Chapter Eleven

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Third Person POV She sat still, not moving, not shaking. The movement of her eyes was all that showed that she is still alive. "Ms. Jones!" The doctor shouted, bringing her from her daze. He has been trying to get her attention for five minutes but she didn't respond. So all he could do was to shout. She didn't answer but just stared at him. The expression she had on her face was like she has been told she has an hour to live. "Did you say the doctor back in Spain performed a test that proved that you are pregnant?" She nodded still not understanding what the hell was going on with her. If she isn't pregnant why then is she feeling all the symptoms of pregnancy? Oh no! Is she having cancer? "Doctor, if you are saying that I am not pregnant why then do I have morning sickness and all the other pregnancy symptoms. Do I have cancer?" She spoke for the first time, asking the question that was bugging her mind.  "Oh no dear. I think there is a problem somewhere. We will perform another test to find out where the problem is." He wrote something on a prescription sheet and handed it over to her. "Here, give this to the nurse that created your folder, she knows what to do. It's a couple of tests. We will contact you when the results are ready." She took it and exited his office to do as told. The nurse took the sheet and led her to a room that was labeled as the lab. After her blood samples and urine was taken, she left but with a lot of unanswered questions on her mind. Pharrell's POV "Hey man, what was that all about yesterday?"   "I said the truth bro, you need to stop this s**t and focus on your family." "That is none of your business but thanks. You helped me get rid of her." I burst out into laughter seeing how ridiculous he looks thinking I was serious and angry. "You are bad bro" he said joining in my laughter. "Hey I got something that I have to finish up in my office but I will get back to you shortly or you mind coming along?" "Oh no bro, I will be here waiting for the guys. You go." "Okay be safe and keep out of trouble. By that I mean, stay away from the bitches." "I can't promise you that, but I will try and be a good boy." He shook his head while having a silly grin on his face then turn to leave. "I am serious man!" "Hey Martina, care to make me something nice?" I called out over the noise but she heard me, partly because she had her eyes on me. "Sure handsome,  just a minute, it's quite busy here." "Hello handsome need some company?" A slutty blond bimbo who looked like she had had enough to drink said seductively and I was tempted to give in but Heath's warning kept ringing in my head. "No b***h, I got to pass this time."  Believe me, it was not easy refusing, seeing how hot she looked and her being tipsy would have made a perfect one nightstand. She wouldn't remember anything. "Hey Martina, w******p with my drink?!" I turned to look at a frustrated Martina who was scolding a young lady whose face I couldn't see. "Just hurry up and change! and get the f**k back here. There are customers to serve." She shouted at her. Her voice was louder for me to hear from where I sat and over the loud music. I watch the young girl speed off to the inner chambers which belong to the stuff. That's weird, Heath never spoke about hiring a new girl. But I am liking this.  As she ran, all I could focus on was her butt. They were the right size for me and damn, her height was just perfect. "Sorry Heath I don't think I'm going let this one go." "Sorry for the delay boo, I was quite busy. That girl is just not helping at all. I don't know why he hired her." She complained placing my drink before me. "Are you sure you are not scared she is coming to take Heath's attention from you?" I asked, sensing her jealousy.  "That's ridiculous boo, I am not worried at all because she is not his type and the boss has eyes only for me." "You might never know Martina, men like us want fresh and young meat, not plastic." She scoffed, her cheeks now looking red. "Are you saying I am old?" "I don't remember saying that, you said it yourself" "Errm, Mr. Brown, I think it's nugatory wasting my time with you. I better get back to work and if you want any action tonight you know where to find me." She winked at me before walking off. It baffles me how women don't value themselves. Liana's POV  I got a call from the doctor today telling me how sorry they are for giving me  wrong information. Actually, the test I performed yesterday came out positive so they check and found out that their ultrasound machine was faulty. So I went to the hospital today for the test result and a fresh ultrasound appointment. Today I was able to see my baby but it's very tinny like a cloth of blood. It was unbelievable but I was excited when the doctor told me that I will be able to see it as the days go by and eventually I will get to listen to its heartbeat. Now, I was pondering over whether to tell Velma the truth about my pregnancy or not and whether to let her know my true agender for coming to the USA. But there was this little voice telling me every time that she hates Pharrell and might throw me out if she finds out that I am carrying his baby and that I am his soon to be wife: the apple of his eyes. She might want revenge and what better revenge is it than to have the love of your life and baby destroyed. "Hmm, you have a point though." I spoke to no one but myself. "Hey Ms. Jones aren't you going to work today?" Louisa asked, through the slightly opened door. "Oh, what time is it?" Oh no. 5:45 pm. No, I am going to be late. I can't afford to be. Yesterday I messed up again and gave customers wrong orders, I poured a drink on a client and forgot to take the bills from another client. I was distracted because all I could think of was my baby and how the hell I wasn't pregnant. I think the doctor needs to be arrested on accounts of causing stress, emotional trauma, anxiety and almost costing me my job. If not for the good man that Heath is, I would have been jobless by now. Talking of Heath, I think I better start running off to work. He is not always considerate and I don't think he likes me that much. But it's my third day at work so I might just be overthinking plus he bought me nice clothes so I might just be wrong. I packed one of the costumes he bought me into my bag before dashing out.  "Going already?" Velma who I hadn't noticed was sitting in the dark living room said, frightening me. "Ahh, you scared me. I placed my hand over my chest, trying to keep calm." "I am sorry, forgot I placed the lights off." "Yeah, I am off to work. I am quite late though." "Well, good luck with that. I am sure Heath won't appreciate that." "Thank you for making me nervous now Velma,"  I said sardonically then walked off. The place was buzzing when I got there making me aware of how late I am. I gnashed my teeth thinking of how Martina will react to me being late. "Here you are!" "I-I-I-I a-a-am sorry for being late." "Just hurry up and change! and get the f**k back here. There are customers to serve.!" She shouted scaring the hell out of me. Fortunately, the boss was not around but I know nothing goes unnoticed to him. He might be observing from the cameras. I ran off to the changing room without any more time to waste. The sweat on Martina's face told me how hectic and busy it is and I didn't want to get on her worst side since I'm already on her bad side. I took off my top and just when I was about to take off my pants, I felt a hand snake around my waist, bringing me back against a hard body. His breath was fanning my neck causing the hairs there to stand on ends. He smelt of mint and alcohol and manly, intoxicating me.  "Hey beautiful, what's your name."
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