16 - Locket in the mountain

2292 Words
Triton The moon is a silver sliver in the indigo sky, casting a gentle glow over the quiet countryside. I teleported Ava and myself to Vampire Country, bringing no one along for the ride. We don’t need anyone else for this; we’re fine on our own. A cool breeze whispers through the leaves of the tall trees that line the path to the castle, carrying the faint scent of distant fires and hinting at the happiness filling the town. A strange melody fills the air as we approach the castle’s towering gates. It is a song that seems to resonate within my very bones, a hauntingly beautiful tune that grows stronger with each step we take. Ava’s eyes search the horizon, looking for the source of the music, her curiosity piqued. I, however, remain vigilant, ready to protect Ava from any danger that might emerge from the shadows. I don’t trust Vampires, even if Ava is related to the Queen. They’re slippery fucker.s who can’t be trusted. The gates of the Vampire Kingdom stand tall and foreboding, a silent sentinel guarding the secrets within. As we draw closer, the music grows louder, and the very air seems to vibrate with anticipation. There must be a party inside—not that I care. I’m not here for any such thing; I want the locket and nothing more. Upon recognizing Ava, the guards at the gate swing the heavy doors open with surprising haste. They had been expecting her. But, of course, they had; Blaze called ahead to let Esme know to look out for Ava. The man may have said he trusts Ava’s judgment and that she can take care of herself, but he’s still a father who worries. The courtyard is bathed in the soft light of torches, casting flickering shadows across the cobblestone ground. A figure emerges from the castle’s entrance, her crimson dress fluttering in the breeze. It’s Esme, the Vampire Queen. Her eyes light up with joy as she rushes forward, arms outstretched. The two women embrace, and their reunion is a poignant reminder of the family ties that bind them despite the years of separation. “Esme!” Ava squeals in excitement. “Ava!” The Vampire Queen holds my mate in her arms. “I have missed you.” “I’ve missed you, too. Come meet my mate!” Esme laughs as Ava drags her by the hand closer to me. “Esme, this is Triton. Triton, my cousin and Vampire Queen, Esme.” “It’s nice to meet you, Triton.” I very much doubt that. I can read this woman even if she thinks I can’t. She is not happy to meet me, and she’s even less happy that Ava is with me. But I care not what anyone thinks of me because they are irrelevant. However, the Vampire Queen is trying to show Ava that she cares about her, and that is all that matters to me. “Likewise.” I tip my head. I have no feelings either way when it comes to this woman. “Triton.” The Vampire King, Aidan, tips his head. I have nothing against Aidan Harrington. I don’t know him per se, but I know of him. As long as he keeps his opinions to himself, I won’t have to kill him. “Adian,” I reply. I can’t stand this Vampire prick. Fuckin.g pretty boy… Actually, I have no reason to dislike him. It’s unfounded because he’s never done anything to piss me off. I really shouldn’t judge a man by the sins of his father, and Aidan’s father is a cunt! As Ava and Esme step apart, Esme looks at Ava with a knowing smile. “Welcome,” She says, her voice a soft purr. “We have been waiting for you.” “Thank you for this, Esme. Aidan, I know you don’t allow anyone into the mouth of the mountain, but that’s where Philip hid my locket.” “Yes,” Aidan hums. “How he did that is another story.” “All Dad saw in Philip’s mind was him walking toward the mountain and stepping inside. There, he hid the locket.” Ava shrugs. “And he got past Lyasus without any trouble?” “I don’t know who that is.” Ava mumbles. “Lyasus,” She turns to look at me. “Is an ancient monster, tortured and mutilated by the Dark Fairies of thousands of years ago. Aidan here rescued the monster hundreds of years ago; now the damn thing is devoted to him.” Lyasus, named so by Aidan when he found the beast chained by the Dark Faires, was tortured and conditioned to expect pain whenever those Faries felt like it. The beast was used in battle and forced to harm against its will. Aidan felt Lyasus had a heart and managed to steal her away. Two big to be kept inside, Aidan made Lyasus a home within Mt. BloodMoon, and this is where she has stayed all this time. Lyasus is loyal to Aidan only, and only he can control the beast. No one can get near the mountain without being torn to pieces. So, how Philip managed it is a mystery. “Yes,” Aidan continues. “And no one but me, my Queen, or our children can go near Lyasus without being harmed. I will investigate how this Philip person managed it and how he got onto my land without detection.” “Anyway,” Esme smiles. “Come inside, and we shall speak about what you seek. The back courtyard is filled with people. There’s a party going on for Aidan’s righthand man. He just got married, but they won’t miss us for a short while.” I do not want to go into that hellhole! However, I have no choice when Ava walks away from me with Esme. Aidan looks at me and smirks. He knows I’m uncomfortable being here, and he loves it! The castle’s interior is adorned with velvet tapestries and gleaming silver fixtures. Anybody would think the King wanted to keep the Lycans and Werewolves out. Silver won’t affect Esme because she’s marked by the Vampire King. It won’t harm Ava because I’ll make sure of it! Esme and Aidan lead Ava and me to a grand hall where the Vampire King takes a seat upon his throne, his Queen following, flanked by their loyal warriors. Esme offers Ava and me a seat before them. I sit, feeling awkward because I’m too damn big to sit on this velvet chair. Esme speaks passionately and urgently, recounting Ava’s tale of loss and her desire to reclaim the locket hidden within Mt. BloodMoon. I had imagined Aidan would already have all the information, but I suppose not. Strange. Why didn’t Esme tell Aidan before we arrived? Aidan, a man of honor despite his vampiric nature, nods. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, Ava.” “Thank you. But it’s over now. I just need to retrieve my locket so I can regain my memories and the mate bond.” “We shall grant you this,” He says, his voice deep and resonant. “For the bond of family is one we hold sacred. But know this: the path to the mountain is fraught with peril. The creature that guards the locket is ancient and fierce. Only the most skilled and brave may pass.” I roll my eyes and growl. “Must you speak like you were still four hundred years ago?!” “Triton,” Ava shakes her head at me. I am trying so hard to be what Ava wants me to be. But I cannot sit here and suffer this fool! “Just tell us how to get past Lyasus.” Esme and Aidan look at each other. The Vampire King looks at me. “I’ll take you there. Lyasus is less likely to tear you apart if I am.” He thinks too much of that beast. Someone calmed Lyasus so that Philip could get past her. It wouldn’t be too difficult for me to do the same. However, I have Ava with me, and I will not risk any harm to my mate. I won’t even suggest that Ava stay behind because I would never want her to believe that I think she is weak. She is anything but. Besides, I don’t see women as being beneath me. I have a mother and sisters who have proven many times that they can keep up with any man out there. My mate is no different. As the Vampire King bids his mate farewell, I take Ava’s hand and lead her out of the castle. I couldn’t breathe in there. It doesn’t take long to reach the mountain’s base, and the air grows thick with a palpable sense of foreboding. The mountain looms above us, its peak lost in the swirling mists of the night. Aiden turns to his warriors, his gaze unwavering. “Remember what you have been told. Do not follow us into the mountain. Lyasus is unpredictable, and I cannot guarantee the safety of everyone here.” “Yes, My King.” The eight men answer in unison. “Follow me,” Aidan tells me as I pull Ava closer to my side. “Don’t make any sudden movements, and keep your voices down.” “We get it!” I snap, wishing I could return to Atlantis already. The ascent into the mouth of the mountain is steep and treacherous, the rocky terrain slippery with the lifeblood of those who have come before us. Ava holds onto my hand, the other wrapped around my arm, and I hold her steady. The mountain itself seems alive, pulsing with a dark energy that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Yet we push forward, driven by a need as primal as the beasts within. The sound of humming, like a song without words, can be heard in the depths. I can feel the heat of Ava’s palm as it begins to sweat, the tremble of her pulse beneath my fingertips. “Stay strong, my love,” I whisper toward her, squeezing her hand gently. “We’re almost there.” “I know,” She whispers back. “It’s just so creepy down here.” I nod in acknowledgment. It doesn’t help that the air down here is very little. The cavern is vast, the walls stretching high above us, lost in the inky darkness. The floor is slick with moisture, the air thick with the scent of ancient earth and the faint metallic tang of blood. The song grows deafening as we venture deeper, resonating in our souls. Then, without warning, the music ceases. The silence is so sudden, so absolute, that it’s as if the very heart of the mountain had stopped beating. Then, it comes into view by the light of the fire torch in Aidan’s hand, the monster he so loves. But this is a creature of nightmares, a behemoth of shadow and fang. Its eyes glow a malevolent red, and its roar echoes through the cavern like the world’s end has arrived. Fuc.k, that is one ugly beast. Aidan steps forward, his own fangs glinting in the torchlight. He begins to sing, a counter-tune to the monster’s rage, a lullaby from a time long forgotten. The creature’s fiery gaze falls upon him, and slowly, its massive frame begins to sway. The song grows softer and sweeter until the beast’s eyes droop, and it slumps to the ground, falling into a deep slumber. “How did you do that?” Ava whispers. Aidan chuckles. “All it takes is a song for Lyasus to purr like a kitten and fall asleep.” If he says so. The path to the locket is now clear, and I take the lead, guided by the unmistakable pull of the locket. I don’t need Aidan to show me the way; the locket will guide me. My steps are swift and sure, my eyes never leaving the shimmering light that grows brighter with every stride. The chamber grows warm, a beacon in the cold, damp cavern. And there, nestled in a bed of gleaming crystals, lies the locket, its chain coiled around a rock like a serpent waiting to strike. Thank the Gods! It is curious, though, how Philip knew to hide the locket here. It has me wondering what he knew of the locket’s importance. I reach out and take the locket in his hand. The moment my skin touches the cool metal, a jolt of energy surges through me. The locket is alive with power, eager to return to its wearer. I smile while fastening it around Ava’s neck, where it belongs. “Thank you,” Ava mumbles. “Finally,” She looks at me. “We can open it.” I shake my head. “Not here, my love. Let’s get back to Lykos. You’re going to need your family when we open the locket. Too many things will fill your head, and I’m worried about how it will affect you.” “I’ll be fine, Triton.” “Eventually,” I mumble while pulling Ava into my arms. “Thank you for your help, Vampire King. But we’ll be going now.” I don’t wait for a reply; I get Ava the hell out of Vampire Country. I pray once the locket is opened, Ava doesn’t hate me. I’m worried about how all of those memories I hid will affect Ava once they hit her full force. Please don’t hate me, Ava. I beg you.
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