Chapter 11 why wouldn't clothes sherd

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The next day she once again got up early, she changed into her painting work clothes, she got the paint and went outside, she almost dropped it when she saw so many people were waiting for her to come out p, Lance, Brooke, Trish, Victoria, Rick and a few more was outside, "alright guys, let's paint this house, Lance took the paint from Laura as he smiled at her, everyone including her started painting, it only took five hours to paint the whole house, even with the small paint fight they had, they stood back and looked, the house was beautiful with the dark brown color and the black trim, it was still the same color it was just freshen up,  "Alright guys, get home and shower and get ready for tonight. I'll be there shortly, I need to talk to Laura for a few minutes,"  they all left but him. He turned and smiled, he was thinking that she still looked beautiful even of she did have paint in her hair, "Laura, listen I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise everyone will love you, no one will stay in your business, or try and bother you, just go shower and rest, I'll be back at nine to take you to the pack house" she nodded,  "Thank you for helping me today, I know if I didn't have any help at all, it would had taken me forever to do this, I'm very grateful, she hugged him tightly she felt the sparks go all through her body and before they knew it they were kissing, it was Lance that broke the kiss, he placed his forehead on hers. "Go shower in rest, I don't want to rush this, and neither do you, let's take this one day at a time," she nodded kissed the tip of his nose and went inside, it was hard for him to do that, he wanted to take her right then, but she's been through way to much, and he didn't want to rush her, he shifted running back to the pack house to shower and rest up, when he got there Trish was waiting for him, and saw the look on his face when he shifted back,  "You kissed her didn't you, and you stopped it, I'm proud of you, but remember you need your Luna," …."I know sister, but I don't want to rush her, we'll get there, I want to see her wolf I need to smell her scent after she shifted, only then i'll know she is truly my mate,"  I know my brother, just don't forget you promise grandmother you would watch over her and make sure who ever is after her won't get to her,"  "I remember, don't worry I do, and I'm keeping my word to her," they went inside so he could shower and relax before he went back to her house to pick her up, he jumped in the shower to get cleaned up. When he was done, he dried off and got dressed in jeans in a button up shirt. He laid down to rest his eyes for a bit. He awoke when his alarm went off. He didn't remember setting it, but maybe his sister came inside his room and set it for him. He jumped up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair. And he was out the door to get laura, he just hoped she will come around,                              Laura pov I thought I was only resting my eyes when my alarm went off. I shot out of bed, took another shower to wake me up, got out and dried off. I brushed my teeth in my hair,  and I got dressed in my favorite jeans and my favorite purple top. I wore my tennis shoes. Just in case it was muddy. When I was done getting ready. I walked into the living room to wait. But right when I sat down, there was a knock on the door. I softly laugh, it never fails. As I got up and answered the door, Lance was on the other side smiling and holding a lily up so I could have it, " I didn't know what kind of flower you liked. So I took the chance and picked this for you"  she smiled at him and took the flower. "Five points for trying, but my favorite is sunflowers,  you can keep the points," they both laughed as they headed out to the car. He looked her up and down "you look beautiful tonight, but why wear nice clothes when you're just going to shred them when you shift? '' she looked a little bit confused,  " Well when I shift I don't shred them. They are simply still on me when I shift back to me, who has their clothes shredded?" He was a little taken back,  well ours do, it's the reason why i'm not wearing my nice clothes, they drove a little more ways and they finally made it back to the pack house, he parked the car, there was so many people waiting for them to get back they wanted to see who their luna was,
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