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The dark woods sprawled out around her. Elodie was alone where her cabin should have been but nothing was there, just a pile of wooden planks on the ground. The moon illuminated the deep familiar forest around them. A white wolf appeared running in her direction. Eira. Elodie would have recognized her anywhere. Eira didn't stop, she didn't even notice her. A big black wolf appeared from the darkness, stalking Eira. Eira noticed the wolf, and it started chasing after her. Back and forth between the trees, until finally pinning her to the ground. Eira playfully nipped at him and tried pinning him down, even though she was way too small to even attempt it. Elodie watched on, thinking how beautiful the two wolves were together under the full moon. She followed them through the woods. It was strange but they didn't acknowledge Elodie's presence at all. Both the wolves shifted, cuddling in the in a pile of leaves under a large Elm tree. The moonlight hit Elara's face and her beautiful blonde hair flowing down over her shoulder. Leon dark hair scuffed up his blue eyes gazing at his mate. His lips brushed hers with a kiss before he sighed. "Elara" "Yes" she smiled at him. "It's been an amazing year, but we need to be real. I can't have an omega as a mate, the pack can't have an omega- Luna. We are a strong pack. We can't have any vulnerabilities." What? Elodie thought. Did I just hear that correctly? It's been a year? But they only met as mates barely two days ago! And he doesn't want to be with her, but it really looked like they were mad for each other! And what about the ranking system being bull s**t, why is this different now?! "What are you saying Leon!?" Elara was taken back, raising her voice but also tearing up. "I'm saying we need to end this." Leon had no emotion on his face and took his arm off her shoulder. Elara was quiet for a while. You could see her mind running a thousand miles an hour. Elodie wanted to run over there and hug her. Take her away from everything. She was such an amazing person, she didn't deserve this at all. But it was obvious they couldn't see or hear her. Elodie attempted to pick up a stone to hopefully throw it at Leon's head for being such a d**k. But her hand went straight through it. What is this? She thought. "So let me get this straight" Elara continued to Leon. " You kept me as your secret for 12 months just to dump me on my birthday the following year. Do I mean that little to you?" Elara sounded elated, she was in so much pain. "Elara c'mon we have to be real about our future. We can't be together." Leon begged. "I can see you aren't even going to listen to me, so listen to this. Elara cleared her throat, Elodie knew she was going all out not to fall apart, and she was actually holding up quite well, considering. She even looked somewhat strong and confident. "I Elara Eira Daughton of the Silver Thorn pack reject you Leon Bane Barsen future alpha of the Silver Thorn Pack as my chosen mate." Wait future alpha! Elodie thought. No, this is completely wrong, Leon was alpha, he wouldn't let anyone forget it and his title. This is all wrong Elodie thought. "I accept your rejection" He whispered sadly and flinched in pain. "I Elara Daughton" she continued. "Wait Elara, don’t!" he objected. "Here by denounce the Silver Thorn pack and their Alpha Leonard Barsen." "You know I was just letting you catch me right. Don't worry though that won't happen ever again." She shifted into Eira and ran in the darkness to the boarders of the territory. Leon just sat there, he didn't even try to go after her, he even looked like he was crying. Elodie was so lost. What was this? Why was this happening? They had been together for a year since her birthday! That was the day that Elara found her cabin and hid from Leon. But her cabin wasn't there. Her cabin wasn't there. Wait is this what would have happened if I never have to come to this place? But why is Leon not alpha? What kind of butterfly effect is this? This had to be the fate that didn't occur. Because. Because a witch got involved. Ruined the Moon Goddess's plan and the divine fate of the werewolves. But this outcome was terrible! Why would the moon Goddess plan for such a thing. My involvement seemed to improve the situation tenfold. Why am I being shown this? You paired those two together and they weren't meant to be together? Are you just a b***h!? What are you trying to tell me? She turned away from Leon and she was no longer in the woods and it was no longer dark either. Her eyes were forced to adjust to the sun blaring in the blue sky. It was hot and the ground beneath her feet seemed to shift. "O man! Why did dad give us such a terrible car, so much for a nice day all out together." An unfamiliar voice caught her off guard. Elodie's eyes adjusted. It was the middle of a hot day and she was standing on the side of the road. A green Jeep was parked in front of her. A tall beautiful brunette woman was leaning against the car with her arms crossed. Her hair was tied back in a long pony tail. Her lips were twitching with irritation. "I was so looking forward to showing you both the view from this hike. My father showed it to me years ago. It's been off limits for years due to the warring packs, but with no attacks for years now we are finally allowed to see it again. And of course, the freaking car breaks down!" Elodie looked to see where she was. The trees and shrubbery told her that they were still in the same region but perhaps quite a distance from Silver Thorn's territory. "Don't worry Dorothy, someone will be here soon." Elara's voice. Elara got out of the car, she looked more mature, like 5 years older than what she was just before. "Mum is the car broken? Are we going to walk all the way home." A young boy poked his head out of the car. "Yes the car is broken Leo, but no we won't be walking back home. Someone will be here soon." "Ahh, I'm so annoyed, this was supposed to be such a nice day celebrating you passing the bar and becoming a lawyer." "It's okay!" Elara chuckled. "We can try again another day, and there is nothing wrong with grabbing a glass of wine and watching some cartoons to celebrate, we don't need to go out." "I like cartoons!" Leo chimed in. "I wanted it to be a little bit more special than that", Dorothy complained. "You deserve it! You have overcome so much! A new pack, new family, new career, the sweetest little boy in the world." She laid a big kiss on Leo's cheek. "Ewww yuck!" He said wiping off the kiss. Elodie's stomach turned, Elara had a baby, a baby boy. He was beautiful and he looked just like.. Leon there was no denying it. Did I prevent this? Did I prevent another baby boy coming into the world. Elodie started to tear up. But kept paying attention. I can still try and fix this she thought. "O hey! Here is a car now that was quick. "Dorothy said and pointed to a black sedan coming down the road in the direction that they were going. "Way too quick and from the wrong direction." Elara whispered. "Dorothy that’s not from our pack, we need to start the car. Leo stay in the car!" Elara said in a panic. "Mate" Dorothy whispered. "Wait what? Dorothy we need to go! That car is from my old pack I can't let.." The car came to a screeching stop in front of them. Elara was about to get in the driver's seat to try and start the broken car. But Dorothy wouldn't move. Leon got out of the black sedan, his sadness filled his blue eyes. He did not even acknowledge Dorothy "Elara! You are alive, you are okay." Leon said almost tripping over himself to get to Elara. "No!" Elara yelled back at him. "Stay away!"She glanced back at Leo in the passenger seat of the car. Dorothy did not stop looking at the black sedan. She was completely memorized by something, and it was like Elara wasn't even there anymore. "Elara I'm sorry for what happened 5 years ago, we can fix it. I promise I love you, we can be together." "What are you talking about our mate bond is gone!" "I know it is, but I still love you. I never stopped loving you. With or without the mate bond, it doesn't matter to me" He touched her arm, but she flinched and pulled away. "Don't do this to me" she started to cry. "Get away from my mother!" Leo yelled as he jumped out of the back seat of the car. "Mother?" Leon stepped back from Elara as Leo got in between them, holding on to his mother's leg. Leon looked at the boy. He knew, it was written all over his face. He knew that the boy was his Leon fell to his knees, "O Elara, I'm so sorry." "Please let me fix this." Elara stood in silence just as she had done before. She finally responded, nodding "slowly. It might not work out between us but I think it is the right thing to do to let Leo get to know you." She smiled weakly. "I would love that" Leon said as he got to his feet. "Leo, it's okay" Elara said calmly and knelt down to his level. "This is Leon. " "Alpha Leon", Leon corrected her. "Of the Silver Thorn pack." "That was mommy's old pack" Elara explained. "And it’s a pleasure to meet you Leo, I won't ever hurt your mother, I promise." The passenger side of the black sedan opened and Emmerson stepped out. Elodie held her breath, he had barely changed, even though from what Leon had said it has been 5 years since the day they met. Her heart beat thundered in her chest. "Mate" he whispered to Dorothy and started to walk over to her. Elodie's chest felt like it just shattered. "No no no!. Of course he has a mate!" she cried. "I get it! I'm just an object that is in the way of your divine plan! You can stop!" She screamed, not affecting the scene that was playing out in front of her at all. "I'll fix it! You win!"
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