Twenty two, The hospital. ▪︎☆▪︎☆▪︎☆▪︎☆▪︎

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The doctor ran more tests on Brandon. He felt like the seizures might be more serious than he first thought. He scheduled him for an EEG /electro encephalogram. Delilah I asked my mother to get Brandon into my room with me. The doctor advised against it, " Brandon might ask you to help him, we don't want you over exerting yourself Mrs.Jonas." I reluctantly agreed. I felt horrible. I was happy my little guy was safe with my neighbors. I could trust the Parkers. ********** Georgia I spoke with Powell. " They are running further tests on Brandon. He had two seizures now. The second one was significant. Unfortunately Brandon is still out if it." Powell said he was on the way. Lillianne was with him. She wasn't giving up on her fiance. Brandon slept deeply. The medicine they gave him for the seizure made him sleepy. I went to check on him. "It's Georgia, I'm here son." He stared at me, he seemed lost. "What happened. Where am I?" I told him about the seizure. He nodded, "No wonder I feel like shit." Brandon didn't even ask about Delilah. He told me he was very hungry. I went and got the nurse. They gave him a cup of soup. " Your dad is on the way, he is bringing Lillianne with him for some reason." Brandon nodded and sipped his soup. I began to worry. He usually asked about Delilah and the baby. I didn't bring them up. I thought it was for the best, Brandon was only worried about Brandon, to be expected. Maybe it was for the best if he forgot them all together. I was fearful of him hurting the baby. I left him and went down to my daughter's room. Delilah asked me to see Brandon. I lied and told her that he was having some testing and wasn't in the room. Delilah went back to sleep. ********* Brandon My dad, Powell showed up a few hours later. Lillianne was with him, dressed like Delilah. Floral dress, no make up. She was trying a different approach. " Hey dad, Lilli. How was the drive?" I asked, sipping some bland soup. They nodded, "Good, son. We made great time. How are you doing, what's the doctor say?" I shrugged. " I'm still waiting." Lillianne moved in to kiss me. I didn't deny her. I kissed her gently and rubbed her arm. " Are you doing okay, I missed you." I said. Lillianne looked at Powell. It looked like I was back to normal, so they thought. Lillianne sat next to me and put her fingers into mine interlacing them. ********* Powell I frowned. I wanted my son and Delilah to reconcile for the baby's sake. I had been seeing Lillianne now. We gravitated towards each other after my son had jilted her. I was planning on paying her off, until I too was drawn into her charms, she was actually a very sweet girl. I was growing fond of her. I shared my bed with her this past week. I didn't know how to tell Brandon that Lillianne was with me now. It didn't help that she was loving on Brandon now. I felt very jealous. Delilah suddenly walked into the room. She had an IV pole beside her, hanging onto it as she slowly walked into the room. She had one of those terrible gowns on that opened in the back. Seeing Lillianne holding Brandon's hand, she didn't seem back down. I smiled, that a girl Delilah. The old Delilah would have left and ran away. ********** Delilah I smiled and walked toward my husband's bed. Powell told Lillianne to move so I could sit before I fell down. Brandon looked away. He said,"Hey there Delilah." I saw something in his eyes. He recognized me, but he was avoiding my gaze. " I need to speak with my husband alone." I rasped. Powell took a very reluctant Lillianne out of the room. She didn't want to leave him alone with me. b***h. " What's wrong love, I asked?" He frowned. "I'm not your love. I love Lillianne." I told him he was wrong. " Nope, you love me, your wife. The mother of your child, Sam." Brandon looked away. I knew what he was doing. He was trying to protect me, protect Sam from himself. I stood up and walked out saying, " I hope your tests were okay, I'll see you at home then, Sam will be waiting for his daddy. I love you." *********** Brandon I had made the decision to go home with dad and Lillianne. I didn't trust myself around Sam or Delilah. I would leave now before I grew too attached. My stomach lurched. I had never been noble, I wanted to be that now, for them. The doctor told me it was time for my testing. They wheeled me out of the room. I saw my father Powell Jonas with his hand on Lillianne's back, intimately. They were very close. I expected as much from the both of them. I wouldn't be a full man for any woman for some time. I had decided to let Delilah and Sam go. It was just a dream anyway. Delilah deserved better. Delilah got worse. She was so upset with me. She wasn't eating or drinking. She had her fever back. I came back to my room. Georgia was there, waiting for me. "Delilah needs you. Can you come right away, she is calling your name, it's the fever." I wouldn't look at her, I refused. "I can't do it. Tell her it's over for us." Georgia frowned. "I guess you don't know how ill she is. I will tell her, if that's what you really want." I nodded. She walked out the door wringing her hands. I sat up now, feeling immediately regretful. I tried to get out of bed and fell to the floor. The nurse came running in. "Mr. Jonas, please you can't walk." I said "I know, I was trying to get in my wheel chair. I need to see my wife, now." Powell came in then. He helped them pick me up from the floor. "Son, you can't walk." I yelled," Take me to Delilah!" He agreed. Powell put me into my chair and wheeled me to Delilah's room. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. My wife was now on a ventilator. She was not breathing on her own. She was struggling really bad. Her eyes were closed. Georgia was crying in the corner. She saw me and looked away. I saw that my wife was dying. I held her hand and talked to her now. "Hey there Delilah, I'm almost ready to come home with you. Sam is waiting for us. We have to go together. I'm getting out soon, so you need to get better. Delilah can you hear me?" She was feverish. The bells alarmed. The doctor came in. " Are you the husband?" I nodded. "You better tell her to fight. She can come out if this but she needs a reason. Son, can you be that reason for her?" I agreed. "I won't let her give up." Georgia was inconsolable. " She was asking for you, I told her you refused to come she started crying. She started coughing then, she stopped breathing. They all came running in and stuck that tube down her throat. It all my fault!" I stayed by her side all night. I leaned my head onto her bed. I talked to her and told her how much I adored her. I told her how much Sam needed her. " Delilah, I'm such a fool. I tried to push you away. I didn't want you to get hurt by me anymore." Delilah blinked, she opened her eyes a little. She saw me laying my head on her bed. She couldn't talk. She couldn't cry or she would set off the alarm. She lifted her hand shakily. She stroked my brown hair, waking me up. I looked up at her and saw her eyes were open now. I kissed her hand. "I love you Delilah. I'm so sorry." I called the doctor. "She's awake, she's back. Someone please!" A nurse came in and told me she would get the doctor. They put me back to bed. I slept quietly for 8 hours. I was knocked out from the medication. ********** Delilah I was extubated. They took out the tube. They said that I was doing better. They moved me to another floor for observation. I was breathing on my own now, they kept me on oxygen for a while just in case. The doctor told me that my husband had stubbornly stayed by my side all night. I couldn't speak because of my bruised vocal cords. Georgia came in. " Oh child, you scared the daylights out of me." I mouthed,"Sorry." Georgia told me she talked to Adam, Sam was fine. He was being loved on by Hanna and the kids. I smiled and gave the thumbs up. I fell back to sleep. When I opened my eyes Lillianne was there. "We were all so worried about you. Brandon and I that is. He told me he hated to leave you when you were so very ill. He felt so sorry for you. I hope you improve enough to come visit us some time. Looks like we are leaving tomorrow. His test were all clear." Georgia came in the room. She was polite to Lillianne. She didn't hear what she said to me. Lillianne patted me on the arm. "Hope you recover soon." I wasn't able to tell my mother anything. I closed my eyes, it was all over, I lost him again, I was too sick to fight this time. ********** Brandon I asked to see Delilah. Lillianne told me she had checked out. "She left a while ago. She said that she hoped you come to see your son sometime when you are better. She wished you well on your recovery in California." I realized I made a huge mistake. I lost her now. I lost a son I never deserved nor wanted. I mentally prepared to go home to California. I made this bed, I broke this family up, I didn't deserve them anyway after the way I treated her. ********** Delilah I was in the hospital a full week. I didn't see Brandon again, he left without saying good bye. I couldn't talk to him anyway. My voice was gone. I was happy to be getting home. I was able to hold my baby again and I hugged him close. He was my one true love. It was how it should be. Just me and my baby. I was broken by Brandon before, I wouldn't let him do the same to our son. My son, not his, mine.
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