Thirty Seven..Brandon is taken away.

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Brandon I was messaging my wife. I just needed a little contact. She didn't respond to me. I did it for her and Sam. I would swallow my pride. Powell finally arrived from oregon. Dad directed the private ambulance to pick me up. I would NEVER forgive him for this. They place me in restraints per dad's direction. I just kept my head down, not looking at dad. Powell looked at me, satisfied that I was cooperating. Breaking my defiant spirit. When he turned to leave to go back to his car, I said,"If you do anything to hurt my mother, wife, or children. You will never be a part of this family ever again." Powell laughed."Oh, the womanizing cripple who hurt his wife the most and didn't even want kids is telling me about hurting the family. You digust me!" He spit on the ground in front of me. I was devastated by his truthfull words, I was that man. I believe my father's hurtful assessment of me, I am no good, no damn good. I quietly said,"Daddy, don't hurt her please. Please daddy. Don't hurt mommy. She loves you so much." Somewhere inside, I was still his young son. ********* Powell I heard Brandon, my only child say these words before. I was taken aback, I had beat Milly in front of the boy. But what I had just done, he didn't know about that s**t. I had indeed hurt my wife, Milly. I had destroyed her life and killed her. I pushed all that down, way down and took Brandon's hand. " Son, get the help you need. Don't be obtuse. This has nothing to do with Milly. Grow up." I chastised him, it was what I had to do to make him stronger. I walked away, feeling in need of a stiff drink. I called the facility I was sending my son to. " My son is on his way. Be very careful if him. I think he killed his mother. She's missing. He is very dangerous. You better sedate him when he arrives." I tried to make them feel very leary of him. Treat him like a psycho, drug him up to control him. ********* Brandon I was quiet. I showed no sign of being violent and did everything they told me to do. The orderly, Jack Williams brought me into my new room. He gave me a cup of pills. I took them all and didn't question anything. I just played along for my wife and son's sake. Waking up a few hours later, Jack was taking my vital signs. "Your blood pressure is low. Do you normally take all those medications." He asked me, I felt very sleepy. "Only my seizure pill. Since my accident, I have seizures." Jack nodded. "I don't see that in here. Who prescribed them, so I can get them for you." I told him my neurologist name and number, I had memorized it. " Tell me about yourself. Please."Jack asked me. " Well, you mean why I am like this?" I motioned to my legs. Jack nodded. "Start where you want to." He smiled. " I was working for my father at the law firm. I was preparing to take the bar exam again. My third time. I was also preparing for a wedding to my fiancé Lillianne. See, I had grown tired of my wife of 6 years. I put her aside. But, I needed a divorce from her, so I drove to Oregon in the bad weather, in my Porsche no less. I drove too fast in the snow, and lost control. My beautiful car was gone. But... something amazing happened to me. The best thing in my whole life." I smiled and yawned. " I lost the use of my legs. I lost my memory. I could only remember the time that I had just married my previous wife, Delilah. I was calling out for her after my accident. The hospital found her name on the divorce papers I had in my coat. She came....well, she was leary of me, because I was a bad husband, womanizer, you know a jerk. I found out that she had been pregnant, and had recently given birth to a son, my boy. She had my baby. I NEVER wanted kids. I know that's why she didn't tell me that she was pregnant before our divorce. She knew I would want her to get rid of him." Tears streamed down my eyes now, imagining a world without Sam. I wiped them away. " I couldn't be happier. We found our love again. She's so amazing." I showed Jack how my boy was so beautiful. "This is my son, Sam." I kept his photo in my wallet. I pointed to my leg, showing Jack that I could now move one leg because of my wife's love. " She did this, with her love. Now we are expecting another baby." I smiled proudly. Jack nodded and took notes. " Where does all the violence come in?" He asked me. I frowned." I hurt her during our marraige once. Choked her. I....was a different person then. I had hoped it was all behind me, but one day...everything was foggy back then. I was still fresh off my accident. I had a seizure and I hurt her then. Bruised her arm. Yelled at her." I looked down. Jack asked me," What did your wife do....kick you out?" " No the opposite, she pulled me in. She showed me I could change. I am better now." I smiled. Jack scratched his head. He took the pills and flushed them down the toilet. " Brandon, you don't belong here. I know what crazy looks like. Why are you here?" He asked me. " My father, Powell. He bought off a judge. He filed for conservatorship over me.... He wants my family. He wants to destroy me because he can no longer control my life. I had cut him off, he's toxic." I took a breath. " Why not fight it?" He asked me. " My wife and babies deserve so much more. I hurt her. I don't deserve her." I got tearful now. " Sounds to me like she doesn't deserve your father ruining her life and controlling your kids. We need to get you the hell out of here." He nodded. " I'm going to get you walking. Let's get started. You game?"He smiled. I found a slight glimmer of hope. When he finished my therapy, I was alone, I felt renewed. I text my beautiful wife. " Baby, don't give up. I love you. Promise me you will get the lawyer working on me. I am going to walk again. Right into your arms. Delilah respond to me. Call me right now!" I commanded. My cell rang. It was Delilah. " I do love you. The baby just kicked me real hard when I listened to your message. Sam is acting up. He needs daddy. Can we sneak in to visit you somehow?" She asked, holding back tears. I grinned. "I made a friend in here. I will get him to help us. Did you talk to the lawyers?" I asked. " Yes, we are filing a motion today. We are fighting your very powerful father. They think media involvement might help and a change of venue to get away from the dirty judge that got you locked up."She smiled. " Be good in there. Don't give them anything to use against you in court. Hide your phone. They will try to cut you off from me." She hiccupped as she started to cry. I agreed and said,"Put Sam on the phone." She put him on camera. " Sam it's da da." I said. Sam jumped up and down on Delilah's lap, he screamed. I spoke softly to him. " Say dada." come on. " Dada." Sam screamed again."Da,da,da." Delilah kissed him." Good boy, yes da, da!" I softly told Delilah why I left. "When dad said all those things about me, it was all true. The old Brandon was all of those things. Delilah girl. I am never going back to the old Brandon. I promise you. I am so sorry that I said I never wanted him. I was such a fool. He is so precious to me. That is why I stopped fighting. I was so guilty, undeserving. But...I am not him, I am me, I am Dada!" She smiled."Yes you are. You are Dada. I miss you so much. I love you my husband." She said goodbye and hung up. I did hide my phone. I would call her late at night. We made plans before our sweet goodbye.
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