15 - There's nothing to forgive

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Ava “Daddy, did you find out where my locket is?” I ask as soon as I’m through the drawing room door, Triton right behind me. Michael and Mark are with Dad. Mark smiles at me, but Michael is looking anywhere but at me. My eyes don’t linger because I’m looking right at my dad. “Daddy?” I whisper when he grabs me in a fierce hold. He strokes the back of my hair while kissing my head. “I saw everything.” I close my eyes tightly. I know what my dad is referring to, and it makes me feel sick that he had to see me like that. I can’t imagine what it’s done to my dad and my brothers because I know they were with him; they wouldn’t be here if they hadn’t seen also. It explains why Michael can’t look me in the eye. “I’m sorry,” I mumble. “No.” Dad pulls me at arm’s length. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Ava.” He cups my cheek. “You are so brave, my beautiful daughter. I am so proud of you.” I smile because I can’t help myself. “Thank you.” “Now, I do know what Philip did with your locket,” My heart hammers inside my chest as I look at my father with wide, expectant eyes. “But before I tell you, I think you and Michael should talk.” I narrow my eyes. “Why?” I don’t want to talk; I want my locket! ‘Calm, my little one.’ I hear Triton’s voice inside my head. ‘I know you wish to run after the locket, and I want that also. But I believe your brother needs to speak with you. There seems to be something on his mind. Take ten minutes and hear him out.’ ‘Then we can retrieve the locket?’ ‘Of course, my love.’ I smile as I look at my mate. I am already falling so hard for him, and it feels so right. I know that he loves me in return because I can see it shining brightly in his eyes. ‘He is gorgeous!’ I laugh at Amarni’s words. ‘That he is.’ “Ava?” I look at my dad and smile. “Sorry. Can you give us a minute?” Dad nods and kisses my cheek, and Mark follows suit. I smile at my mate, who winks and leaves with Dad and Mark. “Michael?” I call his name as he continues to stare out of the window at the falling rain. He turns to face me, biting the pad of his thumb. I am so confused right now. I don’t know what’s going on with my brother, but he doesn’t look well. “Dad said you wanted to speak to me. Is everything okay, Michael?” He shakes his head. “I am so sorry, Ava. I failed you.” I narrow my eyes and walk toward him. “What are you talking about? Failed me how?” “I should have realized something was wrong the other day. I should never have thought, for one second, that you’d spent the night with a man. I know you better than that, Ava. Goddess,” Michael scrubs his hands over his face. What in the world? “Ava,” He chokes out, his voice barely above a whisper, as he looks at me. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” I gasp as my brother falls to his knees, his head hanging down and his shoulders heaving with the force of his sobs. The weight of his guilt is too much to bear. I swallow hard as my chin wobbles with emotion. I drop to my knees in front of Michael and stroke the back of his head. “Michael. You have nothing to ask forgiveness for.” “I do. I should have noticed something was wrong.” He looks at me with bloodshot eyes, tears falling, and it breaks my heart. I love my brother so much. Michael is everything to me. A few years ago, when Mark left to be with Levi, Michael was the one there for me whenever I was going through something I didn’t feel I could deal with. He gave me good advice and even trained with me every day to help me get strong. I would never blame Michael for anything. Besides, many siblings would have thought the same way Michael did, especially when they had been telling their sister to go out and have fun. “Michael, please stop this. You did nothing wrong. I won’t have you blaming yourself for something you had no control over. You acted like almost every big brother in the universe. I love you. You’re one of the best big brothers any girl could ask for. Don’t you know that?” “Will you still think that when you find out what I did in that dungeon?” I furrow my brow. “What are you talking about, Michael?” My brother sits back on his heels and sighs. “I saw everything in Philip’s mind just as Dad and Mark did. We saw everything he did to you.” I lower my eyes and bite the inside of my cheek. Embarrassment floods me, knowing my father and brothers have seen me in that state. But there’s nothing I can do to take those images away from them. We’re all just going to have to live with it. “I’m sorry you had to see that, Michael. I wish I could take the images away from you, but I can’t. I survived what they did to me, and I will keep on surviving. I’m not weak, Michael.” “I would never think you’re weak, Ava. You are anything but. However, I lost control of my Dragon and roasted Philip until he was nothing but a pile of ash.” I bite my lower lip, trying to stifle the laughter about to burst out of me. But I fail miserably because I fall about myself laughing. Michael looks at me with narrow eyes, confused about why I’m laughing. I can’t tell him why when I can’t stop! “What’s so funny?” I breathe deep through my mouth and wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes. “Oh, Michael. I don’t care that you killed him; it saved me the job. Honestly, I thought Dad would be the one to end Philip.” Michael shakes his head. “I thought you’d be pissed.” I lay my hand on his handsome face. “Well, I’m not. I’m thankful to you and to Obsidian.” Michael’s Dragon. “Even though you killed Philip in anger and sadness, you did it because you love me. Right?” “Right.” He nods. I do love you, Ava, more than you know. I hate that I let you down. Please forgive me.” “You didn’t let me down, and there is nothing to forgive, not on my part.” Michael keeps eye contact. One thing my brother can’t stand when he’s talking to someone is when they don’t keep eye contact. “You need to forgive yourself. What happened to me was in no way your fault, nor was what happened when you saw me that morning. You can’t carry this burden forever. Let it go, Michael. Please. I love you.” “I love you, too. More than you will ever know.” Michael pulls me into a tight embrace, and I smile while lying my head on his shoulder. “I want you to be happy, Ava. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you,” Michael mumbles, kissing my head. I pull back slightly and smile. “That’s what I want for you, too, Michael. But you know, I’ve found happiness with Triton.” Michael nods, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips. “I know. It’s strange when everyone kept from you who Triton was to you. It was done with the best intentions, but I guess the bond between you is strong even without the locket. “I never believed he would love you or be good to you in anyway. But seeing the way Triton looks at you, I can tell he does love you, Ava.” I smile because I see it, too, whenever I look into Triton’s eyes. “I think the family will always worry about you, Ava. But I want you to know that I support you, and I’m happy for you. As long as Triton treats you with respect, I can put what he did in the past to rest. Just remember that when you open that locket, a whole heap of pain will hit you.” “What do you mean?” “The unaliving yourself and why, for one.” “Oh,” I nod. I understand it won’t be easy to process everything the locket will reveal. But I also know it’s unavoidable. I want my memories and the mate bond back. I want my family around me when I open the locket. I’ll need their support. Triton will be with me, obviously. There will be so many questions I’ll need answering, and I hope I don’t lose my mind through the process. I smile at Michael. “As long as you and the others are with me, I’ll get through it.” “I know you will.” He winks. “Are you okay now?” Michael nods. “I will be.” “Good. I’ll always be here if you need me. You might be my big brother, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be there for you when you need someone.” He chuckles. “I’ll remember that.” “Shall we go find out what Dad knows?” “Yes, let’s. But FYI, your locket is in Mt. BloodMoon.” “What? But that’s…” “Vampire territory.” I shake my head. “But how did Philip get access?” “Someone must have helped him. Dad will explain everything.” What the fuc.k is going on? Philip should not have been able to gain access to Vampire Country. Obviously, someone helped him. Clearly, the riddle was made up. And evidently, Philip was a moron! My cousin is the Queen of Vampires. What idio.t would hide something that belongs to me in a place where I would eventually find it? Philip, that’s who! Well, nothing will stop me from getting that locket back. It’s mine! ‘About time!’ Amarni yells. ‘Hurry up!’ Amelia screeches. I roll my eyes with a smile, take Michael’s hand, and walk out of the room. It’s time to get my memories back!
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