Twenty four.▪︎•▪︎•▪︎•▪︎•▪︎ Lillianne is a cheater.

1972 Words
Brandon Delilah hadn't called me. She texted that she couldn't talk. I felt that something bad was going on. I was losing her. I wished I hadn't listened to Lillianne's lies. I supposed it was for the best. I couldn't bear the thought of hurting my wife again. I decided I would devoutly take the medication the doctor gave me. The physical therapist was coming tomorrow. I had a plan to get back on my feet and then return to my wife, a whole man. I missed my little guy. No one would believe that I of all people, could have gotten so attached to a baby in such a short time. I got myself into my chair and wheeled out to the back deck for some fresh air. I thought I heard Lillianne talking to someone. She was giggling. I knew it wasn't me, not my father Powell, he mysteriously went out of town. I moved my chair closer to the window. " Randy, I will show you more skin when you send the money. It's all for you baby!" I was sure she had sounded just like Lilly Spark. I wheeled into the kitchen and pulled open my lap top on the kitchen counter. I searched for Lillianne on-line. I saw she was currently live. I wondered what platform she was on. I found her on an only fans account then booted her up. s**t, I saw her fully naked. She was putting on a show. I closed the computer. I felt so betrayed. Used by her. Why I ever chose her over Delilah I did not know. I now felt the sting of betrayal. The feeling of being made a fool deep in my gut. I could almost handle her and Powell being together more than what I had just seen on my computer. Sickening. I wheeled down to Lillianne's room and opened up the door. She saw me, a look of shock came over her. She didn't know I was able to get out of bed by myself. She thought I was sleeping. I scowled at her and turned to leave. ********* Lillianne I continued with my show. I had several big fish on the line from my overseas sponsors. They paid me 6 figures. I saw the look of pain on Brandon's face. I knew I had blown it. I didn't really need Brandon now, since I had started sleeping with his father. I guess I was hoping to keep him strung along to keep Powell jealous? I didn't expect to feel bad about hurting Brandon. ********** Brandon I ruined my life. I tried to text Delilah when I got back into my bed. She didn't respond. "Hey there Delilah, I know that I made a huge mistake. Can you face time me tomorrow please. Delilah please!" I'm all alone. ******** Delilah I saw Brandon's text in the morning when I rose. I chose not to answer right away. I was feeling confused by Antonio's visit. I felt the tendrils of our love affair. He was there for me at one of my lowest times. I would always love some part of him. He looked incredibly handsome with his short beard. His hair was longer too. I couldn't respond to Brandon. I was feeling hurt that he had left me and Sam. Sam especially did not need to be hurt by him. I wondered if I would have slept with Antonio if he wasn't with his wife. I felt warm thinking about being with him. His cologne, the way he kissed me, I had to harden my heart. I shook it off and decided that I would start the morning chores. I strapped my son onto my chest using the hands free front pack. He kicked his feet, loving it. I slowly walked out to the barn and fed the girls. They clucked all around me. I smiled at the simplicity of this life of mine. I made sure that they had some water. Next I tended to the cows. It was satisfying work. I walked back into the house. A car pulled up. I wondered who was visiting me now, then a knock on the door. " Hello Delilah, I think it's time for us to have a little talk." It was my father in law, Powell Jonas. I frowned and let him in. I didn't want him here. Powell held out his hands for Sam. I took him out of the front pack. He lifted Sam up and held him to his chest. " This is why I came. I needed to meet this little guy." I worried as I whispered to him,"He's not able to travel, he's too young. Don't even think about asking me to bring him home to Brandon." I was afraid he would try to take him from me. Powell looked at me, he saw the fear in my eyes. " I am seeing Lillianne now. Brandon doesn't know. I don't know how to tell him. I need your help." I did not expect him to say that, I sat down. " I will make you a deal, if Brandon makes up his damn mind and decides to come back to me... uh us, I will tell him. But I need a document. You are a lawyer. I need protection." He hadn't expected me to be the type to extort money from him. He supposed all women were the same. He reached into his pocket for his check book. I sneered. " Not money Powell. I want sole custody of Sam when Brandon gets his memory back and hates me again. I can't be separated from my baby, it will kill me. Please Powell, I need some protection." Powell softened then. "What did that dummy do to you? Why on earth would he hate you of all people?" I put all my cards on the table. "I made him have s*x with me, I knocked him out and tied him up. I tricked him. I made him do it, I pretended to be his secret online affair. It was me all along. I pretended for months, I tried to become the woman he desired. He threw me out of our bed when he found out. I hit him with the lamp and took him to the basement. Brandon was so angry, he hated me so much. He tried to....well it was horrible. So I know deep down he hates me. Powell, when he had that first seizure, he asked me for a divorce, he hated me once again. He squeezed my ....well it was ugly. So you see, I know my husband. He left me for Lillianne once. He left me again at the hospital...." I clenched my hands together, almost breaking down. "He is a little unstable. All I ask is for a little protection. I just need to know that my son will be with me. Please Powell." Powell looked at his grandson. He handed him back to me. " This was quite eye opening. That day, when you were at the hotel laying on the bed looking so....voluptuous while Brandon was working. I thought you were his mistress, I apologize for that." He offered. " I sent him after you, he didn't bring you back to the room. Then later, I saw you leave the hotel lobby, Delilah. Did you know that I was waiting there for you? I saw you run off. I am sorry I didn't go after you. Delilah, look at me. I will get you that protection, if you agree to give Brandon one more chance. Let me handle everything." I nodded." I want us to be a family, it's up to Brandon. He doesn't seem to want us. I am unable to go anywhere right now, with the farm and all. My mother is away. Sam isn't old enough to travel," I looked down at my son. "Powell, I want to come to California. I want to come and drag my husband back, but I fear he will just leave me again, its painful. It hurts so much to be set aside, for what? For that woman, to find out that she's not even faithful to him." I cried. ********* Powell I left feeling sad for the girl and all that she had been through. I would make Brandon tow the line, make sure Delilah stayed in the family. Hell, I would marry her myself if Brandon sets her aside. ******* Antonio I texted Delilah. "I'm so sorry Bella, can you meet me for dinner. I need to see you before I go to California." I felt bad about visiting her with my new fake wife. That was a big mistake. I thought it would go differently. I didn't expect to be fully in love with her again. I was longing for her. She was so beautiful. So easy to love. Not like this woman I had chosen to marry. I was a fool. Delilah was mine, she would have married me. Sam would be my baby. Delilah did not respond to my messages. ******** Delilah I started to wash the baby in the sink, he loved bath time. My phone rang while Sam was all slippery in the warm water. I let it go to voice-mail. It rang again. Brandon had tried to call me several times. He needed to tell me that he was very sorry that he had left me, left our son. Seeing Lillianne naked in that room, had really opened his eyes. I was still busy with Sam. She tucked him in and whispered a lullaby to him. Finally, I called Brandon back. " Hey there Delilah, how's my boy doing?" I whispered," Sleeping." " I miss you, please don't try to talk to me. I want to tell you why I love you Delilah." " I love you because you can just come into the room looking so effortless, you don't even try, but you are the center of my whole world. When I think about you, I get all weak in the knees." " I love you for the way you fight for what you love. You are the best mother a man could ask for. I love you for standing up for us. For taking all of my crap and somehow putting all of the blame on your own shoulders, even when it was all my fault. I love the way your hips sway when you walk by me, the softness of your hair, the tenderness of your lips on mine." Delilah laughed. " I like the weakness in the knees part the best." Brandon was getting choked up. "I'm going to say good night now, but I want you to know....I adore you my wife. Please don't give up on me. I am just a simple minded man. I made so many mistakes. I will die if you and Sam leave me, I will die." He had used her own words then to tell her how serious he was, that he would die without her and Sam. Delilah rasped,"Brandon, I have always loved you. I have to go now. Good night." " Delilah wait, one more thing. Lillianne is sleeping with my father. She cheated on me. I now understand the pain that you must have felt. The pain that I put you through. I'm sorry wife. I was so lost. I need you Lilah, I see your pure heart. I was such a fool to love Lillianne." " Good night husband. I will call you tomorrow," I said as tears flowed down my eyes blinding me. So that's why he had called. Lillianne had dumped him, I was his second choice, he had no other options. My heart was breaking all over again.
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