Twenty six ♡ Delilah visits

1980 Words
Brandon I had a physical therapist coming today. Lillianne had never come home last night. I wondered if I could do this alone. There was a knock at my door. " Come in please!" I yelled. " Hey, I'm looking for Brandon Jonas?" said an older man wearing hospital scrubs. "Nice to meet you. Are you gonna help me walk again?" " Well, we can work on your goals today, the name's Mike Hunter." " Well, the doctor said the spinal swelling would go down and I would get my function back. Was he telling the truth?" I asked Mike. " Brandon, the likelihood of you ever getting back to 100 percent is pretty low. I can only do what your body let's me do. Let's assess your tactile responses." Mike asked me to close my eyes, he touched me in several different places on my legs and feet. I had no feeling at all. " Let's focus on transfers and personal hygiene for now." He gave me a HEP, home exercise program. We work for an hour. I felt more confident after the visit with my body mechanics. I called dad. " Can I move in with you? I can't trust Lillianne. She was gone all night." I asked. Powell knew this already. "She spent the night with me son. She said you scared her.You told her how violent you had been with your wife. I'm sorry Brandon, I can't have you here while Lillianne is staying here now." With that, I felt really low. I pulled a bottle of vodka out of the fridge. I took a shot, then another. I was on my way to being drunk. I put myself to bed, before I got too sloshed. Delilah, please call me tonight. If you still love me you will call me. I told myself. I didn't try to call or text her. I guess I was feeling sorry for myself. ********** Delilah I was driving to California. My mother had come home now. I was feeling bad that Brandon had fallen. I needed to get him a caregiver. My son Sam was getting bigger. I decided he would be okay on the long car ride. About 3 hours later, I arrived at Brandon's house and knocked loudly. No response. The door was unlocked. I walked into the home and looked for Brandon. I put Sam down on the floor. He was sleeping in the baby carrier. Walking into a dark room, I saw a wheel chair. Brandon was passed out on his bed with a half a bottle of vodka. Smiling, I touched his arm. " Brandon I'm here." He opened his eyes. "Ha there Deliler, " he slurred. I kissed his messy head. He grabbed my face and kissed my lips. " I know that you love me, you came to my house!" He tasted like alcohol. "Rest, I will see you in the morning." I went to sleep on the couch. He yelled for me. " Liler, where is my son?" He demanded. " Shhh...I will go get him, but he's asleep right now." Brandon nodded. "I'll be quiet." I brought Sam into the room and Brandon started to drunk cry. " I didn't even know that you were having my baby. I missed it all. I'm a lousy father. I'm so sorry." I tried not to laugh. He was so dramatic. I kissed his brow. " Brandon let's just move forward. We can get past all of this." He frowned. " I don't know if we can, I found out today from my therapist I might never walk again. I might be like this forever. How will I ever make love to you?" "I much prefer this Brandon to the old Brandon. If you cannot make love to me, you will simply love me instead. s*x doesn't have to be the most important thing in life. I promise you, I would give it all up to have you as you are now." Brandon didn't expect me to say that. " I want to pleasure you my love. I still have my hands and mouth," smiling as he reassured me. I looked at him as I removed my clothing. " Brandon, I am going to sleep with you tonight." He smiled," Come my lady, come to my bed." Laughing, I kissed him gently as I moved my breasts against his chest. He kissed me there and watched my eyes. He put his hand between my legs and watched to see if I enjoyed his touch. " Do you like this my love?" I nodded." Very much." I straddled him as he rubbed me and kissed me. I climaxed and lay against him breathing hard. " Delilah am I responding at all?" he asked me. Looking down between his legs, I smiled. "Yes you are." I touched him then. He could only feel the pressure of my hand. I kissed him there. He wished he could feel it. I lay back beside him. "We will keep working on it. It must be a good sign if you were responding to me." He smiled," Touch me again." I did and he looked at me. " Are you doing it?"He asked me hopeful. I nodded. " Nothing. I can't feel you." He said. I pulled Sam up onto the bed. Brandon watched him sleep. I fell asleep then too. Brandon smiled. "This is all I need, right here." He fell asleep content for the first time since he had left Oregon. ********** Brandon When the sun came up, I heard Sam cooing as he looked at me. I pulled him onto my bare chest. Sam giggled and laughed at his daddy. He rubbed his head against my chest, he was hungry. Delilah was still asleep. I put Sam down and slid myself into my wheel chair, then picked up the baby and wheeled my chair with one arm slowly to the living room. I found the diaper bag and pulled out some formula and mixed up a bottle. Then I handed it to Sam and started to change his very wet diaper. " Son, daddy needs coffee." I lay Sam on the couch and tucked a pillow around him so he wouldn't fall off. As I started to wheel away, Sam rolled over almost off the couch. "Son, you are stronger now my big boy." I decided to stay with him as he finished the bottle. I picked him up and burped him. " Okay, coffee time." I tried to manuever into the kitchen and couldn't go far with one arm. I had an idea and rooted around for that hands free thingy. It was at the bottom of the bag. I slid Sam inside, I was now hands free. Sam loved it, he kicked his legs. Daddy spent all morning tending to my son and taking good care of him. ********** Delilah I woke up and stretched. I hadn't felt so good since my release last night. I felt like a new woman, getting up to shower. I walked out naked. Brandon saw my curves and all of my stretch marks. I had a small baby belly where I once was flat. " I love looking at the mother of my son." He grinned. " Thank you for last night. It was everything I didn't even know I needed." He bit his lip. " You and Antonio aren't having uh, relations?" " I'm not with Antonio. I mean he is married to Louisa now. She's the girl that looks just like his deceased wife. He dumped me for her while he was in Italy. I wasn't happy to see him. He brought the girl to my mother's house. It was horrible." Brandon was secretly elated. He put Sam down in his carrier, he had fallen asleep. " Delilah, could we work on my touch therapy again?" He smiled. I came over and sat on him in the wheel chair naked. He kissed me, then deepened the kiss, using his tongue. As he kissed me his foot jerked. He kept kissing me, touching my flesh. His foot moved again. I felt it that time. I touched him between the legs he jerked his foot. Turning around, I watched his foot move as I touched him there. I grinned. " Brandon, you are moving your foot." Brandon smiled. " Keep stimulating me. I think it's working. " Rubbing myself over him, he responded. I slid him in, then moved until I found my release. I was kissing him, my mouth open, breathing hard as I came. Brandon was estatic that I could find pleasure with him somehow. He didn't know how or why I was able to get him to respond to my body, but he said it must be the love that we still had for eachother. I wasn't finished with him. I kept moving as my head rolled back, and a moan escaped me. " Brandon, I wish you could feel what you are doing to me. I haven't made love with you like this, ever. I mean I usually tried to pleasure you. I never had more than one....uh hold on," I said as my breathing quickened again. " Oh, Brandon. I can't....uh...uh...yes. Oh, yes." Finally I relaxed against his chest. He kissed me tenderly and closed his eyes. "I am sorry. I should have been a better lover to you. I didn't give you what you needed." " Brandon. We are going to make up for all of that lost time," I grinned. I hopped off of him and looked at his foot. " Okay try to move it." He shrugged. " Is it moving?" " No, it must be from me sitting on your lap. Let me try again." I sat on him once again and moved my hips. He saw his reaction to me and sat me onto his erection. He told me to move. Oh I did, I moved again and again. I started to moan again."Brandon it's moving!" " My foot, really?" he said excitedly. "No your little Brandon. It's moving in me." I got quiet as I concentrated. Yes, I felt him as he moved. I was so turned on that I climaxed again. He smiled seeing my eyes roll back. " I can do this all day," he said. " Oh, me too Brandon. Me too!" We had a nice morning as I explored myself on Brandon's body. He told me, "You are the sexiest creature I ever saw. You are all mine Delilah. I will get better with you here." "I'm not staying Brandon. I just came to hire a caregiver for you. I was hoping to get you settled so you would be safe." " Uh, no Delilah. You are the key to my recovery. I mean my body responded to you. I need you here. Plus I can give you as much pleasure as you need." I smiled. "I see your point there. However, I do need to get back. My aunt is very ill. Mom needs to go back east to take care of her. I promised I would be home by tomorrow." Brandon nodded. " I can't argue with that. I wish I could go with you. I want to get these legs moving. I want to walk you down the aisle again. I want to do it all over again. Let's get married again when I am walking. Can you marry me again?" " I would marry you again Brandon. I would love to, some day." He heard the baby crying then. He went to his room and picked him up. He snuggled his son. " Daddy will get better. Daddy will walk mommy down the aisle and marry her again. You will see son." Brandon smiled as Sam cooed. Brandon's heart melted.
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