Chapter Twelve

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"What is going on here?" The room was dark, but the disco lights from the club made it possible to see. He had seen her on his CCTV rushing in the direction of the staff changing room. That's when he realized that the club was not a place she can work in. Initially, he thought she would change and adapt to the life of the club but it sure wasn't happening any time soon. Yesterday, she made a lot of serious silly mistakes, almost costing him his customers. He knew he has to think of his business rather than his feelings and even though he liked her, he wasn't about to let it get in the way of his business. Pharrell turned at the sound of his friend's voice but he was not ashamed of being caught. "Hey Heath" "What are you doing in my staff changing room holding the waist of my new girl, man?" He asked with a hint of disappointment and anger  "Chill bro, you never told me you hired a hot girl. I want her man." He slurred already tipsy. Heath didn't know whether to punch him or let it go but he took the latter, deciding that he is not in the right mind. "Hey you, hurry up and go and help Martina, bro come with me." He spared a last glance at Lia before leading Pharrell out. "Listen man, that girl is out of your league, and don't try going close to her ever again. She is too good for you to ruin. I will advise you to stick to your w****s because she ain't one." He warned sternly before walking off back into his office. But he made one of his bouncers escort Pharrell to his seat. Liana's POV. If it wasn't him why then am I having these chills? why do I feel his presence all around me? That voice, it sounded so much like him. I wanted to turn so badly but I had no guts in me. Just when I have gathered the strength to see whose arm was holding my waist, my boss walks in and took him away.  I felt Heath was angry but who wouldn't be, it was like he has found his employee having s*x whiles she should be working. I hastily changed into my working outfit disregarding the strange feeling I was having, then walked out to the bar to help Martina. "Hey b***h, take these orders, they are for table three, make sure you don't repeat your foolishness and make them happy."  Martina called harshly. I have come to know that if you want to work in a club, you got to tolerate all this harshness. I took the tray filled with glasses of different liquors and sent it to the table number she asked me to. I managed to complete that order and get the tips before walking off to another table to take their orders. Fortunately, today's outfit was not as revealing as the one Martina gave me so I had no problems with the drunken men. Except a few who were trying to grab me when I walk past them.  I gave the orders I have taken from two different tables to Martina to prepare them and she, in turn, gave me another tray filled to the brim and asked me to send it to the VIP section where the boss was with some of his friends. As I made my way there, the same feeling of anxiousness I had earlier returned and I had to hold the tray tightly to prevent me from dropping it.  "Hey Martina, boss said he is waiting for his orders." I heard Lumi, one of the waiters say. "I have given it to the b***h. Hey, hurry up with that. Can't you walk faster?!" Martina shouted giving me the drive I needed to move but Lumi walked up to me and took the tray away from me.  "He said I should bring them. Now go and serve the other tables." He said then walked away. I released a sigh, feeling a heavy weight lifted off me. I know that if the boss is with his friends, the one who came to the changing room will be part of them and if indeed it is Pharrell, what will I do. I know I am excited to see him but am I ready yet? What will I tell him? I was curious to find out whether it was him but I just couldn't muster the courage to go there so I am relieved that Lumi took those orders. I returned to the bar and was immediately given a filled try thus, that was basically how my night went. There was another order from the boss but unfortunately for me this time, Lumi wasn't around and I had to send it.  "Please hurry up with this one, there are a lot of customers to serve. Send this to the boss's table." She handed me the tray and urged me to deliver it. And just like the first time, I walked at a slow pace only that this time I was indeed going to deliver it. I got there to the sight of drunken men laughing heartily with half-naked women sitting on almost all of them including the boss. I slowly looked around and to my relief, the man was not among them but there was an empty seat with one of the girls sitting on the next seat beside it. She might be his share of the w****s. I mentally joked, then placed the tray on their table, cleared the empty glasses, and was about to leave when a guy came out from the direction of the washroom. You could tell he was tipsy and was trying his best not to fall. Walking behind him was a lady who barely had anything on giving me a fair idea of what they went to do in the washroom. I couldn't really see his face since the lighting in the VIP section is dimmer than the ones in the main club. But I got the shock of my life when they got closer. In a tight leather coat and denim jeans was no other than Pharrell. So my instincts were right?. His fingers were laced with that of the girl's behind him and he had that satisfactory look on his face. "No no this can't be him, he will never do this to me." 'Grow up Lia, he is a man and can cheat anytime he wants.' My mind taunted but I was not ready to accept it. Maybe, he missed me so much and he needed the release. I bowed my head when he looked my way then I quickly walked away. All this while, I felt Heath's stares on me making me feel uncomfortable. It was like his eyes were digging holes through my body. I was out of breath by the time I got to the bar and I snuffled, trying so hard not to shed any tear. Why will he be with another woman when I am the one carrying his child? "Hey, are you okay?" Martina who had noticed my change of mood asked but not in a caring manner. Maybe he doesn't know about the baby, yes I need to tell him. I need to tell him right now. I absentmindedly placed the tray in Martina's hands then with calculated steps, walked toward the VIP section. 'What are you doing Lia, your boss is there, you can't possibly tell Pharrell in front of anyone?' My inner being said trying to make me see reason and I did. "So what am I going to do? He needs to know the truth." I spoke to myself like a lunatic. "Yes,"  I smiled when a plan clicked in my head, I will stalk him to his house, no our house, and make this wonderful announcement. I am sure he will be so happy.  With my new plan and thinking it will not fail, I placed on a smiley face then went back to work cheerfully, confusing Martina. Damn b***h, pregnant women have mood swings duh! I mentally screamed taking the prepared orders from her.  I kept my attention on the entrance of the VIP section so I wouldn't miss when they leave. It wasn't until three am that they made their way out of the club. I had closed for the day and preordered a  uber who was waiting for me outside. I got into it and watched as each of them got into their individual cars. I ordered the uber driver to follow Pharrell's when his chauffeur drove away. We followed suit but at a distance in order not to raise suspicion. I didn't expect the drive to take that long and I watched as the cheaper part of the city disappeared behind us and we came to the most expensive part of the city. Just when I thought we will be driving forever, his car made a turn and waited briefly as a huge gate was opened and it entered. I knew there was no way I will be allowed in at this hour so I made a mental note to come back in the morning. I wrote down the address and then requested the driver to send me home.
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