Eight: Too many vodka tonics.•☆•☆•☆•☆

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Delilah I walked into the house. The TV was left on. I went to turn it off. It was on the playmate chanel. I sighed, slowly walking up to me and my d**k husband's room. I saw Brandon sleeping in the bed. He had an empty bottle of whiskey next to him. I was hoping that he was still hot for Lilly Spark. I brushed my hair out and put on some musky perfume. I was trying hard to feel excited for this man. I stripped down naked and crawled into the warm bed. He wasn't moving. Laying beside him, I rubbed his skin, trying to get warmed up. He roughly shrugged me off, rolling over to his side. I rolled him back over onto his back. He was snoring loudly. Pulling the covers off and whispering to him. "Sweetie pie." as I carefully straddled him. He bucked me off and shoved me hard now. "Stop Delilah, I'm sleeping." I moved away, then waited until he was snoring and tried again, I rubbed him gently. He rolled over to me. "I said stop it, I'm sleeping, why are you being such a b***h!" He was still quite drunk. I frowned, frustrated and got up. So broken. I took a shower to wash off his rejection and freshen up, getting dressed. I looked down at my hands, and removed my diamond wedding ring and put it into the drawer. Tears were streaming down my face. Why was he was such a jerk lately. I walked down the side walk towards town. I wore a pair of tight, black slacks and a long, white button down shirt. I had unbuttoned the top four buttons and tied the shirt at my slim waist, revealing my cleavage. I wasn't wearing a bra. Revenge was on my mind. I mumbled to myself as I quickly walked down the sidewalk, "Frigid, b***h, ugly, cheater," looping in my head as I walked. ********** Antonio I met her there at the bar. Seeing that she was upset, I greeted her with a side hug. "Hubby must be home?" I queried. She nodded. "He's such a miserable creature." She answered. She smiled at me radiantly, with gritted teeth. "Let's have some fun Tony." I pulled a strand of hair from her eye. I wanted a reason to touch her. She smiled. Pain.... I could tell that she was hurting. She leaned in- eyes wide with intent and kissed me, biting my bottom lip and then licking it with her sweet tongue seductively. I pulled back, holding her chin in my firm hand and looking into her eyes, scanning them for understanding. I could tell that she was out for revenge tonight. I could see a glimpse of pink as her left n****e was peaking out of her open blouse. I slowly buttoned up her shirt for her as I stared into her frowning brown eyes. Removing my blazer, I put it around her shoulders, rubbing them briskly. She didn't respond. She was mumbling to herself again. I heard her say,"frigid, b***h, ugly, cheater." I was really concerned now. Maybe buying her a strong drink might help. A vodka tonic. She gulped it down fast and motioned to the bar tender. "Another please." By her 5th shot, I cut her off. She stopped talking under her breath. She was loosening up now. I rubbed her arm. "You are so beautiful, sexy, loyal, and sweet." I gave her some new words to add to her mantra. She touched my arm. "Let's get out of here, you and me Tony, come on,"she looked at her watch. I paid the tab. She pulled me along the parking lot to the side walk. We climbed up the sidewalk to a steep hill side. I found myself breathing hard. When we had reached a spot at the top, she sat down and patted the ground next to her. I sat down and crossed my legs out in front of me. I leaned back looking at this troubled woman. Her long hair hanging down her back as she looked up at the fading stars. I wanted to nuzzle her exposed neck. Pretty soon the sun began to rise. It was dawn. She smiled as she soaked up the light. " I come here every day. Brandon doesn't even know when I leave the house. I work from home. He thinks I go to an office. I never corrected him." She sighed, "What did I do to deserve such a great guy?" I knew better than to talk. I reached my hand out to her very gently and turned her face towards me. "I need you to smile for me, Bella. You're really bringing me down." She pulled my mouth to hers and kissed me deeply, she drank me in, she was sweetness, I was kind to her. She moved, straddling me- pushing me backwards as we lay on the soft grass together in the soft light of dawn, deepening the kisses. Delilah moaned and rubbed against me, I gulped and lifted her away, setting her beside me. I wiped my wet brow. "Are you hot, I mean you are- very hot, but are you burning up out here?" She leaned back to face me as I spoke. She needed to be loved. "I think I need you to take me back to my hotel room." She was breathing hard, she wanted me. I nodded. I was feeling a flutter to my heart as I answered her, "yes, yes let's go to your room, all alone- just you and me, alone." I was rambling now. My breathing quickened with excitement. Offering my hand, I pulled her up off the grass. I would take her anywhere, just to be near her, to heal her heart. I walked her back down the hill. She was walking crooked. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I saw that Delilah's eyes were just slits now. She was crying. "I guess he's right, I am a cheater." I stopped her abruptly and kissed her eyes,"No more tears my dear, please you are breaking my heart here." She nodded."I'll behave." She pointed to her room at the hotel. She handed me her key, I put it in the lock and turned it. Holding the door open for my Bella. I pulled her in and sat her on the bed, taking off her shoes. I took my coat off of her shoulders, laying her onto the bed and covering her up with the sheet. Kissing her forhead, I turned to leave. "Please don't go Tony." I whispered, "Bellisima, I am only a man with little will power. I can't sleep with you tonight. I will be with you when you are sober, but I have honor. A least a tiny bit left and you are incredibly beautiful." She said, "Please Tony, I can't be alone." I stroked her face with the back of my hand, saying, "I am so weak right now. I might just hold you for a little while then." I looked around the room as I sat at then end of the bed, taking off my brown loafers. I saw a wig, a candle, and lingerie. I frowned. She must have tried to seduce the dumbo again tonight. Pulling her close to my lean body, inhaling her scent. It was a floral, musky perfume. I was very aroused, extremely arouse, breaking out of my pants aroused. Delilah reached down and rubbed me intimately, inviting me to caress her back. I moaned, it felt so good. Her touch was making me lose control. I involuntarily thrust forward, then picked up her hand and kissed it as I moved her hand away from pleasuring me. " Please my dear, time we need a little time to get to know each other. I don't want you as a rebound lover. When I make love to you, it will be special. I promise." I kept chattering to distract her, turning over onto my back, away from her as I adjusted my erection. "Did I ever tell you about the time Maria Bella hit me with a frying pan. It all started as a misunderstanding. She thought that I was romancing her little sister, Kate. She thought that she had caught us together. Not what you think. We were planning a surprise party for her, she found us hiding in the closet. We had been whispering all week, making plans. We were wrapping her gifts. I bought her a first year wedding gift, a locket. Hmm... she wore that at her funeral. Anyway, where was I?" I raised one brow thinking about Maria Bella's funeral and shook my head, no I wouldn't go there, too painful. "Oh yeah- my wife, she ran to the kitchen and pulled out a big cast iron pan. She came back and whacked me in the head. She knocked me out. Just then the whole family jumped out from the other room and yelled, surprise! Boy was she surprised." I saw that Delilah had fallen asleep. I rolled over and covered her up, kissing her exposed hand. I moved over to the other bed and listened to her breath. I knew that I could sleep with her, have her wrapped in my warm embrace. I was growing fond of her. I fell asleep, smiling. I had fought all urges to make love to her and won. I dreamed about my wife Maria Bella. She was smiling at me. She turned her head and showed me a big church, pointing me to it. She slowly blew me a kiss. I walked into the church and moved up the isle. I saw a woman, a bride in white, I approached the bride. Carefully removing her veil. It was Delilah. She was radiant. She grabbed my hands. "What took you so long my love?" I smiled and took her hands. When I looked back for my wife, Maria Bella. She was gone now. Delilah was to be my wife now...... ********** Brandon I had dreams too. I dreamed that I was with a beautiful blond. She was making love to me. She had her face hidden from me behind a porcelain mask. I reached for her as she moved away from me. She laughed. I grabbed her, pulling her to myself. Then I reached for the mask, pulling it off roughly. I saw it was Delilah, my wife. She kissed me and tenderly told me that she was the only wife for me. I woke up in a cold sweat, feeling guilt. I couldn't love Delilah anymore. I wanted someone new. I was bored with my marriage. I had been doing what my father had wanted of me. He had demanded that I settle down and get married. Make some grandkids. It wasn't working out. I didn't want kids, I didn't want any more responsibilities. I got up and brushed my grubby teeth. I saw Delilah's clothing on the floor and started to recall her being there last night. She tried to make love to me. She was sitting on me. I pushed her away, calling her a name. I wondered how long she would stay with me, knowing that I didn't find her attractive any more.
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