Twenty seven. Brandon's special therapy. ♡~♡~♡~♡

1360 Words
Brandon The physical therapist arrived to do therapy with me. He was very surprised to see Delilah and Sam. " Oh, I thought Lillianne was your wife. She set this all up for you?" Delilah gave him a sad smile and shook her head as she went to the kitchen. "Delilah and I are married, we had been separated while she had the baby. It's a long story. After my accident, I lost most of my memory. I only knew that I was married to Delilah. I clung to her after the accident.I think losing my memory and legs was the best thing that ever happened to me." I said proudly. " It made me truly see her. She is the love of my life. I belong with her and our son. So let's go, hit me hard with the exercises to get to walking again. I have a wedding to plan." Mike raised his brows. "That's not reality for you. I have never seen anyone with your condition, paraplegia that comes back to full function." "I won't lie to you, Brandon. You have no movement, no feeling. There has been plenty of time for the swelling to go down. Brandon, you will never walk again." I smiled." You my friend are dead wrong. I moved my foot and my uh...little Brandon yesterday. Several times actually." " How, what were the circumstances? Let's see what you are talking about,"asked Mike. " Delilah, can you come in here a moment," I called out. " What is it Brandon?" She had just put Sam down for his morning nap. " I need you to show Mike here how you get me to move." I smiled. Delilah blushed." Well, uh I climbed on his lap and uh well"... " We were having s*x," I offered. Delilah nodded. " True." Mike smiled. " Show me. I mean like what you were doing when he moved." Delilah straddled me. I kissed her. She relaxed with my soft kisses. She moved her hips and rubbed up against me. Mike saw it then. My foot jerked. I moved. Delilah jumped off. Mike saw what I had meant by my little Brandon was working. I grinned. "I'll be damned!" He said. He picked up my home exercise program and crossed everything off. He wrote one word. Sex. I saw my homework and smiled. "Really how often?" " No offense to you both, but screw like rabbits. I will be back tomorrow to check on your muscle tone." "This is unprecedented. I may be doing a case study on you two. Please take notes for me about your progress." He left us to it. Delilah shook her head. "I have to go home Brandon. I can't stay." I nodded. " I'm coming with you. I will face time with Mike and give him updates until I can return back here. I'm not leaving you now. I hope you know you are stuck with me." She kissed me and sat back on my lap. I moved over to the couch. She moved her skirt up and her panties to the side. She was ready to do my special therapy. I sat up and watched her as she took me in. I saw my foot move and laughed. "I saw that. It moved." Then I felt myself getting very hot. My breath quickened. " Uh, Delilah what's happening?" I arched my back and held onto her as she rode me hard. She fell against my chest and caught her breath. " Brandon you did it. You actually finished." I smiled. " Of course I got no pleasure out of it, but little Brandon still works." I was pretty happy about that. "So there is a connection there my love. You are going to get it all back." She cheered. I felt utterly exhausted. Delilah helped to cover me up. She went to call Georgia. ******** Delilah "Hey, mom how are you doing?" Georgia asked me if I was coming back soon. "Yes mom. Brandon is coming with me." Georgia was quiet. " Is that a good idea. Seems like too much drama to me. You don't need to deal with all of that." I was listening. I was concerned as well, but I wanted to try it anyway. "Mom, Brandon moved his foot. He is making progress with me." I didn't tell her exactly how he was progressing. I left that part out. Georgia said, "That is so awesome. Yes bring him on home my dear. You know I'm always looking out for you first." I said goodbye and hung up. I called Powell next. "Hey, Brandon is coming home with me. Can you please call him. He needs to talk to you. Tell Lillianne she can come home tomorrow as well. I'm sorry Powell. I shouldn't have asked you for the custody paperwork. I know Brandon deserves joint custody. But I believe that we are going to work it all out. I mean we do love eachother." Powell smiled. " Can I see you both before you go?" I agreed. Brandon overheard me talking to his dad. He was fuming. He got into his chair and wheeled up to me. "Delilah, you were trying to take Sam from me? What the hell? My dad was helping you do this to me?" "I am sorry. I was afraid that you were back with Lillianne and might try to take Sam from me. I was feeling all alone. I'm sorry that hurt you. We seem to have a way of hurting eachother. Please believe me when I tell you that I have since changed my mind my love." Brandon frowned thinking about my words. He told me that he didn't want to see his father. "He only thinks about himself. He took my girlfriend. He wants my son now." "Brandon, let's leave now then." He kissed my hand. " We will get through this together, you were right to question my motives after all you've been through." I packed for Brandon and made room in the car for his wheelchair. "Okay, you want shot gun, or....How are we gonna do this Brandon?" Brandon wheeled over to the bathroom. He grabbed a flat wooden plank that had been smoothly shellaced. "This is a slide board. Mike gave it to me to transfer over to the shower chair. Let's try it." Brandon made it, he slid into the seat and chose to sit in the back near our son's car seat. He was happy to be heading home with me where he belonged. ********** Powell I was irate. I tried to call my damn son. Brandon let my call go to voice mail. I called back and decided to leave a message. "Son, if you don't pick up this phone. I am cutting you off completely." I had been paying all of Brandon's expenses. I was paying for his home and his physical therapy. ******* Brandon I did not tell Delilah about my dad's threat to cut me off. I don't want her involved in the many games that my father has played with me over the years to keep me under his thumb. I kept this all to myself. Delilah wasn't happy that I chose to stand up to my powerful father by not answering his call. She thought I was causing unnecessary strife. Gaining full custody of Sam was her idea to start with. " What did he say in the voice-mail?" She asked. " He will call me later. He was not pleased that we left before he got to see Sam again. I knew he would freak out. How dare someone disobey him. It felt good to hear him flounder for a change." They did not know the extent that Powell would go to. He was filing papers now to have Brandon declared a danger to himself and a danger others. He would have him committed. He would get his grandson. Delilah would let him win. She was weak. Hell, she took Brandon back after all he had put her through. Powell would get his way on this. He smiled.
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