Under the stars

1487 Words
“I come here on my nights off, when I’m not on guard rotation.” “But you are currently working, Guard Knight, and if you are slacking I may have to write in to the warden, Leon.” “Just come here and look”, he said with a stunning smile across his face. She looked up at the starry night sky above them. The night sky was littered with them and they were so clear out here. It took her back a bit. She hadn’t really looked at the night sky like this for a long time. To be honest, the night still filled her with dread alot of the time. “See there is Cancer those ones just there” He stepped behind her and used her hand to lead her eyes to the constellations. “And that one is Taurus, and just under it is Hydra.” “Wow you do know your constellations?” She exclaimed. “I come up here quite a bit. See.” He strolled over to folded up blankets just inside the door. “Yeah I guess you do.” she smiled. A bit taken back by how soft this strong guy actually is. He unfolded one of the rugs and sat down on it. Elodie followed and sat next to him, continuing looking at the stars. “They are beautiful.” Elodie sighed, feeling herself almost relaxing completely. “Yes they are, but it is just more than that. “How so?” She asked. “It’s like the constant reminder that there is so much more out there that we don’t know, and it just kind of gives me this weird feeling, that I am meant to do something more with my life than just be the pack’s Gamma. Which I know is completely irrational. My whole life, everyone around me wishes for nothing more than to find a mate and settle down, have pups, continue our legacy, protect and improve the pack. But I think I want something more. I know that’s selfish…” “That’s not selfish, to want something different or to go against traditions, it isn’t selfish to have dreams and see and experience all life has to offer. If you could be completely free of all responsibilities tomorrow, what would you do?” Elodie asked “I think I would want to go Scandinavia.” “You sound like such a teenage girl, do you want to go to Paris and kiss a cute French boy under the Eifel tower too?” she giggled “Hey! I’m being open right now and you are killing the mood!” He laughed back, jabbing and tickling her side. “Hahaha okay okay I’m sorry!” "Where in Scandinavia would you go?" Elodie circled back. "Mmm maybe Norway? I would just let Cypress just run free as far and as fast he could, exploring the land not worried about pack responsibilities." "That does sound magical. Cypress is the name of your wolf right? Like Elara's is Eira". "Yeah, that’s right. Wolves aren't meant to be alone though, we strive in our packs." Emmerson stretched out lying down on the rug. "Unlike witches, we aren't meant to form normal relationships at all." "Yeah you said to Elara, what's that about?" "My mother always said that witches were a gift to the human race, from mother earth, to protect the vulnerable from the terrors of the night and of the moon. That, that was our purpose. We had to ensure the next generation and protect the vulnerable. Which is fine if your like amazing like my mother, but unless the terror is a hot chocolate in need of a spoon." I'm not much of a help." "I don't really know how to help with your problem, but it does sound like one hell of an exciting adventure." "I think you have adrenaline issues", Elodie half laughed. "This life is such a weird mess" Emmerson sighed. "Don't you guys have like the moon goddess who look's out for you, set your destiny and your mates and stuff." "HEY Moon Goddess fix my problems please? Emmerson called into the night "Where is my fulfilling destiny and mate? Only been waiting over 9 years for them!" 'Hahaha, wonder how you put in an official complaint. Hey maybe that’s what Armstrong was doing in the sixties!" Elodie laughed. "You just think you are so funny don't you!" Emmerson laughed poking and her tickling again. "Its not my fault you wolves are so uptight!" Elodie laughed back and squirmed trying to move away from his tickles. "I guess we are a bit, could never talk to Danny or Leon about this stuff." "Why not haven't you guys always been close? It looks like it from the photos on the wall." "Yeah, we have been inseparable ever since we were pups, causing a lot of mischief for the pack." Emmerson proceeded to tell Elodie the crazy antics him and his friends use to get up to. She laughed so much her stomach started to hurt. Especially the story when they decided it would be a great idea to keep a pet skunk in the Alpha's office, for where else was it going to be any safer? Ended up spraying the entire Alpha unit at an important security meeting shortly after. For just the evening she lost her grief, her fears, her worries. They had for the moment been replaced with laughter. Gazing at the night sky while occasionally glancing over at the handsome Gamma admiring his smile. Elodie shared her own stories of pranks her mom and her, would pull on each other. Like how when she did learn her telekinesis skill she would move items to opposite side of the kitchen pantry draws and made her mother think she was going insane. She couldn't record exactly when it happened but during the early hours of the morning Elodie and Emmerson both fell asleep. "Elodie, O Elodie". A soft woman's voice awoke her from her sleep. "Good morning sunshine!" Elara sang, gleaming at her. "It's too early for this, give me 20." Elodie groaned, rolling into something very warm, comforting and solid next to her. "It's not early Miss El, it's late morning! And I can't let you lie around with the Gamma all day!" She laughed Elodie was now wide awake as she realized she had rolled into Emmerson chest, and they had both fallen asleep on the roof. She jumped up so fast it made her head spin. Emmerson sat up to rubbing his eyes. "Good your up about time. You are not wearing that today. And if you only own medieval clothes you will wear something of mine. Emmerson Alpha Leon wants you to have a shower, you…. Stink." Elara grabbed her and started to walk her down the stairs. "For your information, all my clothes were purchased in this century and Emmerson doesn't smell." "I love your dedication to creating historical replicas of clothing, Elodie." "Is there any reason as to why you were sleeping with the Gamma on the roof?" Elara suddenly interjected with a serious tone. "Just talking really. Did I do anything wrong?" " No" she sighed. "Just making Leon worried, which in turn is making me worried." "I'm not going to do anything to anyone. I just want to leave." Elara pulled her into a giant suite still up on the top level just under the stairs to the roof. It was lavender, the furniture, wall trimmings, and ceilings were much more elaborate than Emmerson's room. "I know, really I do. It's just you are getting awfully close to a pack member who has been quiet a closed person all his life. It's very unlike him to spend the entire night talking to anyone. " "I don't know what to say, I'm just as confused as you are." Elodie admitted. "Okay, well, this is my new suite! Isn't it lovely? It was the late Luna's room, Leon's mother, Arabella. She was such a gracious Luna, I don't know how I'm going to live up to her legacy. But look! Look at all this space! Of course, I will be spending more time in the Alpha's suite than this one." She giggled. "But look!" She raced over to a massive walk in wardrobe. It was mostly empty with some clothes in the corner. Her excitement and giddiness was again just radiating from her. It was hard not to smile with her, Elodie thought, watching her dance about the room. "Leon says I can fill it as much as I want! I'm so excited. These are my things from my old room here. I lived in the servants' quarters before yesterday! It's like a dream honestly. But I think for you to wear it today." She paused as she started to go through her clothes.
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