Becoming Alpha

1156 Words
Trying to get details of that night proved to be an extremely painful and difficult investigation. Everyone Leon asked just answered the same way his father did, with no details of the events themselves. There was no information about the attack,. Not where it happened, the wolves who were involved nothing. Just his mother's body, which was clearly attacked by a wolf. But there was no coroner's report, no incident report, nothing. Due to the suspicious nature of everything, and that he would expect his father to execute him for treason if he found out what Leon was up to, he took extra precautions to get to the bottom of it. He approached the coroner late at night when he was locking up and asked him about the details surrounding his mother's death.The coroner was hesitant and scared to tell him anything, simply said that it was something that he needed to discuss with his father. That he, in fact, was the only witness and the only one whose DNA was on the body. That was enough for Leon to interrogate his father with. He told Danny and Emmerson that he was going to confront his father and be ready if things went south. They both agreed to support him in any way they could. Leon knew he would challenge his father if he even thought about getting violent with him and with Danny and Emmerson as his back up he knew that his father would have to accept the challenge and couldn't hide behind pack laws. When Leon confronted his father, it was hostile from the start. He had never once asked for a private audience with him before. Leon asked for the details around his mother's death, just simple ones. Why were they out that way in the territory? How many wolves were involved? How come he didn't get injured? Alpha Leonard didn't answer any of them, he just raged and said he would have him killed for speaking to the alpha like that. That’s when Bane pushed forward and refused to bow. He had been lying in wait in his father's and his wolf's Quasar shadow for way too long, and he refused to be denied his rightful place of Alpha of the Silver Thorn pack any longer. To his surprise, his father and his wolf submitted before Leon could even put forward the challenge. Alpha Leonard agreed to step down and make Leon alpha on the spot. They came to a begrudging agreement as to where Alpha Leonard would leave the pack, take a "holiday" if you will until Alpha Leon decided he could come back. He was still tempted to kill him for what he knew he did to his mother. But he refocused his energy on revolutionizing the pack. Although they would never admit to it, his father had molded the pack to be ruthless invaders. Leon's main focus was to undo all the fear, hatred and toxicity that had been injected into the pack for decades. It wasn't going to happen overnight, but he hoped, with his friend's support and now his new alpha unit that he could make this happen. One of the first things to be changed was the treatment and restrictions for each of the wolf rankings. It was widely accepted and celebrated throughout the pack, it seemed everyone had a loved one or friend that had been tormented due to their rankings. He was able to give new freedoms to the pack members so that, as long as they could prove themselves, they could support and work for the pack how they saw fit. This in turn greatly expanded the packs' businesses so they could offer new services and products to a larger clientele. Profits grew, which was able to go back into the pack, giving younger wolves opportunities to attend university and other career path options. Everyone was incredibly happy with Leon's leadership and wished only that he would continue to improve the quality of life for his pack. His father did have one strange request before he left. That Leon would not make Emmerson his Beta or any place within his unit. He wouldn't tell Leon why and this confused him completely. Growing up, it was a running joke that Emmerson was actually his favorite. For when they got caught making mischief or causing trouble Emmerson would never get punished like Danny and Leon did. He would always do the punishment with them though. Like when they had to 800 push-ups in 48 hours for super gluing the classroom furniture to the floor in middle school. Emmerson did them with them even though he was told he didn't have to do it. And when Leon and Emmerson stood up to the warriors for bullying an omega. Leon had to stand in the blistering cold and not shift overnight. Emmerson stood with him for as long as he could, but then went inside to get them hot water bottles to stick down their pants to continue through the night with him. He never got in trouble, he was never yelled at or punished. Despite how much trouble they caused or when Emmerson was clearly the culprit or mastermind behind it, his father never even raised his voice to Emmerson, not ever. Leon did make Emmerson his Gamma regardless. Not Beta, which is what he wanted. But he thought it was a happy medium to his father's request. After all Emmerson had basically been his brother growing up. There was no one else he trusted more and relied on more. His thoughts were interrupted as Elara entered his office. "Sorry to disturb" she whispered. "You will never disturb me." He smiled up at his beautiful mate, his body relaxing as soon as he saw her. She was so perfect, he couldn't have dreamed up a more perfect mate even if he tried. "Still looking at Elodie's letter?" "Yeah, I think she was right about everything." He frowned at the letter again. "Really? Everything? Including you rejecting me on my birthday, that’s only 3 weeks away. Should I prepare myself? Pack a bag?" She raised her eyebrows and walked towards his desk, leaning over it with her face drawing closer to his. Her green eyes feeling like they were piercing through him. Leon found it hard to know if she was joking or not, but her being so close was throwing him off completely. Her sweet maple scent was so intoxicating. He raised his head to her ear "I think it's pretty clear, mate bond or no mate bond you are mine little wolf." he whispered, she shivered, reacting to his words and hot breath on her skin. That was enough to set him off, and he swiped everything clean off his desk. Pulling her forward to meet his lips to hers. She responded by climbing up and swinging her legs to wrap them around him.
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