Don't hold back

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He let her down in his room and locked the door behind them. Elodie held what was left of her shirt close to her chest. Her bag was still downstairs so she couldn't change. "Are you okay?" He asked as he touched her shoulder and gently spun her around. Expecting every inch and seeing that the wound had indeed healed. "Yes I'm fine." She responded. His hands ran over her bare back and Elodie forgot how to breathe. It was so warm and soft, so intoxicating. His hand moved up to mark between her shoulder blades. He ran his finger over it. It felt like little pins were running over the mark, sending little shock waves through her body. It was somewhat painful but electrifying at the same time. "Who did this to you?" he said deeply, in a menacing growl. Elodie turned to face him, and took a step back. "His name is Lance, or was. No idea if he is still walking the earth or not." "Was in his order for two years, enticed me in with the promise of a real place I could call my own, people who understood me and I could rely on. I had no one. I thought I could help people, mean something to someone. It quickly became apparent that he had no desire to ever let me leave, and I wasn't helping people at all." "Were you together?" His eyes narrowed. "Like romantically? No, I never saw him like that, and I always had this immense distrust in him. Just pure terror that sat in my gut when I was around him". Elodie realized she was going to have to tell Emmerson everything. He wouldn't let her leave without a full explanation of where the bite mark came from and who would be after her. Keeping the torn shirt to her chest to try and hide some of herself. She went to his closet and grabbed one of Emmerson's shirts to put on. She turned her back to put it on once she found one. He didn't object but he didn't take his eyes off her either. "I always tried to keep it professional. He put me to work at his estate for the order, I made sun stones in the conservatory. Sun stones are extremely rare and hard to make, and they can completely dissolve any vampire." "I was kept in the dark for most of his plans' but after a year or so, I realized he was using my sun stones to wipe out order leaders all across Manhattan." She continued. "So he could take complete control of the region. You would think this to be a good thing. Less vampires, less threats to humans. But Vampire orders, have held their own prescient in places like New York city for over a hundred years. Wiping out a bunch of the oldest and most powerful vampire royals and nobles caused chaos. Alot of chaos. A lot people died at the result of his plans. Without any leaders, clear prescient lines or regulations, young vampires who didn't join Lance's order basically did whatever they wanted - at least that's my understanding of it. They were completely out of control. All those deaths you read in the news 5 years ago - the human media said it was due to a power outage and carbon dioxide poisoning, It definitely wasn't. Lance didn't care. He just wanted to have all the power to himself." "Word got out that he was the reason powerful vampires were being destroyed and a lot of the ones left over wanted revenge. The night came when I knew he would be at his most vulnerable. He must have known it too. He ambushed me, he wanted to turn me, I struggled against it with everything I had, but there was no use. He was so strong, he could have killed me in an instant if he wanted. He had just sank his teeth into me when the other vampires broke in to try and take him down. They weren't interested in me at all. I took the opportunity to escape and never looked back. I've been in hiding ever since. He didn't get to finish the turning process obviously. And now I have a scar to remind me of that night." "So he is the one you think is after you?" Emmerson asked. "Yeah I know if he is still alive he would be. He was very… possessive" Elodie cringed at the memory of him treating her like some prize that he had won. Showing her off at his lavish party. "He is so sensitive to blood, he could literally find a needle in a haystack if it had been in someone's arm. That's how he found me in the first place, actually. Cut my finger on a rose bush late one night. That’s all it took" "That's why everything needs to be burned, he is dangerous. So dangerous. If he is alive and wants what he had back years ago. We should just better be safer than sorry." "Whoa, Elodie. Why didn't you tell me all of this?" "A lot of reasons, your pack would probably benefit hugely for turning over a witch that helped Lance Haddington Duke of the Undying Blood Order." "Vampires and their titles" Emmerson growled. "Yes Gamma Emmerson Knight of the Silver Thorn Pack" Elodie scoffed. "This isn't the time for jokes Elodie! You just told me how you have been in hiding for years after being imprisoned and was almost turned into a blood sucking vampire!" "Hey! I didn't ask for any of this! I didn't ask Lance to find me and promise me a home! Using me for my abilities for almost 2 years and almost killing me or worse, turning me. I didn't ask for a powerful Werewolf, Alpha's mate, to come across the cabin I had enchanted to be HIDDEN years ago! And I didn't ask to be slammed repeatedly into a mirror for saying no!" "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there with you when that guy at the bar attacked you. And I'm sorry you did the charm too. I didn't want you to show Elara the charm, but she convinced us otherwise." "What do you mean?" Elodie eyes widened. What was he talking about? She thought. Elara was just curious about her abilities, right? There was no other motive. They were friends. Right. Like true friends. "Well we thought if we saw how you did it we could figure out if you were…" "If I was what?" Elodie said impatiently. "Doing it to me…" Emmerson almost whispered. Elodie was shocked. She wasn't angry anymore she was hurt. Hurt that even though she had been nothing but honest with these people.. with Emmerson, especially with Emmerson. She had really let him in closer than anyone other than her mother. That they thought that she was still just using them, using him. After all they had shared and laughed together the night before. The happiness she had felt in the last 24 hours. Was it all a ploy, to get as much information they could out of her? Tears started to sting her eyes, but she maintained as much composure as she could. Elodie walked to the door and unlocked it, opening it slightly. "I have done what your Future Luna has asked and I am now leaving." She said trying to use as much of a professional tone as possible. Trying to push down all the pain that felt like it was right at the surface. She would have gone through that wound mending spell ten more times instead of this. "You know what though, Emmerson," she stopped herself and couldn't believe that she was actually saying this out loud. "My mother always said everyone has the ability to do supernatural things, whether they realize it or not. But I didn't need anything else from you to know what I felt for you was real." Emmerson slammed the door closed. His lips were suddenly on hers. Trusting his tongue in and out of her mouth. She leant into his kiss.
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