Forty nine♡ La vita e bella, Antonio.

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Delilah Adam made a rushed decision. He had the helicopter pilot land the helicopter at his big farm in Oregon. He dropped me off there. Jesse and Avery came in the jeep and took me to the main house. Avery hugged me. "How are you sweetie?" I leaned against her and started to cry. "Antonio." "Here, Adam said to give you this pill, it will help on the drive." My eyes rose up to the helicopter as my one true lover flew away from me. Antonio put his hand to the window. I felt the sting of his loss once again. Adam saw Antonio's fire. He was very angry. His fists were clenched in rage. As the helicopter rose back up into the air, it carried Antonio away from his desires, me...his woman, his love. He must have felt his heart break into pieces as mine did. I knew of his plans to take me to his bed. We were aching for eachother's bodies. He must want to kill Adam for this. ********** Adam Parker I grinned, I was looking out for my man, Brandon. "Don't be an ass, Antonio. She was never your wife. She always belonged to Brandon. She might make a very poor decision under the condition that she is in. Those drugs make you act rash. I should know, I fell under their spell once too. My wife found me in bed with another woman. My narcotic anonymous sponsor, Cami. Hanna is a very special kind of wife. She took me back and adopted the new born son of the woman I was with, that was right after Cami had died. He was never mine by DNA. But, that is my little guy, Johnny. I'm sure you've noticed his skin color is a bit darker than ours. My Hanna, she is a very special wife, just like Delilah." Antonio nodded, he knew I was right. Delilah was under the effect of the strong narcotics. He looked out the window, shedding his tears for her. He lost her all over again. I dropped Antonio off at Delilah's home. His wife Louisa had been anxiously waiting for him, I asked her to meet us there. Antonio stepped out of the helicopter. Louisa rushed forward, her hair blew in the rotar wind from the helicopter wind. She looked just like his Maria Bella. He found comfort in that at least. He hugged her tightly. "Where is Delilah?" She asked. "She will recover at Adam's farm. He lost his arm, he is the best one to help her cope with her tragic loss." He said. ********** Brandon I came out in my wheel chair. I had fallen too many times lately to push it too far. " Where is my wife, is she okay?" I asked Adam. Adam took me aside. "What happened to your face?" He shook my hand firmly. " I over did it with the walking and fell a few times. Does it look pretty bad?" Adam shook his head, "Well, honestly yeah, you look like shit." I rubbed my face and frowned. " I'm sorry to tell you this Brandon, but Delilah feels that Antonio is her love, she thinks you hate her." " I decided I need to be the one to save your marraige so Antonio doesn't break it up."Adam said. I looked into Antonio's eyes and saw immense grief there. I knew that it was not Antonio's decision to leave Delilah at Adam's. I hugged my very good friend Adam. "I owe you everything man." ************* Louisa I saw it too. Antonio was sad. I talked to him quietly soothing him. I took him down to the barn. I had been feeding the chickens for Georgia, the same ones that I had once disdained. " I need to go to Italy soon. My mother is not well. I need you to take me please." I looked at Antonio. " I do not want to leave Delilah. I want to be with her. I am sorry. I fought it for so long. I owe you the truth." He admitted. I nodded. "I know, I'm sorry my dear. Your heart will heal. I need you to go to Italy with me, give me one more chance.I need you to try. For me, for my child." I held my baby bump. Antonio looked at me. He really looked at me. I was telling the truth. I was pregnant with his baby. He hugged me. "Oh, Bellisima. You are really pregnant?" He kissed me. He felt love for me then. It wasn't the deep passion he had for Delilah. But he knew it was good. "I'm sorry if I hurt you love. I'm a mess." Brandon wheeled down to the barn. He saw us embracing. " Can I get your husband alone for a minute." He asked me. I nodded."We are having a baby Brandon." I laughed. He smiled,"Congrats Louisa, that is awesome!" I ran up to the house. ********** Brandon Antonio smiled weakly. "Delilah told me that she loved me, she made a pass at me in the helicopter, I believed it, I fell hard." He started crying, weeping for his loss. "I'm so sorry, I want her. I need her so bad." He covered his eyes. He sat down on a bale of hay. I comforted him. " I know the feelings." Antonio looked at me, his best friend. "When I thought we had lost her in that fire, a switch went off, I couldn't pretend anymore." "I am in love with your very, very precious wife. There...I said it." I did not feel upset. I totally understood. "Antonio, what do we do?" We hugged. I wiped Antonio's tears with my thumb. "How do we both love her?" I said. Antonio stood up. "I am going to love her even more my friend. Bigger than you can ever imagine. I am having a baby and moving back to Italy with my wife. I will let her be happy with you brother." He held my face and kissed me on the lips. A kiss of peace. "Do not call me, do not talk about me, do not tell her I love her. Let me be dead to her. To all of you. It is the only way." I nodded. "The only way." I repeated sadly, I really liked Antonio. My heart swelled with hope. I knew without a doubt that Delilah would have chosen the man that could walk, over the mess up. She would have finally come to her senses and no longer felt sorry for me. Turn away from me after all I had done to her to make her feel worthless. I was given a very precious gift today. Antonio pushed me back up to the house in the wheel chair. Adam told me that he would call me when Delilah was ready to come home after her rehab at his farm. I waved as the helicopter flew off. I went back inside. Louisa was holding my daughter Sera. "I need practice," she beamed. I smiled. "Yes, you do." Antonio was in the kitchen, he was drinking from a bottle of wine. l joined him. I didn't really know how significant it was for Antonio to be drinking. Antonio had been sober for over 3 years. I saw that he was still mourning his decision. I took the bottle from Antonio. "Not like this, don't go down that rabbit hole." I said to Antonio. "I just fell off the wagon. I needed a little something to hammer the nails in my coffin." Antonio said morosely. I said,"Come with me." I took Antonio to my son's room. "This is a toddler's room. Look around. This is where you will heal all of your sorrow. Being a daddy. It is the most rewarding, challenging, fulfilling, love affair you will ever have in your entire life. And I promise you, you can't be messed up to do this job. You have to be present and sober. Get ready my man." Antonio held Sam's blanket to his chest. "I'm going to be a daddy. My own baby." We all had dinner and laughed at stories told around the kitchen table. It was a very bitter sweet goodbye. The next morning. Antonio and his newly pregnant wife went home to California to pack and sell his big estate. It would sell very fast, for a huge amount of money. They flew back to Italy. Louisa had a baby boy. They named him Adam. Louisa insisted. Adam had been the one that had saved her marraige to Antonio. Antonio became a very devoted husband and father. He thought about her less and less. He even bought a farm with a nice vineyard. His wife was actually very much like his deceased wife Maria Bella now. She was even better, Louisa was a very kind, loving wife. She was his Bellisima. Antonio finally felt at peace. He made the right choice in leaving her. He was happy. He gave that to her out of love, he would have died for Delilah. He did in a way. He became a new man, back home in Italy. Antonio was tending his vineyard, he saw Louisa eating the grapes and spitting out the sour ones. "We won't have any left to make wine if you eat all the grapes." She threw one at him. " Come, kiss me then." Antonio kissed his wife and thanked her for standing by him when he was a fool. She was a very special kind of wife, he thought. Just like Hanna was. La Vita e Bella.( life is good)
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