Forty Eight. A long drive home.

1809 Words
Antonio I kissed Delilah for the last time. "Wake up my dear. We are landing." She touched my hair as she sat up, stretching her arms up. I saw the lower part of her bra as she did so. She saw me looking at her with heat in my eyes. She smiled, feeling confused. I would wait to take her back to my bed, once we could be all alone. I had decided that I couldn't resist her now. It felt like we went back into time. "Antonio, where am I, where are my kids?" I felt my heart drop. "Brandon and your mother are taking them home, driving back." She winced. "My leg is killing me, is it pretty bad? Do you think it will heal?" I frowned. "Your leg is gone Bella. It was too infected." I saw the tears in her eyes. " Powell did that to me, Brandon couldn't stop him. He shot me after the vow renewal. I remember that. Did he hurt Brandon?" I shook my head. "No, your lucky husband is fine." Delilah held my hand, she looked down, embarrassed. "I kissed you, I made a pass at you. I'm so sorry. How awkward." She touched my lips. "We were so in love once...well, truthfully I don't regret it Antonio, not one moment. You have been my best friend for a long time." She kissed me again on the cheek this time. " I still love you, I'm sorry that I lost you to Louisa. I wish...well I know we can never go back. You made your decision when you left me." She said sadly. I frowned."I want to be with you Bella." I whispered, admitting the truth. Adam turned around,"Are you doing okay back there?" he asked seeing us embracing. He warned me once again. " I won't tell you again. When we land we will discuss this man to man." He was very angry at me for moving in on Delilah. He handed Delilah a pill and told her to sit up. "Get off of Antonio please, you have a very loving husband that searched everywhere for you when everyone else had given up, he never gave up. He never believed that you died in the house fire Powell had set. He was the only one that knew you were alive. Now, get the hell off of Antonio and buckle in." Delilah was well chastised. She was getting clearer now. She looked at the pill and put it in her mouth swallowing it dry. I handed her some water. She took it without looking at me. My hand brushed hers slowly. ********* Brandon In the morning as I was laying face down on the bed, baby Seraphina crawled onto my head and was pulling my hair. Sam sat in front of his daddy and put his finger into my closed eye. He pulled up the lid. " Daddy, I'm hungry, where's mommy, I want mommy".... He started to cry. Sera saw him crying and cried too. She was very wet. The bed was wet where her diaper leaked. Georgia was gone. I stretched and felt the wet bed. I scooped my kids up and took them into the bathroom. I turned on the water and checked it to be sure it was not too hot. I stripped down, then took off the kids clothes and we all sat on the tub together. Sam stood up and peed, as little boys do. "No, son we are washing up." but I had to smile. Sam threw a wet wash cloth at me and laughed. Baby Sera sucked her fist. She giggled. I lay back and took a deep breath. This was fatherhood. I was just missing one thing, my beautiful bride. I missed the way she effortlessly took care of all of us. I did my best to replace her for now. The kids seemed happy with me. Georgia returned then, she had a large tray of food for us all. She prepared a bottle for Sera. She knocked on the door, hearing us in the bath. "Brandon cover up, I'm getting Sera's bottle ready. I'll take her from you." I yelled,"Okay come on in mom!" She saw me laying there, I had the wash cloth covering my privates. She was noticing my long, lean body. ********** Georgia Holy moly, I knew why Delilah had been so attracted to him. He was very handsome. He lifted Sera up as I wrapped her in a big white towel. She snuggled in, she was gramma's little baby girl. I popped the bottle in her mouth and watched her as she held the bottle by herself now. I got a fresh diaper on her and dressed her in a soft pink outfit, then combed her brown hair to the side. ******** Brandon I stood up as water cascaded down my body. I lost my balance and pulled the shower curtain down as I righted myself. Sam laughed. "Daddy you broke it!" I was still struggling to use my legs as they seemed to give out on me when I was sitting for a long time. I dried off and pulled Sam out. " No daddy!" He wanted to stay in the now luke warm water. "Sam. Gramma got you some breakfast. Let's go eat." I could smell bacon and eggs. Sam yelled,"Mommy's here!" He ran out of the bathroom naked. I knew that she was not there. Georgia picked up Sam and kissed him. "Mommy is bye, bye right now. We will drive home and see her there."She told him. I grabbed my clothing and went back into the bathroom to dress. I didn't bother shaving. I looked in the mirror, I was worn out. But I smiled and brushed my teeth, hoping Delilah would be in a better place, mentally when she came home. I hoped she wasn't pushing me away. My stomach dropped thinking about her words. I knew she had every right to push me away. I knew I was close to losing it just thinking about all of it. I forced a smile as I went out to face the others. Sam threw his orange juice on the floor. Georgia looked at me. " He's acting out because he wants- you know who." My eyes were full of tears. I looked away. "Me too." Georgia embraced me. "I will take the kids, go down and walk on the treadmill. Get some alone time in son." I nodded and left to go work out. My phone rang. "This is a call from a prisoner, do you accept the call, these calls will be recorded." I wearily said," Yes." Powell spoke quietly. "I don't have much time left. I need to tell you something. I... I am sorry. I was wrong to try and take your wife, I was wrong. I am being transferred to Monroe WA. Please, son, meet me there." I agreed, not sure I would though. I hung up the phone feeling conflicted. Was this just another way for my father to control me? I sat down at the exercise bike and pedaled. Delilah needed me home. I couldn't be away from her right now. My dad made it seem like he was dying though. Powell was still my father. I finished my work out and returned to the hotel room. " Georgia my dad called. He wants me to go up North to the prison he's being tranfered to. He said he was dying. What do I do?" Georgia handed me the bags. "Let's go home and we will figure it out there." She picked the kids up. She walked out to the car. I was walking through the lobby. I made it out the door before I fell again. This time I skinned my face up. Georgia was busy getting the kids in the car. She didn't see me until I had gotten into the front seat. " Brandon, what did you do?" She cried. I grinned."I'm just a big klutz. Do I look bad or something?" I wiped blood off my lips. She grabbed a wet wipe from the diaper bag and wiped me off. I smiled at her. " Well, you don't need stitches, but sheesh son." She frowned. We drove for 4 hours, then pulled over to feed the kids. I asked Georgia to fetch my wheelchair chair from the back, I couldn't bear weight right now. Georgia agreed. "I think you are pushing yourself too hard." I didn't want to tell her that I had bruised my knee up with the last fall. I took Sera and placed her in the front pack so I could be hands free to wheel my chair. She liked it. I put some formula in her bottle and shook it up. She screamed in excitement. I handed to her and kissed her head, she smelled like baby shampoo. Grabbing Sam next and I put him next to Sera. Georgia ran in to use the bathroom at the handy mart. She left us out by the back of the car near the open hatch. Sam was wiggling so I set him in the open hatch. He tripped on one of the suitcases and hurt his eye. He screamed. A nice lady walking by helped me to hold Sam until Georgia came back. "Oh no, let me help you, please." She said. I felt reluctant. " Here, I have four kids. Let me be an extra arm for you." She told me. I grinned. "I agree, I'm a mess right now." She saw I was in a wheelchair and felt sorry for me I'm sure. " I'm Maxine Webb. I am a sports writer." I pointed to her. "The Seattle Times right? You live here in Oregon?" She shook her head. "I am on assignment here. Catching a flight out if I can get one." I nodded, smiling at her, my dimples showing. She gave me her card." I wonder... if you ever need an extra hand. I would be available." She winked. I grinned wider. "Thanks, my wife...uh she is the jealous type you know, she once scratched a woman's eyes out just for smiling at me." Maxine saw Georgia coming back, thinking it was my wife. I looked down, grinning. She ran off quickly. Georgia was fixing her pants as she walked out. She said," Okay you gotta go too?" I shook my head. " Who was that?" she asked. I handed her the business card. "She was an amazing woman. She was hitting on a cripple with a screaming toddler, must be a sadist." Georgia laughed out loud. " Well son, you still got it!" " I needed that too. A nice ego boost to make me feel good." We drove the last 3 hours straight through.
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