Thirty Five. The big escape. °○°•○°•○°•○°•○

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Antonio I finally got a hold of Delilah. " I knew you two were up to something,"she yelled at me. " Brandon was taken to the hospital, Powell painted a bad picture of Brandon. Violence and self harm. I don't know what is the benefit to locking him up?" Asked Antonio. I said." It's all about control. He had a fight with Brandon, Brandon and I left before Powell could see him or the baby, we went home early to avoid him. He cut Brandon off." " Bella, you need to get a lawyer. I can pay for one for you and Brandon." He offered. " We have retained a lawyer. My neighbor Adam has assisted us with this. He took a liking to Brandon." I said. " Bella, I will take care of Lillianne. I will bring her to my home. My wife might leave me, but such is life." He sighed. "I will get the lawyer to come as soon as possible, Antonio. Let me make the call, then I will meet you at the hospital." ******** Brndon The doctor ordered some heavy sedatives for me. They couldn't keep me from yelling for Delilah. The doctor wondered who that was. Brandon's father said he was the power of attorney. Powell stated no other visitors were to be allowed. He showed the staff the newly signed paperwork. Delilah came and dropped off Lillianne with Antonio. Antonio promised to return once Lillianne was safe. She walked into the hospital ER. She did not stop at the nurses station. She couldn't afford to wait. She heard me from the hallway. She walked into the room. I was struggling with my eyes closed. " Stop it right now!" she yelled. I settled down. "Dad, he's trying to"...I trailed off. Delilah found the doctor. "What the hell is my husband on, why is he drugged?" The doctor was confused. " Brandon's POA has requested no visitors. Who are you?" He asked. " He is not the POA, I am his wife." She said. The doctor informed her that legally, she could not be with me. My father had instructed them on this. He politely asked her to leave. " I have my lawyer coming. We will sort all of this out. In the mean time, Brandon had a car crash, he had a spinal and head injury. He takes seizure medication that manages his conditions quite well. He has a neurologist in Oregon that I suggest you consult with. Please, my husband's father has has been trying to control his son. Brandon is totally competent." She pleaded. The doctor nodded. " I will call the neurologist. But you can't be here." He escorted her out. Delilah would not take no for an answer. She would find a way to get me the hell out of there. ********* Delilah I sat in my car waiting for Antonio. He finally returned. He slid into my car. "That was a frigging mess. My wife was very upset." He rubbed his neck. "Lillianne was able to convince her that it was an emergency by showing her, her missing teeth." "You're going back in there and pulling him out. I need you to help me." I said. "I have been watching people go in and out." I pointed to the door. " I think it is shift change. How do you feel about being a neurologist?" I asked him, grabbing his arm. He touched my lips. "I will do it for you." He smiled. Antonio was dressed in a tailored suit, per his usual attire. He grabbed a face mask on his way in the door. I instructed him where to go. He walked right into the room. He unlocked the bed and began to wheel it out of the room. A nurse came in. "I'm doctor Townsend, Neurology. I need to do some testing on Mr. Jonas here. Can you help me please?" The nurse nodded and helped him get Brandon disconnected from his monitors. He said,"Thank you, I can take it from here. We don't have time to waste." He covered Brandon with the sheet and took him through the hallway. He came to a closed door. It could only be opened with a key card. He waited. An attendant with a meal cart opened the door and Antonio slid Brandon through, unnoticed. He called me. "Drive to the uh....he looked around. The lab entrance. I'll be here waiting." Two security guards approached him. He pretended to be looking for a vein on Brandon. They squeezed by Brandon's gurney. I had pulled the SUV up to the door, I squealed the tires rounding the corner. An ambulance was pulling in behind me. I parked and opened the back door. " s**t, s**t, s**t. Let's go!" I yelled. Antonio pulled Brandon off the gurney. I took his legs we threw him in the car. I jumped in and drove off. The gurney that Brandon had been on rolled off into the road behind us. Antonio was breathing hard. He smiled. "We are like Bonnie and Jesse James!" He yelled. I smiled." Bonnie and Clyde." I corrected him. I said, "I don't know where to go." Antonio told her his address. " My wife will be so happy to see you again." He smiled. Brandon was snoring. He jerked a few times. Antonio held onto him. I turned into a fancy gated housing community and pulled up and around the corner. "Here, right here. Let me give you my pass code. 619," Antonio said. I looked at him in the review mirror. That was my birthday and month. "Antonio!" I laughed. The gate swung open. I parked in front of a huge home. It looked like a mansion. The butler came to the car. " Excuse me, this is a private residence." Antonio waved at him. " Sorry sir, I did not see you there." He opened the door for me, then for Antonio. " Fredrick, please a little help." He asked. They picked up Brandon's limp body and carried him into the pool house. " Sorry Delilah, best to hide you both in here for now. Fredrick will see to your needs." He took my hand and pressed it to his lips. " I will be back." I looked at Brandon's arms. Bruises were all over. He must have fought hard. I took a minute to call Georgia. " Mom, Brandon was being held at the hospital. Powell tried to have him committed." I said frantically. Georgia frowned. "Are you safe now?" She asked. " Mother I can't tell you where we are. Please keep Sam away from Powell. Take him to Adam and Hanna's. Hide him away." I pleaded. Georgia agreed. She packed all of his things and loaded him into the car. When she got there, she was told that Hanna and Adam were in Texas at Hanna's brother's ranch. Hanna's sister Avery and husband Jesse were watching Hanna's boys. They would take Sam in as well. Avery assured her that he would be safe with her. Georgia drove back to the farm. She called me. "The eagle has landed. Change of plans, Avery and Jesse have him. Hanna was not home." I sighed." Thanks mom. I love you, be careful." I sat next to Brandon until dark, then tucked him into the bed and rolled him onto his side. I put a pillow in between us, incase he woke up swinging. In the middle of the night, Brandon opened his eyes. He felt me breathing near him. He moved the pillow between us and pulled me into his arms. When the morning light came in through the window, I woke up. Brandon was holding me tightly. I turned in his arms and kissed him. "We got you." I said stroking his face. He opened his red eyes. "What happened? I remember fighting with dad then I think I fell out of my chair. I don't remember anything after that.....I was in a dark place. I was calling for you.... You came." I told him what Powell had done. How he had obtained paperwork to keep me away. He sat up then." Sam! He's not safe!" "I called mom. She took him to Adam's. Hanna's sister Avery took him in, Hanna and Adam are in Texas. She will hide him out for us. That place is very secure." I assured him. He lay back down, relieved. I got up and brought him a glass of water and a Tylenol. " Where are we Lilah girl?" I grimaced. " Not where you want to be." He looked puzzled, then looked around. " A small house? he asked. I said,"A pool house." He asked,"Antonio?" I nodded. "He posed as your doctor and bravely wheeled you out of that hospital, after they kicked me out. We kidnapped you." He frowned and looked onto my eyes."Did you ever make love to him here?" I shook my head."I had no idea this place existed. Nor how wealthy he is. I mean....If I knew that, well maybe I would have took him back." Brandon opened his mouth to protest, than smiled. " We can break this place in then, are you feeling frisky?" He teased. I lovingly rubbed his hair. If you are up to it my love. He lay back down. " Nope. I feel like crap." I asked him if he had his seizure medication. He said he had left it at home. " Well maybe Antonio will go fetch it."I said. " Antonio will fetch what?" he said, as he slid into the room. Brandon said,"Hey come here man." Antonio walked over to the bed. Brandon shook his hand. "You saved me again. I owe you big time." Antonio smiled. "Blame Delilah. It was her plan." I said. "We have a problem, Brandon left his seizure medication at home." He snapped his fingers. "Ah, yes. He threw a bottle at Brandon. I sent My butler to fetch some clothing for you both from home and Georgia put this into the bags." "Who is this guy, James Bond?" Brandon said. I said, "Yes, he is going to be Sam's Godfather if that's okay with you Brandon?" I smiled at Antonio. " Tony, what do you say?" said Brandon. He had tears in his eyes. " If things were different I would be his daddy. But, Delilah has made her choice. I accept Bella." Brandon smiled." Wonderful, and don't call me Bella."
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