Forty two. The vow renewal.

2003 Words
Brandon I held Delilah in my arms as I slowly danced with her across the barn. Everyone watched closely as I had been practicing this wedding dance with Hanna to surprise my wife at the renewal of our vows. I was dressed by Jesse, who gave me a new black suit that fit my slender body like a glove. Delilah wore a pure white dress with full lace sleeves and a defined waist that showed her curvey figure. She put her head on my shoulder as she danced with me. Sam was running around in circles, laughing with the other kids. Seraphina was being held by Georgia, loving on her sweet granddaughter. The barn was decked out with mason jars filled with soft light and the live band played Patsy Cline, crazy for you. Delilah looked up into my eyes. "You look amazing tonight." She said. She couldn't believe that she had me back. I was a free man. No one had heard from Powell. The conservativeship was dissolved. Lillianne testified on my behalf. She played the recordings that she had made of Powell incriminating himself in the death of my poor mother, Milly. Milly's body was exhumed from the rose garden. Lillianne had found a new man. He was her little guy. She doted on him. Little Johnny. He was her special guy. She was tutoring him and he had stopped stuttering. She found her true purpose as a teacher. She was still looking for her soul mate, but hadn't been obsessed by it. She had written several cook books on old farm recipes, with the help of CiCi and was very popular on her social media with her farming lifestyle chanel. She was becoming known as "that cute farm girl". She loved all of the positive attention. I walked over to the band and stopped the music. I whispered to the emcee, this surprise was my wedding gift to my wife. I had all of the kids singing, Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you ...Everyone else joined in. Delilah stood there and cried. Her life was totally different than she ever imagined. She had sworn off men at one time. She had thought her love life was doomed. She was destined to devote herself fully to only loving her very sweet baby Sam. She was so wrong, she had needed my heart as well . I still struggled with my memory at times, but I had chosen to remember only the best of times. I was a very good father, that was all I aspired to be. Though Adam had employed me for special project around his farm. I was tasked to make the farm wheel chair accessible. Adam had decided to open up his farm for wine tours. As the evening came to an end, Delilah went up to the farm house to put the kids to bed and brought the baby monitor out with her to the barn to keep a close eye on them. She drank some lemonade. She was still breastfeeding Seraphina. I was laughing at something Lillianne had said. Delilah smiled as she looked around the soft glow of barn. She was amazed at the huge group of family and friends her and I had. We were blessed. I caught her eye. I was always watching her. I excused myself from Lillianne. Lillianne turned around, seeing why I was moving away from her. She, herself was getting emotionally closer to Delilah. Lillianne had changed so much, she even considered Delilah one of her best friends, next to Jesse, Avery and Hanna. Adam was still avoiding her for the most part. I touched my wife's arm. " Hey there Delilah, want to sneak off and make out in the chicken coop?" She giggled. "No, I think I just saw Avery and Jesse sneak in there." I kissed her. "Thank you." She looked at me softly. "For what?" I whispered. "For pretending to be another woman that I would cheat on you with. For dragging me down those stairs, tying me up and fighting for us. For creating our precious family, for never stopping...even when it hurt you so badly. For choosing to love me when it would be so much easier to love another man... a man like Antonio." I was teary eyed now. Delilah kissed me. "I just love you, that's all. You are my soul mate."She was all choked up. I smiled at her warmly as she checked the baby monitor. Delilah was very close to starting to bawl, she stepped back from me, trying not to make a scene at what I had just said to her. "Sam is still awake, I'll be right back," she said -hiding her face from me as she quickly walked back up to the house, wiping her tears as they cascaded down. ******** Delilah I stepped onto the gravel drive when a man suddenly came at me from the shadows. I jumped and dropped the baby monitor, cracking the screen. Powell put his hand out. He had a gun. I knew he was crazy enough to kill me or the kids. I smiled and tried to move him away from the house. He pointed at his sedan. " Get in he commanded." I simply nodded and went with him, protecting the children. I covertly slid off the garter on my thigh as I got into his car and dropped it into the grass. Hoping Brandon would see it. I looked at Powell, he was very unkempt. His beard was wild and gray. I saw him grip the steering wheel tightly. Powell drove off down the road. I could see his hands were tremoring now. He licked his cracked lips. " Why don't we stay. I can help you mend things with Brandon." I offered. He shook his head. " Too late for that." I watched where he was taking me. He drove down a dirt road and stopped the car. " We need to ditch that dress, it's too bright." He said looking at me with smoldering eyes. I got out and slipped out of my wedding dress. I was in my under clothing a white slip and stockings. Powell looked intently at me. "You are truly a natural beauty. My crippled son never deserved you." He said. " Take it all off." He smiled, "Please." He undid his own belt and opened his pants, exposing himself to me. "Lie down. I want you. Open your legs girl." I was terrified. I couldn't lie with this crazy man. I took a step back. He held the gun out. "Come on, I have been thinking about you. Ever since I saw you in LA, lying on that bed. Brandon didn't want you then, but I did. I even thought about you when I was with Lillianne. It's always been you my love." I frowned."I'm just a plain farm girl. A man with your status deserves a woman of... importance, why me?" I was stalling. Fighting the panic that was building inside. He touched my breast. "When a man knows that he can't have a girl, it's taboo. He wants her more. I want you Delilah. I know you are a good lay. You got yourself pregnant by my crippled son." I shook my head. " I love Brandon. I will never give myself to you. I can't." He grabbed me by the waist and thrust up against me. I dropped down and scrambled to my feet, then took off running. He fired a shot into the air. I ran faster. He carefully aimed the gun at me and took a shot, he shot me right in my leg. I flopped down to the ground writhing in pain. He slowly walked to me and bent low, hitting me in the head with the handle of the gun. I went unconscious. He wrapped my leg up with his jacket to stop the bleeding. Powell carried me to the car and drove away. He would care for me at home. He smiled,"She's feisty." ********** The barn....... Brandon I waited for my bride to emerge. Wondering if she had trouble with Sam. I would go relieve her. I got into my wheel chair and pushed myself up to the house, I wasn't able to walk quite that far yet. I saw something glowing on the path. It was the baby monitor. I bent down and scooped it up. I looked at the kids, and saw that they were asleep, then noticed that the screen was cracked, I ran my finger over it, feeling a lump in my gut. I wheeled into the house. She wasn't in there. I went back to the barn and found Adam. " Delilah is missing, have you seen her?" Adam chuckled " Runaway bride?" I handed Adam the baby monitor. "I found this in the driveway. She's not in the house." Adam jumped into action. He halted the music. He remembered his own bear attack years ago, he was very worried now. Everyone went out to look for her. Jesse saw some white and pink material in the gravel. It was her leg garter. It had been run over. He called Henry. " Henry, over here, look!" Henry looked at the tire marks. He frowned. It didn't look good. " Someone took her." Georgia quickly played back the door security camera. Everyone saw her then, Powell was holding a gun on her. She looked at the camera for a moment and they all could see that her eyes were wet with tears. Powell took Delilah into his car at gun point. I sucked in my breath and yelled at the screen. "Oh my God in heaven not Delilah. Me...take me dad. Not my Delilah. Not her!" Henry called it in to the police. Everyone raced to go find her. ********* Adam Hanna and I went down a gravel road. Hanna pointed, she spotted the white wedding dress. I spotted blood. Lots of blood. The police taped off the area. They found a spent bullet casing. ******** Brandon I went into my room and took out my gun safe and a rack of bullets. I would kill him. I was going to get her back. Only one problem, I couldn't drive. Antonio ran into the squeaky bedroom. He looked at that bed and his eyes welled up. He got me. "Let's go." Georgia hugged me. " I will watch the kids, please get her back for me."She cried. We all got into the car. Lillianne jumped into the back seat. "I'm going too." We both nodded. "Maybe I can help. He used to listen to me."she said. I told Antonio to take me to my father's home. I was sure that was where he would take her, back to California. I did not know about the wedding dress and the blood that was found. ********* Delilah I woke up in the car, feeling searing pain to my leg. " Powell, I need a doctor, please."I said as I moaned. He grunted. " I can't stop yet. Here take these. He handed me some pills, he said they were Tylenol. I swallowed them back. A few minutes later, I realized they were not Tylenol. The were much stronger. They took all of my pain away. I giggled hysterically as I looked down at my bloody leg. I was very stoned. He had given me some heavy narcotics. I was heavy lidded, and fell into a deep peaceful sleep. Powell smiled. "Well, that's one way to make you quiet down." ********** Brandon I was frozen with fear for my wife. In my mind, I saw my father looming over her, as he had done to me many times. I was gripping the gun firmly. Lillianne took it from my hands. "I will hold this for you, for now." I didn't answer, just nodded. Lillianne knew that she could kill Powell. She was sure of it.
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