Chapter Three: Restless-2

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“Hey…we’re just friends! She just gives me the creeps when she’s all lovey dovey.” “Give it a year or so and you’ll think differently,” Alina teased. Erik’s team won by five goals to one, and her brother had scored two of the goals, and helped make the other three. Since they had plenty of food Alina invited Erik to eat with them after the game. He was super-cute, with a great body; and he was the kind of guy who always was there to help out organizing social events – like the local soccer team today. At school he’d never seemed to be that successful with girls, and kept getting his heart broken whenever he got serious about one. Alina had always liked him, but the timing had never been right for them to get together. It was a pity…Erik had a good job working for a local reseller of high tech networking equipment. He had his own apartment…a company van, and he even got to travel around Europe sometimes on business. After the picnic Alina said she’d hang back and help him clear away the sports gear, and the two of them loaded the team’s equipment into his van. “Can I give you a ride home?” he asked her. Alina reached out and took his hand. “Maybe we could go back to your place,” she said softly. After the restless night she’d found her solitary m**********n deeply unsatisfying. She needed a man…and Erik would be perfect as long as she was clear about it being just casual. She had no intention of giving him any other ideas, and she especially didn’t want to mess him up emotionally. It sounded like he’d taken the break up with his former girlfriend pretty badly, so some meaningless s*x was probably exactly what he needed. It was cute that he blushed and seemed uncertain what to say to her. Alina leaned forward and brushed her lips against his left ear. “That is, unless you have something better to do.” Needless to say less than fifteen minutes later Erik was showing her into his small apartment. He offered her a cold beer, and she gladly accepted. While he was opening the bottles she unfastened her trainers and slipped off her socks. “No offence, Erik,” she said looking around the cramped living area, “but this place is a mess! How long is it since your girlfriend was here?” Erik started to tidy away some of the computer magazines, blushing as he did so. “A month or so, I guess…I don’t get much time to keep things neat…sorry,” he mumbled. “Is the bedroom clean?” she asked, putting down her bottle of beer and grabbing his arm. She saw him swallow hard, and then nod. “Yeah…I changed the sheets yesterday.” “Good…now I need to tell you something. In a couple of weeks…maybe a little longer…I’m leaving to start my studies in England.” His eyes widened. “Hey…I didn’t know that. That’s…great, I guess.” She laughed. “You guess? You sound so thrilled for me!” “Well…I am; but if you’re going to be in England…” Alina had stepped close to Erik now, edging him back against the door into the bedroom. “If I’m going to be in England that means we have to take advantage of the moment right now…doesn’t it? I don’t want to lead you on, sweetie…this isn’t about a long term relationship. Think of it as helping each other out. You need to get back in the game since that Bulgarian b***h dumped you…and I’ve wanted to find out what you’re like in bed for about the past five years.” Erik’s mouth was gaping open in surprise. They’d only ever spoken as school friends over the years, and it was clear that he was shocked by her aggressive approach. She reached out for Erik’s wrists and raised them upwards – she was in her bare feet, so she was a few inches shorter than him. Even so she managed to pin his arms above his shoulders, and against the door. Her lips closed on his and she probed his mouth with her tongue. She tried to channel the sense of power she’d imagined that morning as she’d fingered herself in bed. She was a dominant woman…she possessed something that this man wanted. She had the power. “You’re my prisoner!” she whispered as she drew back from the kiss. Erik had a sort of goofy look on his face; and now he broke out into a grin. “That’s fine by me!” he chuckled. “Jeez, Alina…you’re pretty strong for a girl.” She brushed his lips with hers again. “Did I give you permission to speak?” she asked. Erik’s breath was coming in excited gasps now…and she had to suppress a smile as she saw him shake his head. “Let’s see what you’ve got in those pants!” she ordered, releasing his wrists and stepping past him into the bedroom. He’d been telling the truth – the bed had been made and it looked a lot tidier in here. She stood with her hands on her hips as Erik stripped in front of her. The only problem was that she wasn’t sure what to do next. She remembered reading about something called “Clothed Female, Naked Male” scenes…which basically seemed to be that a naked man would be inherently at a disadvantage to a clothed woman who would dominate him. But right now that idea was confusing to her; how was Erik supposed to f**k her if she still had her clothes on? When he was naked Alina told him to stand at attention so she could inspect him. His c**k was impressively large, that was for sure…she guessed eight, maybe nine inches! And it was rock hard, almost quivering as he stood there. He reached out for her, but she batted his hands away. “No touching me…not yet,” she told him. “I’ve got all night, Erik. Have you? Can you be that much of a man for me?” “Yeah…definitely,” he mumbled. She reached out and allowed the fingertips of her right hand to brush his chest as she slowly walked around him. “Nice d**k,” she told him. “Thanks…err…you’re really pretty too…I mean…” Alina grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head around. “If I need you to speak I’ll tell you, OK?” “What the f**k? That hurts! OK, OK…I’ll shut up if that’s what you want!” Alina clenched her jaws. This wasn’t going quite the way she wanted. Erik looked genuinely annoyed at her; but his erection said he was definitely turned on…so what was the problem? Why wasn’t this interaction happening smoothly? Then it occurred to her that Erik wasn’t necessarily turned on by any of this – it was f*****g Alina he was interested in, and right this second he was probably wondering why she was being so mean to him! She didn’t want to break the mood, so she moved in front of him and gave him a pouting smile. All men loved compliments…so maybe she’d throw a couple his way. “Poor baby…I’m such a b***h! But I’ve really wanted you for such a long time, Erik.” He blinked. “You have? Holy s**t, Alina…in school I didn’t think you knew I existed.” That comment surprised her. She’d often admired Erik’s physique, but each time she seemed to be free he always seemed to be involved with some bimbo that was following the jock crowd. And as they’d gotten older Erik had tended to study science and technology while Alina had chosen politics and business. Who would have thought he’d always fancied her? Now she stood close to him, his c**k pressing into her belly, and draped her arms around his neck. When she saw his arms moving towards her she shook her head and smiled. “Uh-uh, not yet, sweetie. Be patient for a little longer. I’ll be worth waiting for…I promise.” “I’m sure you will be…I always thought you were beautiful, but I didn’t realize how sexy you could be too.” She laughed softly, pressing her breasts against him. He seemed to like being teased a little…except unlike her prospective husband, Alina knew Erik expected to f**k her senseless after this little performance; well that was fine by her. “All the girls at school used to whisper about how big you are.” She stepped back a little, and gently ran her index finger from the base of his c**k to the tip. He shuddered as she reached the head, and she collected a drop of precum that was already dripping from him. She brought her index finger up to her lips and then slowly and deliberately licked the sticky liquid off it. Erik’s mouth gawped open, and then he licked his own lips nervously. “Yummy!” she chuckled. “Now…since you’re dripping goo down my shorts, why don’t you undress me? Take it slowly, big boy…this girl doesn’t like to be rushed.” He was surprisingly gentle…easing her T-shirt over her head…then unfastening her shorts…and then reaching around to unhook her bra. “You’re so beautiful, Alina,” he whispered. She was happy to see that he kept eye contact with her as he removed her clothes. For a second she considered dropping her dominant act and just letting him take her…but she was actually starting to enjoy the drawn out tension of this situation. s*x with Grigore in the past had all too often been a hurried act for her, so this time she wanted to savor it. Was that what domination was all about…prolonging the anticipation? His hands felt good on her body as he knelt in front of her and slid her panties down her legs, and she groaned as his lips kissed her inner thighs. Of course she hadn’t given him permission to kiss her there, but his touch felt so good…so very good. She was glad now that she’d taken the time that morning to shave her whole body – apart from her head – in preparation for the electrolysis treatment she’d have the next day. She’d kept just a thin strip of pubic hair, but Zelda had assured her that every other part of her would be permanently hairless after the course of treatments. Alina reached out for Erik’s hand and pulled him towards the bed. Without needing to be told he lay face-up, and placed his hands over his head, grasping at the wooden frame. “Are you sure you’ve never been tied up by a girl?” she asked, tilting her head to indicate his raised arms. “Because you’re very well trained.” “Is…is that what you’re into?” he asked. “You wanna tie me up? I’ve got some string I use for touchline bunting somewhere.” Alina considered his question for a full second, but then smiled at him. “I’d love to…but let’s not break the mood. I want you to imagine you’re tied up…no – that you’re chained to the bed. There’s no way to escape.” He laughed. “Like I’d ever want to escape from you!” Alina laughed with him. He was right…this would be every man’s dream. Just lay back and let the woman do all the work! She knew she was missing something…and maybe Zelda could explain it to her. Should the submissive enjoy it so much? She eased herself down next to Erik, sliding her left leg up so her knee brushed his erect p***s. Her mouth was level with his left n****e, and she slid her tongue out and flicked it gently. Erik sighed with pleasure. “You didn’t answer me,” she whispered. “Did a girl ever tie you up?” He laughed. “No…but now I kind of wish one had!” “How about a boy? Would you like that, Erik?” He laughed. “I never went with a boy…but I hear you like playing for the home team sometimes.” Alina bit down on his n****e, producing a gasp of pain. “Hey!” he chuckled. “I wasn’t being nasty about it…I think it’s sexy to see two girls together.” She eased her way closer to his face…kissing his neck and sliding her left hand over his chest. “I suppose it’s true – I’ve been in longer and better relationships with girls than any man I’ve dated. How about being tied up in a chair so you were forced to watch me with another girl? Would you like that?” He tilted his head, trying to kiss her, but she dodged him. “I asked you a question.” “I guess so…it would be frustrating, I suppose. But that’s what you’re doing to me now, isn’t it? Teasing me, I mean.” “And do you like it?” “I like being with you…and if this is how you want to play then I like it too.” That made Alina smile…he was doing this to please her; and in the future she’d be doing this to please her new husband. The irony of that situation was more than Alina could take. She eased herself up onto her elbow and looked into Erik’s eyes. Maybe if they’d got together sooner things would be different. After a few seconds she reached out and stroked his lips with her fingers. “I want to feel these lips on my p***y, Erik…I need you to make me come…and then I really hope you’ve got some condoms around this dump somewhere.” He laughed. “I think I can find some.” Before Alina could say anything Erik reached out and flipped her onto her back. This time it was her arms that were pinned over her head, and she didn’t resist as he kissed her deeply. His kisses moved across her cheek, and down her neck, edging closer to her breasts.
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