Thirty eight☆ The lawyer arrives with his secretary.

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Kyle Horner of Horner and Brown attorneys of law went to see Delilah at her mother's home. Georgia answered the door. " Can I help you?" The man handed her his card. " Adam sent me. Is Delilah here?" Georgia invited him in. "Have a seat, I'll get her." ********** Delilah I came out of my room. I was napping with Sam. " Oh, sorry I must look a mess." I said, as I brushed her hair down with my hand. Kyle stood and took my hand. My girlfriend never looked this good when she woke up. Mother went to the kitchen. She called out. "Coffee Mr.Horner?" " Please, just black coffee and call me Kyle." I picked up a manilla envelope. It held some documents. My marriage certificate, some letters from Brandon's doctors. His medical records. Kyle looked through everything. " I see, yes we have a good case here. I will file a petition and we will need you to testify. Delilah, you will need to tell the truth. Even about the violence in the marraige. Can you do this?" I nodded. " We have been honest. It's quite embarrassing for us both." He asked me to come and give a deposition tomorrow at his office. "Anything to help get my husband back." I fought my tears. We spoke for over an hour. He told me he would see me tomorrow. ********** Kyle I couldn't believe all that these two had been through. Especially when she told me about being his secret affair. I was impressed by her moxy. I called my boss, Adam. " I am taking the case. Yes, they need me to get him back home. You might consider renting them a home in California. This might be a long fight ahead." Adam said,"We have a penthouse. I will tell the housekeeper to expect us." Most people did not know Adam was a secret billionaire. He wasn't advertising it. He lived a low key lifestyle. *********** Delilah I walked back into my room. I text Brandon to update him. He was in the middle of his rehab therapy. ********** Brandon One of the physical therapists, Evan gave me some exercise to do on my own. He stood me up at the parallel bars. I moved my leg, taking a step. I was getting very strong. Evan said," I think we got something to work with here." I smiled. I had spent time working out in my room and as often as they would let me at the facility gym. Jack brought me my seizure medication and talked the doctor into stopping the sedatives. Wheeling myself to dinner one night, I saw a new guy at the table, he was staring into space. He didn't eat one bite. I just picked up the spoon and told him, open up. The man did so. I fed him all of the dinner. The attendant thanked me and the man was wheeled back to his room. I enjoyed doing little things like that. The staff all noticed me. They were angry about me being locked up here. I was obviously not violent or mentally ill. The doctor came in to examine me one day. I had been here for months. " Mr.Jonas, tell me how is your progress going?" I surprised him as I stood up. " I won't need this chair much longer. I am enjoying feeding other patients at meals and I really have fulfillment being helpful to my peers." The doctor said," I agree. I want to try and wean you off of the seizure medication. I spoke with your neurologist. He agrees." I worried now. " I don't know. When I have the seizures I get crazy, like fight and yell for my wife type of crazy. That's part of the reason dad locked me up in here." I said. The doctor told me."If you let us wean you off of the medication, we will go slow and all of the staff will watch you. I promise if you do get "crazy" as you put it, we won't document it. You son, deserve a life. You have a baby, I hear?" He asked, smiling. " I do, my son Sam. My wife is very pregnant right now. I really wish I could see them. I know that my dad refused all requests." I teared up. " Well, your lawyer has petitioned a visit here. He will be here Thursday, I might suggest he bring his secretary." he winked. I hugged him. " I will be forever grateful doc." Monday the doctor cut the seizure medication in half. I had no issues. On Tuesday I took the half dose and had no problems. The doctor cut it another fourth. On the day of the lawyer visit, I was very nervous. I didn't know if I was ready to see my girl. Jack helped me shave, he dressed me to the nines. He even spray some cologne on me. There was a knock on my room door around 4pm. My new lawyer Kyle entered. "Hey Mr.Jonas. So glad to meet you." He said smiling, shaking my hand. My wife waddled in next. She was wearing a smart red shirt and blazer. I stared at her huge belly. Her mouth dropped open when I stood up to greet her. She froze, looking at me standing. Kyle held her up. I took one step towards her and then lost my balance. I fell hard in my excitement to impress her and then went into a seizure. I was yelling her name and punching at her."Lilah, get back".... Kyle saw it all. He knew that I was not in control. Delilah told Kyle not to get the staff, it would pass. She feared they would make her leave. " They have been weaning down his seizure medication." she knew everything, she talked to me all about it. After a while... " Kyle, it looks like it passed. Go ask for Jack, please." My wife said. Jack came running in. He saw me, his guy on the floor. My pants were soiled. He said," I will get him in bed and uh..freshened up. You might want to step out." He told Delilah. " Not leaving, I have seen it all. I took care if him right after the accident. I will stay. Unfortunately, I can't help much." Jack worked quickly and washed me down. I was sleeping. Delilah climbed into my bed. She stroked my head and whispered to me. Kyle stood in the doorway, watching for anyone coming by. My eyes slowly opened. " I love you. What happened, did I....hurt you again?" She shook her head and put my hand on her belly. "She's kicking when you talk." I felt it." Wait what, she?" I asked. She nodded. I kissed her and held her tight. " Tell me how are you feeling." I asked her. " I am tired all of the time, but Sam has been sleeping really good." We snuggled and caressed eachother. Kyle cleared his throat. " Someone is coming with a meal tray." Delilah scooted off the bed, I pushed her up. A woman entered. She looked at Delilah." Want a chair for your wife?" she asked me. I smiled. Kyle said, " Oh, she's my secretary." Delilah knew the staff all talked to me and that she was very pregnant. " For Pete sake, your secretary then? Delilah do you need something from the kitchen?" Delilah nodded." Maybe a sandwich." She smiled. The woman giggled and went to the kitchen. Kyle looked at his watch. " I have a dinner with my own girl in an hour. Can I come back and pick you up later?" I said," Please!"
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