Fifty six ♡ Lillianne and Jonathan

1593 Words

Brandon held his daughter Sera. She said. " Daddy, play." She was stringing words together now. He tickled her. She giggled and laughed. Sam came running in and jumped on the bed. " Daddy! Tickle me!" He was jealous. Brandon wanted nothing more in his life then to be a daddy. He was the bestest daddy too. Delilah called everyone to the living room. "Kids, daddy come on, people are arriving, let's go party!" Brandon sat up, using his new trapeze bar and swung his legs out of bed. He lowered Sera down. She was walking. Sam took her hand. "Come in sis, our friends are coming." Brandon got his suit jacket on. He stood up and looked in the mirror. Delilah came in to help him. "You look very good Brandon. You can't go out like this, maybe just wear some sweat pants." She smiled.

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