Twenty three, A Lost love returns♡~♡~♡~♡

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Brandon I sent a text to Delilah. " Are you okay, I didn't see you leave?" Delilah told me that she just got home. She said," You're the one running away from me and Sam dear." I was very confused. Lillianne told me she had left before me. I was starting to understand now. Liar! Delilah was glad I at least texted her. She asked me now about what happened. " Lillianne visited me in the hospital, she said you two were going back to California together. Do we need to meet to sign the divorce papers again?" I sent her a sad face. "NO! Can you just call me please?" She sent me an angry imoge. " I can't talk. My throat is gone." ********* Delilah My phone rang then on video chat. I answered it expecting Brandon. It was Antonio. "Ah... Bella I hoped you would answer this way. I got a new phone. I couldn't seem to contact you on my old phone. Listen, I can't talk long. My wife and I are traveling through the area, could we stop by for a little visit?" I held my throat. I motioned that I couldn't speak. He frowned. "Bella, what's wrong are you ill?" I tried to tell him not to come. I really didn't want to meet his wife. Especially not as sick as I was. How dare he just pretend I was nothing to him. I hung up on him. He smiled,"Okay then, we are pulling up now." He hung up smiling nervously. I looked horrible. I had on an old t-shirt and worn jeans with holes in them. My hair was in a rats nest. I hadn't showered in 3 days. There was a loud knock on the door. I frowned and opened the door. No, I can't do this, I thought. Antonio stood there in front of me. He had his arm around a beautiful young woman. She was all darkness with black hair and eye make up. She wore a calf length dress and a fur coat. They had their bags with them. I opened the door. Antonio had a beard now. I ushered them in and motioned for them to sit. I did my best to make them comfortable, be polite as mother taught me to. Georgia had left to visit her sister once again. I was alone in the house. Antonio smiled. "This is my wife Maria... uh Louisa. Sorry I keep doing that." He looked at me, searching my face for a reaction. I turned to stone. ******* Antonio She was a mess but I saw through all of that. Memories of laying with her in the squeeky bed came flooding back. I didn't expect to feel such a deep pull for her. Yes, I had often imagined it was her under me as I made love to my new wife. Louisa looked just like my dead wife, but she was nothing like my sweet Maria Bella. I was finding out that I had made a huge mistake. I regretted it after the first week. This girl, she was selfish and whiney. She had a lot of issues. Nothing was ever good enough for her. At the restaurant she would almost always send her food back. Very immature. I had no love for her. I was struggling to be alone with her. She wanted to see California. She had big plans of being an actress. She was sure I would be able to further her career with my connections. Delilah heard Sam crying. She stood up and held up one finger. She picked up her son and cuddled him. Sam was extra clingy since she had been in the hospital for over a week. Hanna and Adam had taken excellent care of him. But they were not momma. She moved back out to the living room. We both stared at her. She looked down. She had a large wet ring around her breast were her milk had leaked. She couldn't breast feed Sam because of the antibiotics. It was difficult for them both. She wanted to feed him and he rooted around stimulating her milk. She had tears in her eyes. I stood up. I took Sam in my arms. I was feeling such emotion for Delilah. I wanted to hold her. Delilah went to her room and changed. She heard Louisa say. " I don't want to hold him. He's all drooly." I walked him, holding him over my shoulder and whispered to him. He should be my son. "Sam, your mama, she will be right back." Sam's little lip quivered. He started to cry at this stranger holding him. Delilah came back out and fixed Sam a bottle. She put him in the cradle and rocked him with her foot. He had one of Brandon's shirts in the there with him. He calmed right down. Louisa asked Delilah to show them around the farm. She held out her hand to indicate they should go explore. I wanted to talk to Delilah alone. I took my wife outside and sent her down to the cattle pen. She skipped off. I said he needed to use the bathroom but would be right back. I came back into the house. I was nervously rubbing my beard. Delilah saw me return alone, she was frowning at me. " I know it's short notice, I just needed to see you now that we are back in the states." She took a deep breath. She nodded. She stood up walked toward the bedrooms and put their suitcases in the squeaky bedroom. I looked at that bed. I shook my head. " Is there another room?" She shook her head. I didn't want to lay in that bed with Louisa. She remembered our love making as well. It was a tender moment that they had shared together. It was fitting that he share it with his wife now. She swallowed and mouthed, can you watch Sam while I shower real quick? I nodded. I watched her walk away, hearing the shower start. I walked into the bathroom and stared at the shower curtain, wanting badly to join her in there as I once had done, before I ruined my whole life. Then I heard my shallow wife calling for me. I hurried out the door. ******* Delilah I had heard Antonio enter the bathroom. I stood very still wondering if he would try to join me there in the shower. " Antonio, where did you go, I waited for you?"Louisa asked him. He patted her hand. "Delilah asked if I could watch Sam while she showered real quick." Louisa frowned. "We didn't come here to be her nanny, really Antonio. We should get a hotel. This place is too quaint." I felt so much better, I threw on a sweatshirt and some flannel pajamas I had my hair up in a towel. I smiled at Louisa. ********* Louisa I thought she was very beautuful even without make up on. I felt jealous. Delilah prepared a chicken for dinner. She rinsed off some potatoes and put them to boil. She made a salad and instructed us, her guests to enjoy a glass of wine for me. She gave Antonio a wine glass of sparkling water. He accepted the drink and his fingers grazed her hand as he took the glass. I didn't miss the subtle touch of his fingers against hers. I felt a rush of jealousy in my stomach at his warm touch on her hand. I was longing to be adored by my husband like this. Delilah set the table and when the food was done, she set out three plates. She sat Antonio at the head and me across from him. She sat in the middle. She stood to serve us some food. She gave Antonio the legs, she knew he liked dark meat. She offered me some breast meat. I nodded and ate every bite. I didn't offer any complaints to Antonio's pleasant surprise. I was starving. Antonio noticed that Delilah didn't eat anything but a bite if potato. She had excused herself by nodding and picking up her son. He frowned. He took a plate to her and fed her as she sat on the couch with Sam. Antonio offered her some chicken. She grimaced. He throat was too sore. She didn't want to tell him the real reason. She never ate the chicken that she slaughtered. She just couldn't do it, remembering when they were alive and depended on her for caring for them. It was a betrayal. He got up and made her some tea. She took it readily. I didn't care for the way my husband was paying such close attention to Delilah. I asked Antonio if he could help me in the bedroom. He excused himself and went to the room with me. I pulled him down on top of me and kissed him. The bed began to squeak. I was excited hearing the noise. I made it squeak as hard as it could as I straddled my husband and tried to make loud love to him, laughing loudly. ******* Delilah I heard the noise and sighed. I had let Antonio go a long time ago. I had decided that he would be fine with his new bride. At least she could give him pleasure as I once had. I felt so awkward listening to them make love while I sat out in the quiet living room with my son. Finally the noise stopped. Louisa came out adjusting her dress. Antonio stayed behind, embarrassed. He couldn't believe the show that she had just put on. She didn't even take off her clothes. I needed air, I walked outside and wrapped Sam up in a warm blanket. I went out to the barn in the moon light. I fed the hens and cows. Then shut the barn up for the night. Louisa was behind me when I shut the doors. I smiled wearily at her. " I don't know what you two were to eachother, but he is all mine. You hear me, mine." She stomped off. I opened the barn door back up and stepped inside I would stay out of the house for a while. Too much drama. When I went back inside, much later- the lights were all off. I crept into my room. Antonio was waiting for me. He pulled me close and kissed me passionately. I was stunned, angry. I pushed him away. "You just had s*x with your wife. Please Antonio. I can't." I mouthed. He moved away. "I made a huge mistake Bella. I don't love her, I still love was fake s*x anyway." I took a breath and tried to whisper. "Tony, when you left me for Louisa I.....well it was horrible." He frowned. " I thought she was my Maria Bella coming back for me. I was caught up in the notion that they were the same person. If you could have the person that you first fell in love with, the one that you had tragically lost come back with you, wouldn't you have to do anything, move any mountain to be with him?" I knew that feeling, thinking of my Brandon. " Antonio, I get it, but you are married to her now. That ship has sailed. I had once believed that you were meant to find me, save me from my horrible marriage. I have decided that I don't need a man to save me. I have the power to save myself. I am very happy with my life, my little guy. It is enough." I could barely whisper, my voice was fading fast. " You are divorced from Brandon then?" I shook my head. "He was in a bad accident, he lost the use of his legs, he lost his memory and tore up the divorce papers. His mind went back to a time in our life when we had just gotten married. I am no fool. I know his memory will come back. He will feel those old feelings of hatred for me again. He went back home to California with his fiance. I don't expect anything good to come of it. I just want to be left alone." The lights were suddenly switched on. Louisa stood defiantly at the door. Her arms were crossed. "Well isn't this cozy?" Antonio was caressing my arm. He stepped away. "Louisa, it's not like that, we were just talking." I shut my bedroom door after Antonio went back out with his wife. I turned off the lights. I could hear Louisa berating Antonio through the thin walls. I put my pillow over my head and tried to tune it out. In the morning they were gone. They didn't even say goodbye. Antonio left me a note that I found in the hen house. " My sweet Bella, it's you I love, I will fix it somehow, I love you so much. I'm sorry. Please forgive me somehow." I tossed the note in the garbage.
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