Chapter Three: Restless-1

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Chapter Three: Restless Bucharest, Romania. July 27th, 2013 That evening Alina just couldn’t get to sleep; and at around 3:00am she gave up even trying and got out of bed. Six years ago, when she’d become a student her brother, Roman, had offered to move out of the bedroom they’d shared as children and he started to sleep on a camping cot in the kitchen. Then when their father had died two years ago Roman has been able to move his bed into Mama’s room. Alina was looking forward to seeing the smile on his face when they were able to move into a new apartment and he could finally have a room of his own. But at least for the moment she had this bedroom to herself – even if it was a hot and stuffy place on a night like this. So she sat at her tiny desk, on which was an ancient laptop computer that her father had been given by a friend. The battery no longer worked, so it was limited to running from the mains supply; but it had been just about adequate for her to use for her studies; and now she used it to search the net for references to female domination. The broadband connection came courtesy of one of their neighbors – who let them use his Wi-Fi in exchange for Alina and Roman cleaning his apartment once per week. She was a little nervous about searching for overtly s****l content in case he might get into trouble. Instead she limited the search to text, as opposed to images, and began with Wikipedia. This led her to explore a whole vocabulary of terms she’d never even dreamed of. Orgasm denial, forced feminization, forced chastity, forced bisexuality, face sitting, foot worship, corporal punishment, bondage, verbal humiliation…and each time she clicked on one of the terms it seemed to lead to another journey of discovery. All the time Alina told herself that the submissive male actually craved these activities – activities that most people would find deeply unpleasant. Zelda had given her a list of the things that Charles Waddington expressed as his fantasies, and Alina was relieved that they all seemed to be at the mildest end of the FemDom spectrum. On the other hand if her “husband” expected her to keep up this role play every hour of every day then she could imagine that even these mild activities could become mentally very tiring for both of them. She made a note to ask Zelda how she would be able to find some respite from the relentless pressure. She checked the clock and was amazed to see it was almost five o’clock – she’d been studying the topic for almost two hours! She stretched and allowed herself a huge yawn. As she leaned back in her chair an image popped into her mind. Her last night with Grigore – her former lover and university tutor. They’d already broken up and got back together again a couple of times. After their first breakup Alina had started a relationship with one of the other female students, and had actually been very happy. But Grigore begged her to come back to him, and she’d been stupid enough to agree. Maybe he saw her relationship with another woman as a “challenge” – a chance to win one back for the home side. As soon as they’d gotten back together he’d reverted back to his old ways. She’d found out that he was seeing one of her old classmates on the side! When she’d confronted him it had escalated into a blazing row, which he’d “won” by punching her several times in the face. That had been the last straw for her. She cringed at the idea that she’d begged him to stop seeing the girl…how pathetic she’d been. She almost welcomed the fact that he’d struck her – it had knocked some sense into her finally! She’d decided not to go to the police…she just wanted him out of her life. He’d called her the next day to apologize, but she told him to f**k off and die. Maybe that was what triggered his angry obsession with her, and a few days later the bombshell dropped. Grigore had withdrawn his letter of recommendation for Alina to go to the Bucharest Business School, and the admissions director had called her to say her scholarship and the associated financial support had been given to somebody else. Alina hadn’t even been able to answer the man on the phone…she was so shocked. Things had become worse and worse when she’d tried to find a proper business job. At each place she was asked for references, and when they called the university somehow they always ended up speaking with Grigore, who promptly fed them some bullshit that meant she wasn’t offered the job. How mean and petty could somebody be to do something like that? The thing that angered her most was that she’d allowed her former lover to reduce her to tears. She didn’t dare tell her mother why she’d lost her place, but she was pretty sure that the news was the final straw that drove her mother back into an alcoholic depression. Now she tried to imagine how that last evening with Grigore might have been different if she’d been more assertive – more like Zelda. She would have refused his demands for s*x, of course. But then she’d have pushed him to his knees and forced him to worship her feet. Perhaps she’d have pushed him onto his back and sat on his face. “If you want my ass so much, why don’t you lick it clean, you f*****g bastard!” she’d scream at him. If he struggled she would reach down and twist his n*****s as hard as she could. After all, his screams would be muffled by her ass, and nobody would come to help him. Perhaps she could have tied him up…hands behind his back to stop him resisting her. She’d put on her stiletto ankle boots and walk across his back. It wouldn’t matter how he begged her and pleaded for her to stop…she’d just ignore him. As the fantasy in her head became more and more intense, Alina felt a shiver of delight pass through her. Jesus Christ, she was actually getting turned on by this! It was just a pity it wasn’t real! She would definitely have liked to whip Grigore until he burst into tears. She wanted him to suffer as she’d suffered…as her mother and her brother were suffering as a result of the man’s petty vindictiveness. She turned off the PC and slipped back into bed. It would be wonderful to relieve her stress by m**********g, but her crappy old bed made really horrible squeaking noises when she moved, and she knew that Mama would hear her through the paper-thin walls. She was such a light sleeper, even when she was drunk. Despite her fear of being overheard Alina couldn’t stop her right hand drifting down between her legs. Her fingers slipped into her p***y very easily – because she was already wet with excitement. She almost cried out as her index finger pressed onto her clit. Perhaps if she was careful not to move too much… She rolled over onto her tummy and pressed her face into her pillow. The trick was to just move her fingers, and keep her body still. The image that she held in her mind was of Grigore’s back covered in red welts from her whip. She’d walk away from him, but he’d come crawling back to her so she could whip him some more. Most of all she wanted to slap his stupid face until he blacked out…then she’d throw water in his face to revive him so she could start over again. After a few minutes the gallery of images of Grigore’s suffering put her over the edge. Her climax was brief, but intense, and she prayed that her cries had been muffled by the pillow. She lay there sweating in the stagnant air of the bedroom as she allowed the afterglow of pleasure to wash over her; and as she calmed her breathing she recognized the danger of the fantasy she’d just experienced. What she’d imagined inflicting on Grigore had been inspired by her hatred of him, and he certainly wouldn’t have been a willing participant. Surely that was an unhealthy way to handle a sub/Dom relationship. She knew she’d hate herself forever if she really hurt somebody – such as her prospective husband. Was there a way to introduce some kind of affection, or caring, into acts of female domination? The most important thing she knew she needed to do was to maintain a level of safety and control over anything she might do to this man Waddington. But how? She didn’t even know the man…so she couldn’t love him, or even have any affection for him right away. Of course, she was grateful for the promise of his money, and for the opportunity he was offering her and her family; so maybe she could channel that feeling of gratitude until she got to know him better. With a dreadful squeak of the metal bed frame Alina rolled over once again. s**t! It was five thirty in the morning and she hadn’t slept a wink! It was light outside by now, so she might as well go out for an early run along the river. She dressed quickly, scribbled a note for her mother and headed out. It was a nice morning, with the promise of being a really beautiful day. Her brother played soccer on Sunday mornings and he was one of the best players on the local community team. Maybe she could persuade her mother to get out of the apartment for a while to go watch him. By the time she got back her mother and brother were up. He was tucking into a big breakfast, but in her note Alina has asked her mother for just fresh fruit – she was determined to tone up as Zelda had suggested. “Alina…where did all this ham and cheese come from?” her mother asked. “I looked in the fridge this morning and it’s almost full. And there are three loaves of bread too.” “There was some extra food left over at the restaurant last night, and Bogdi said I could take it.” She hated lying to her mother, but for the moment she needed to explain the appearance of the food. She was also getting worried about how she’d explain sending money to her mother once she’d moved to the UK – not to mention the fact that if an alcoholic has cash in their hand they’ll buy booze with it. Roman waited for her mother to leave the room and then leaned in close. “Bogdi Dodrescu never gave anyone anything!” he whispered. “Is he…asking you to…do things for him? You tell me now, Alina…if that fat bastard so much as…” “Relax!” Alina told him, smiling. Her little brother was desperate to become the man of the family. “The food wasn’t from Bogdi…but I can’t tell Mama the real reason yet. We need to talk, Roman. I got a new scholarship, which is where the money’s coming from; but you know what will happen if Mama has cash in her pocket!” “Yeah…I know. Shhh…she’s coming back,” Roman told her. Alina nodded. “Hey, Mama…I thought we could go and watch Roman’s team play today. We can take a picnic to the park.” Her mother shrugged. “It sounds like a nice idea…it will be hot today, so let’s find someplace under the trees.” The park was also a good place for some stretching exercises, so after her shower Alina dressed in some cut-off jeans and a T-shirt. The day was already getting warm, and a lot of other people had had the same idea about finding somewhere out of the sun. Luckily Alina knew the team coach from when they were at school together, and they were able to share some shade under the trees with him next to the pile of sports bags and bottles of water. Once the game had started Alina decided to jog a few circuits of the field to warm up, and then do some stretches under the trees. Each time she passed their little picnic area she noticed Erik, the coach, glancing over at her, and at half time she pulled her brother to one side. “Hey, is Erik still going out with that Bulgarian girl? The exchange student?” Roman scratched his head. “I don’t think so…her course finished, I think, and she went home. He was pretty upset a couple of weeks ago. I think she wasn’t very nice about it when she dumped him; and you know how he gets…he’s such a wimp!” Alina laughed. “He’s just sensitive! My God, you could learn something from him about being nicer to girls. The way you treat Gabriela sometimes…”
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