Chapter Nineteen Part Two

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Pharrell's POV The past few days have been horrible for me. It was like I am on a rollercoaster trying to find a solution to my problem and how to terminate the lazy, stupid girl out of my life. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, all I could do was to think. So I drunk myself to sleep most of the time and yesterday wasn't an exception. After the four full bottles of tequila I had yesterday, I slept off immediately my friends brought me home. I do not remember how I got to my bed but I am grateful I did.  A sweet aroma passed through my nose causing my eyes to flutter open. I felt hungry instantly and quickly got out of bed, a decision I regretted. My head was throbbing and with the speed with which I stood, I felt dizzy and could barely stand. Since I have not moved an inch from the bed, I slowly sat down, reaching out for the jar of water and panadol that were on my bedside table. I took two tablets of the painkiller and drank two cups of water in an attempt to get rid of the pain. It always works for me. Minutes later, I felt the pain subsidizing and becoming bearable. I stood up and left my room, wanting to satisfy my hunger. "Hey darling what are you making? is it my birthday?" I asked placing a kiss on her lips. The dining table was set with more food than we normally have. There was an additional seat that was set. "Are we having any visitor?" I asked, my eyes still set on the dining table. "Hmm yes, sorry I forgot to tell you. Actually, she should be here by......."" Ding dong! She was interrupted by the door bell. "Oh she is here. Dear can you get the door." She asked giving me no choice but to receive our unknown visitor. "W-what a-are you doing here?" I bellowed seeing who was at the door. What will I do to make her understand that all that happened between us was a huge mistake?. "Please leave before my wife gets out." I said ignoring the other b***h that was standing behind her. "Oh Liana, you are here, come in." Carmine shocked me, being all smiles with the girl who is trying to ruin our marriage. Does she believe her now? What is going on? "Carmine, what is going on here? You invited her?" "Yes I did, what is wrong with that?" "Sorry Carmine, Velma and I have a doctor's appointment but we decided to pass by first." "Arrgh, why will Carmine do this?" "No problem, come in."  She said smiling throughout. If I didn't know her, I would have believed it was a genuine smile. They ignored me and walked past me into my living room. "Make yourselves comfortable, breakfast is almost ready." I heard her telling 'our'  guests. I was so furious and my fury was not directed to my wife but to the little b***h. "Babe, close the door and come and have your seat. Breakfast is ready. Why are you standing there any way? " She said, using her eyes to tell me to comply with her. I closed the door then walked past them in the direction of my room. "Where are you going dear husband? I said breakfast is ready." "Errrm sorry to interrupt but Carmine, I will like to use your washroom." The b***h said, earning a frown from me. She is in my house, in my living room, wanting to use my washroom. Why does it feel like she thinks she has a right to what belongs to me?  "It's on the left down the hallway." My wife said then turned her attention back to me. "I am not hungry. She makes me lose my appetite." I told her, referring to Liana. I resume my walk to the bedroom leaving my wife speechless. I was frustrated, angry, and lost at the same time. I still couldn't answer why my wife was doing all this. Perhaps she believes her now. I sat down on my bed when I got to the room and pondered over what was going on. "Why think too much babe?"  When did she get here that I didn't hear the door open nor closed? "Why, why have you invited that lier here, or you believe her over me." "No I don't. I am doing this for your own good. Aren't you tired of jobless gold-diggers coming here every time claiming they are having your baby? Aren't you tired of these ladies trying to defame and threaten you just to get a piece of our fortune? If you aren't then I am. We need to put an end to all these bitches who lie to destroy families. And to do that we need a scapegoat. In our case, that girl is our scapegoat. She has dared to throw dust at you and say things that aren't true against you?, then she must be ready to pay the price for it. Don't worry baby, I have got this all planned out. By the time we are done with her, the whole world will know that it's better not to mess with us. "Wow, honey, so brilliant. You should have told me this earlier. You are a genius." "I know babe I know I am. What's more, since we don't have a maid, we must as well have one for free. Her stupidity will lead her into our trap. Then we can have her do whatever we want her to." "Come here babe." I said pulling her to me when she got closer. "I always knew I married the very best." I praised, placing a peck on her lips. "Errm lest forget, I have the entire document of Mr. Gonzalez's estates and properties. Since he is without child nor any known relatives, Kira and I will be the next of kin when he dies. We can use his wealth to uplift your businesses." She said smiling at me. You could tell she was happy about her achievement of getting the documents from her adopted father.  I also got hold of his original will that states that the majority of his wealth will go to Kira. Can you imagine that fool? Thank goodness I have made some changes to it. His lawyer is a kind friend." "I am so proud of you. This is what we need to be on top. If we get everything that he owns, we be will ranked Forbes richest couple on earth." "Yes, babe you are right. Now wipe that frown off your face and let's go and have breakfast now. And remember, act your best so that my plan runs smoothly." ****Time Skip**** Liana's POV "So Liana, what do you plan on doing with your life?" Carmine asked. "Right now all I want is to deliver my baby. After, I will resume planning my life." I said sarcastically, hiding my annoyance with a fake smile.  "Oh right, I forgot giving birth to my husband's child is your priority." She said rudely. I could feel Velma fidgetting and I knew she wanted to start a fight with her, but I held her hand, keeping her calm. "You said you wanted to discuss something with me, what is it?" I went straight to the point, putting a beacon strip into my mouth. I must admit this tastes good. Velma on the other hand hadn't touched her food "Okay, since you have alleged that the child you are carrying is my husband's, we have decided to believe you. As it is, he is already married and cannot marry you but what we can do is to let you move in with us. You will be well taken care of until you deliver the baby. We will have a DNA test to prove your claims and if you are lying, you will be sued and made to pay for all the treatment given you during your stay and you will leave with your bastard and never worry us again." She said slyly, grinning like she has said the wisest thing ever. "And what if it proves he is the father?" I asked looking at Pharrell who looked like he has been forced to compromise. His head was bowed but my question made him lift it and if looks could kill, I would have been dead. "When we get to that bridge my dear, we will cross it." She answered. There was something strange about her smile and her politeness. But I didn't make that ring a bell. So far as I will be closer to Pharrell and win my love back, I am okay with their arrangement. "Okay, I accept." From my side vision, I could see Velma, shaking her head but I didn't listen. I need to do this.  "What is wrong with you! Are you this stupid?! Come on Liana, these people hate you, can't you see the hatred in their eyes towards you. Please let's go home. You don't need them, you don't need him." Velma bawled. She took hold of my hand urging me to leave with her. I snatched my hand from hers refusing to listen to her. If I have to do this, then I need to be bold. One day she will understand why I am doing this. "No Velma, I cannot leave with you. I accept their offer. You have helped me enough but I think this is where is ends. You hate Pharrell right? then we cannot continue this friendship anymore. I cannot be friends with people who are enemies with my child's father." I hated to see Velma this way but I had no choice.  I hope she will forgive me someday. But this journey I am embarking on, I need to take it alone. It's better I hurt her than for me to see her dead whiles fighting for me. The couple before me looked amused at how I spoke with my friend and yes I saw the evil glint in their eyes. "When they finally kill you, I hope your ghost doesn't come to me and complain". She voiced out before walking off angrily. My heart sank seeing her like this. Guys this is it. This is the end of Liana's foolishness. There is going to be the birth of a new Liana. I hope you stay around and read more. Don't let this chapter make you give up. There is more to this. thank you all for reading.
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