Twelve. Delilah tells Antonio about the baby.

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Antonio Saturday came around. I showered and shaved. I was feeling a little shaky today. I hadn't had a drink in over 2 months now. I was exercising and keeping to a clean diet, feeling pretty good. I dressed in black slacks and a white button down shirt with rolled up the sleeves. My hair was slicked back. My face seemed thinner, I had lost weight. ********* Delilah I had been feeling lousy and had some spotting last week but not a full period. My breasts were swollen, sore. My stomach was queasy. I decided to talk to Seraphina about it. "Tell me, can a girl bleed a little and still be pregnant?" Sera smiled," I have some tests, are you feeling brave today?" I put my hands together and rubbed them. " I think so, I mean I am meeting Antonio for dinner. Should I wait until morning?" Sera said," No way!" I agreed. I went into the bathroom and followed the instructions on the pregnancy test. I sat on the toilet and waited. "Sera, how long do I wait?" Sera popped her head in. " Want me to look for you?" I nodded, yes. I really hoped it was positive. I wanted a baby to love so badly. Sera shook her head. I was sad, she said, "Oh, I was hoping it was a plus sign." Sera shook her head, "You need to talk to Brandon." I said " Why?" Sera smiled. "He's going to be a father." I screamed and jumped up off of the toilet, I grabbed Sera's arms and jumped up and down. Sera had tears in her eyes. " I am so happy for you two." I put my head down. " I can't tell him about the baby. He never wanted children. He will want me to get rid of it." Sera frowned, "That's so sad." I said, "If Brandon wants me to reconcile with him, and cancels the divorce I will tell him." Sera smiled. She didn't agree. But she would support her friend. I dressed in a tight red dress. I had my hair done in a long wavy cascade down my back of browns and gold. I was looking my best. I pulled up to the rehab center and picked up Antonio. He had a few new friends sitting outside with him. When they saw me they grabbed their friend Antonio and said, "Whoo boy!" He blushed. He said he though I was gorgeous. He hadn't seen me in so long. I was even prettier than in his dreams. I walked to him and hugged him. He looked at my face. I was glowing. "I've missed you so much!" I cried. He kissed my fingers. "Let's go!"he said, and waved goodbye to his friends. He hopped into my car and smiled. " It is so good to get out of there." I drove us to the ocean. I wanted to avoid the bar and we would be able to walk and talk. Antonio ordered two cerviches for us to eat along the way. I didn't eat mine. I knew that I should avoid raw seafood being pregnant. I didn't want to take any chances. Antonio took mine and ate it. "The food in rehabs, sucks!" We sat at a table. He took my soft hands into his. "Bella, thank you. You saved my life. I owe you everything. The doctor said that the alcohol and my life style made my heart weak. But, I can turn it all around." He kissed my lips. I smiled. " Tony, I'm pregnant!" He swallowed hard. He looked like he was gut punched. I looked down. He asked me, "Brandon's then?" I said," No, all mine. I mean he was the donor technically, we've parted ways. I'm waiting for the paperwork." Antonio didn't know what to say. He felt crushed. He knew that Brandon would be in my life forever now. "What did he say about the baby?"he asked. I twisted my lip. "I'm not telling him. He never wanted kids. He hated kids." "How will you handle things by yourself, Bella?" He asked. He held his heart, it was beating hard. He wanted to get drunk. He said he was only thinking about being with me, once he got out of rehab. I told him my plans. "I'm moving back to Oregon. My family's farm. Mom could use the help." He nodded, looking sad now. I asked him,"Will you come with me?" He shook his head. He was in no condition to be away from his medical care right now. He really wanted a drink. We walked by a bar. He pulled me in there."Just gotta go to the bathroom, be right out." I waited outside of the men's room for him. He bumped into me as he left the bathroom. Running his hand through his hair, he licked his lips. I saw it then, he was panicking. He wanted a drink. I pulled him by the hand and held him as he shook. He was weak. Pulling his face up to mine, I whispered to him, " Tony, you can do this. It takes time. My daddy was a drinker. He was able to quit. He went to AA meetings every day." He nodded. "Please, Delilah either make love to me here on this beach, or take me back." I walked him to my car. We drove to a hotel. I stripped off my dress, it pooled around my bare feet. He looked at my still flat belly, then rubbed my belly and kissed me there. " Bella. I would be a good father to this baby." I nodded." I know." I took his hands and leaned into him. He sat me on his lap. I gave him my body, wanting for him to have comfort. I wanted to be loved by a real man. He kissed me and tenderly made love to me. He kissed my neck, then my breasts, down to my belly and licked around my naval. His tongue went down to my tender flesh between my legs. I arched up to receive him as a moan escaped my lips. He gave me such pleasure. I spasmed and shuddered as I found extacsy. He smoothly entered me and moved slowly. Careful with me. He moved just two or three times and finished. I clung to him as he kissed my tears. I was so happy that a man had finally treated me this way, with such love. I fell asleep in his arms. He lost all thoughts about drinking. It was such a tender moment. He loved me. I saw it on his lovely face. He knew that I was leaving, and vowed that he would be a better man. " I will find you again when the timing is right my love." " Bella, my doctor advised me against s*x right now. He doesn't think I am ready for the strain on my heart." "Tony, I'm sorry. I didn't know."I kissed his lips. " Im so damn hot for you, I came fast, without much strain Bella." He sighed. " Ah, Bella, I'm going to miss you my lover," he thought. I woke up around 1am, I had to go pee. I was feeling so content now. I felt like life was going to be better now that I was away from the toxic marraige. I heard my phone ping. It was Brandon. "Meet me for lunch tomorrow. Let's get this done." I answered, "Yes." I was glad it was finally all over. ************ Brandon I was drinking in a bar. An annoying wedding party entered with a lot of noise. I sat there nursing a cold beer. So alone now. A young woman sat down next to me. I smiled. She was pretty. She was very pretty. I offered to buy her a drink. She agreed. "The bride is my best friend. See that groom over there, my ex!" I clicked beers with her, " Cheers to missing a bullet there!" She laughed. She was just a young thing. Red hair. Tight blue jeans. "I'm Lillianne, well Lilli." I smiled " Yes, you are!" I took her home with me to my and Delilah's bed. I was all over her, it was very quick and hard, no foreplay. She was a great lay. I wanted more. I gave Lilli my digits. The next day, I texted Delilah. I was ready to move on to greener pastures. ********** Lilli I was just messing around. I certainly wasn't serious about Brandon, I know his type. I threw away his number. I dated more successful men. Ones that didn't have a wives. I saw a women's touch throughout the house, clothing, pink towels. I am not dumb. I sank back in my large bath tub and smoked some soothing drugs. I lay there thinking about Brandon. He seemed, well... desperate. I saw him sitting by himself. I took advantage of the noisy wedding party, making up a lie. I didn't know any of them. Maybe I could get something from him. Maybe he would pay for this big apartment. So, I decided that I would pay him a visit tomorrow. This time I would lure him in. I was skilled at playing the part of a damsel in distress. I could get him to leave his wife for me, if I wanted to. I smiled. I did want to destroy his marraige. I giggled.
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