Chapter Thirty-Five

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Liana's POV "Heath? Heath? first names already?" I asked and stormed out to my room without waiting for the answer. "Liana, Liana please listen to me. It's not what you are thinking." He followed me urging me to listen to what he had to say. "What am I thinking? Tell me what you think I am thinking and tell me what I should be thinking." I said, facing him boldly. "This is all a misunderstanding babe." "Oh yeah, I know. Our son's nanny comes to you half-naked and you expect me not to believe it's a misunderstanding? I know it's a misunderstanding." I said sarcastically trying so hard not to lose my mind. What is happening to me?. Why am I going through this? "Listen to me. I know not coming to the hearing was bad on my side and I am sorry. I thought you will understand. She was seriously ill and I didn't have a choice." "You know what dear doctor, I am very tired I am going to rest now. Go back there and dry her hair for her. You would have done it anyway if I wasn't at home." "Why are you behaving like this? Don't tell me you don't trust me." "Have I said anything?" "No, you haven't. You don't have to say anything. Your behavior shows you don't trust t me and that's painful you know?" "How am I supposed to trust you Heath when you are cheating on me!"  I raised my voice to a higher pitch. I am tired of him trying to play the victim here. I am tired of men playing games with me. First, it was Pharrell, now him. I should have known that bird of a feather flop together. "What did you just say?" "Aren't you cheating on me? Aren't you?!" "This is unbelievable Liana. After everything we have been through together, you think I can cheat on you that easily? When I told you I love you. I really meant it. I meant every word I vowed to you when I married you." He said in a calm soft voice then walked out of the room. Leaving me to think about what he just said. I was still furious perhaps that is what has blinded me from seeing the truth. Maybe he is telling the truth and was just helping Annie. Maybe I saw differently: I saw what I wanted to see and that is Annie naked in front of him. Though it was the early hours of the evening, I was exhausted and needed to have my rest. I picked up a pillow from my bed and went to junior's room. Right now he is the only person that keeps me sane. "Mommy!" "Yes baby." He was already in bed but was playing with his teddy. I walked to him and took him in my arms. "Are you okay mommy?" His voice was so soothing giving me the peace that I needed. "I am fine baby." "Then why are you crying?" His pronunciation wasn't clear but I heard what he wanted to say. "Because I have missed you so much." Pharrell's POV "I told you we will win this. You saw her defeated face when she left the court right?" Mark asked wickedly laughing.  "I did old friend. That countenance can never be erased from my memory."  "You are about to see the best. You will see her crying when we win. I believe that will be a pleasure." "Oh come on guys stop teasing me. You know how much I wanted to see that b***h lose. I will be going with you to the next hearing." Carmine said. She had a smile on her face as she refilled our wine glasses. "So Mark about the DNA test. Do you think we should let my doctor do it?" "Errm about that. Since we don't trust that girl we will let her do hers and we will do ours. Then we will present the results to the judge." "Is that even done?" Carmine chipped in. "Who cares, so far as we have the DNA that's what matters. Hey man, we know the child is yours so don't worry. What we have to worry about is having full custody of the child. If it's proven that the child is yours then the judge will give you partial custody and you will be co-parenting with her." "That is not going to happen. That is not what I want." "Good, that is why I asked you to think of a plan to bring her down and taint her image so that the jury will see her as unfit to parent the child." "I had come out with the perfect plan and I am working on it. As it is now, that plan is working." I gestured for him to come close to me and I whispered into his ears. "That is brilliant. You are a real devil Pharrell. You will be killing two birds with a single stone. I am so glad you are my friend because I do not make friends with the dumb." We both let out a hearty laughter at what he said. My wife looked at us weirdly. She didn't understand what we were talking about yet she was in a joyous mood. We all have one enemy. And that is the b***h Liana. "Gentlemen, the meal is ready." She informed and we moved from the living room to the dining room to the sight of Gomora, our housemaid putting a jar of water on the table. She went to stand at the corner, waiting on us. We took our seats and before long were digging into our meal. "Damn this is a good meal to match our good mood don't you think?" Mark commented. "Well, Gomora makes the best food." I complimented, winking at her. She looked down shyly but smiled. She has been with us for a year making her our longest-serving maid. Most of the maid that comes here are either lazy or can't keep up with the pressure. But Gomora has proven herself to be hardworking and trustworthy. She has a great body and is very good in bed. When I say good, she is very good. She doesn't really have the pretty facial features but her body made up for it.   Third Person's POV She was tacking her son in bed when the door to his room opened. She looked back to see Annie, standing there with her hand on the doorknob. What do you want? She questioned but not in an angry tone. "I came to see whether Junior is asleep." "You can go. I will be with my son today." She dismissed her and returned her attention on covering Junior with the duvet. There was no movement and certainly, the door hasn't been opened and she felt the presence around her. "What are you still waiting for?. Leave!" "Ma'am please, I want to have a word with you!" She said nervously. "It's okay Annie, I understand you. Heath is so hot to resist. Don't worry." "No ma'am listen to me. Your husband loves you so much. I am sorry that you think I have come between you but that is not the case. I am grateful that he saved my life today. I had a serious flu so he rushed me to the hospital. Please don't be mad at him." "Flu huh?! So if the flu was that serious, where has it vanished to suddenly. You should be in bed by now. And can you explain why you came out to him half-naked?"

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