly to her grandma's home. I knew the way by heart. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, hoping to arrive in time. Grandma Patty had a nice little rolling farm in Eastern Oregon. She had live there as a child. I was raised there as well. She was resting in her bed when I rushed through the door, slamming it behind me. Granny had a huge grin seeing me, her baby girl. "Oh, come to gramma." I greeted Grandma with a huge hug. Grandma took one look at me and said," What's wrong?" She was spry as ever. "I was told you were dying." Grandma Patty grinned, "Nah, I am going to out live everyone." My mom, Georgia came in, "Mom, your doctor is worried that you had a small stroke." Grandma Patty shrugged,"news to me." Everyone laughed. Grandma Patty motioned for me to sit. My mother Georgia went out to get lunch ready. "Talk to me, Lillah girl." I looked down at my hands. "Grandma, Brandon is cheating on me." Grandma was shocked, "What, with who, that no good slut, I'll kill her!" " Grandma!" Grandma laughed then. She pat my hand. "Tell me, Lilah girl." " Well, he's cheating on me with Lilly Spark!" " Who's that, sounds like a stripper?" grandma laughed. "Grandma, she's not a stripper, she's married to a much older man she calls big daddy. He abuses her. She has her needs. She is looking for a tender lover." Grandma said,"you seem to know her pretty good." I nodded. "I am Lilly Spark. I created her because I saw that Brandon was on this sleazy dating sight for married men to cheat in their poor wives." Grandma said," Well I'll be darned, aren't you a smart cookie! Show me." I showed her Lilly's profile picture, then showed her Brandon's profile. "That little weasel, he seems so perfect." I nodded. " When I look him in the eyes, know what I see now?" "Tell me Lilah girl." She said. "Our perfect paradise has just been torn apart, done. He's such a horrible, filthy liar!" Grandma nodded. " It's over, I'm not going back." I vowed. Grandma said," Who are you? I never raised no quitters.You love him, you fight for him. He hasn't actually cheated yet, has he?" I shook my head, no. Grandma told me that I needed to get back home. "Go seduce him Lilah girl. Show him the goods. Love him fiercely." "Grandma how did you get so wise?" " I seduced my man back to my bed once." Grandma smiled at the memory. "Grandpa cheated on you?" I was shocked. "No, not grampa, he came after. This man, Johnny Adams. He was the love of my life. He died in the war. We loved each other something fierce, I still miss that man." " I don't know grandma, Brandon has no interest in me any more,"I said, dropping my gaze. Grandma told me a few secrets on getting your man back. "Make him jealous my dear." I stayed over the weekend, then flew back on Monday. I took time off from work for family issues. I decided that I would try to make Brandon jealous. I dressed in a tight white t-shirt, one that showed off my breasts. I had a pair of floral pants and a nice pair of high heels. I had just gotten my hair done. The stylist suggested an hombre style. Brown on the bottom, lighter on top. Wearing a pair of gold rimmed sun glasses, and doing my make-up with long lashes. I strutted up to Brandon's office doorway and knocked. He saw me, he was on the phone. He motioned for me to come in. I sat down on his leather chair and sat up, thrusting my boobs forward. He turned from me and kept talking. He was talking about baseball, again. I waited for 15 minutes. He never even turned around. I stood up and walked out. He ended his call, "Hey, what's up," as he turned to face me, I was gone. He shrugged and went back on another phone call. I angrily went to the gym. I showered and removed my heels and lashes. I put my beautiful new hair style into a pony tail and wore my lycra work out gear. Working out hard for 2 hours straight. By the end I was exhausted. I had no fight left inside. Brandon had texted me. He asked why I had come to see him. I resonded,"you dirty mother.... Then changed it to,"Oh just in the area, I'm home now, thought you wanted to go to lunch, I saw you were working so I left." *********** Brandon I frowned. Delilah had never stopped by my work, I wonder if she is on to me, somehow. I decided I better cool it for a while. ********** Delilah I pushed my long nail into my palm, making a fist. I was holding on as best as I could. Brandon arrived home early, he picked up the phone and called a friend, he talked about stupid baseball for almost two whole hours. I was making roasted chicken for dinner, trying grandma's special trick. Feed your man. Brandon came down the stairs. "Hey, smells good. I'm going to go have drinks with the guys and watch the game for a while, be back soon." He left, I angrily threw the whole f*****g chicken into the trash. I decided I would go for a run. Liar, Liar, Liar. He hates me. I put on my normal jogging clothes, I noticed that they were too loose on me now. I lifted my shirt and noticed that I was getting abs now. I was getting cut. Running to the community park, I sat on a bench to stretch. A cute little 8 year old girl rode up to me on her bike. She had recognized me as her neighbor. She challenged me to a climbing monkey bar challenge on the jungle gym set at the park. "Game on!" Pretty soon we were surrounded by all of the neighbors. It was like a mini Olympics. I outlasted them all. I could do a lot of pull ups. I recognized one of Brandon's Co- workers, Alex Cutter was watching me. He was very cute, but very married. He smiled kindly at me. Alex knew that my husband was a cheater, because Brandon was also a talker. He knew about the website. Brandon had tried to get Alex to join, he was disgusted by his artitude towards women. Alex seemed very impressed by my physique. I felt strong and beautiful the way he stared at me. Why in the world would Brandon cheat on this little hottie. He picked up his daughter and told her that mommy had dinner ready. I looked away. I wanted a life like that. I wanted kids, but Brandon refused me. He said it was too much responsibility. Waving good bye, I headed home. ******** Brandon I saw a very hot chick walking down the road near my house. Her butt was tight. The natural move of her hips was very seductive. I turned my head to whistle at her. Stopping mid whistle with my lips pursed, seeing it was my own wife. She had her ear buds in. She didn't even look my way. I arrived before her, I walked into the house and looked for left overs. Hmmm..I could smell that chicken. I was starving. I sniffed the air until I tracked it down to the garbage can. Frowning now, why would she make it just to throw it away? Something was going on with my wife. I was starting to notice things. I got a bad feeling in my gut. I thought to myself... she is probably cheating on me. She gets all dressed up, She is working out every day. I need to keep an eye on her.
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