Chapter 14

885 Words
Emmet Athena put me on bed rest since being discharged from the pack hospital. Even though the antidote and her blood helped me wake up and recover, Zeus’ werewolf healing has made me feel better than brand new. How is that even possible? I feel like I’m on house arrest. Relocated and under protection. I just want to feel normal again. There’s a unexpected knock on my door. I pause my game before unlocking and swinging the door open. The last person I want to see is standing at the door. “What do you want?” I turn my back on him and go back to my bed, resuming my game and ignoring him as best as I can. “I can’t believe you actually brought your Xbox here.” Oliver closes the door, saunters in and takes a seat at my desk chair. “Again, what do you want?” I keep my eyes on the TV screen. He sighs like I’m irritating him. “I wanted to apologise.” “Too little too late, don’t you think?” “Emmet don’t be an asshole. Can you just listen to what I have to say?” Pausing my game again, I throw the controller beside me in irritation. “I don’t think anything you say is going to make me trust you again. You lied to me and I don’t appreciate liars, especially someone who was supposed to be my best friend.” “I didn’t lie to you, I withheld information from you because I was under a blood oath.” Oliver explains. “Let me guess, you can’t tell me what the blood oath was about.” I roll my eyes. “No, I can’t. Just know that I really am your friend. You can trust me and you can come to me with anything, anytime.” I scoff. “I highly doubt that.” “Maybe if you weren’t so stubborn, you’ll notice that I’m the only friend you’ve got in this pack.” He says angrily. “You were my friend Oliver. People don’t just get over a betrayal like that just because you want them to. I became a wolf one week ago and I’m still adjusting to all of this.” I bite back. “I understand.” “Do you?” I retort sarcastically. “How old are you really? Because an eighteen year old definitely wouldn’t be a head trainer in a werewolf pack.” He looks away. “Twenty three.” “You see, another lie! You’re pathetic.” I throw my arms in the air. “I think you should leave.” Another knock on the door echoes through the room and Oliver moves swiftly to the door, opening it. “Oh, I wasn’t expecting to see you here. I can come back later if now isn’t a good time.” I hear my mates voice. “I was just leaving.” Oliver mutters and disappears. Athena lets herself in and places a tray of food next to me. “What’s gotten into him?” “Who cares.” I utter. She clears her throat. “You in a mood? Should I leave?” “No, I’m sorry. Please stay.” I grip her hand before she can put more distance between us. “I thought we could have lunch together.” “That sounds nice.” I smile up at her. She motions to the bed. “May I?” I nod and she makes herself comfortable before placing the tray between us. “What are you playing?” “Call of Duty.” I say before turning it off. I don’t want any distractions when I’m around her. “Are you any closer to figuring out what happened to me?” “Still nothing new. It’s so strange, it’s as if the person responsible vanished into thin air.” She hands me an enormous bread roll filled with deli meats and salad. “Maybe it’s the opposite.” I suggest with my mouth full. “What do you mean?” She asks. “Maybe the person is hiding in plain sight. If it was someone from another pack, you would have noticed their presence. It has to be someone you’d least expect or suspect to do something like this.” I explain. “Keep talking, you’re actually making sense.” She encourages me. “Well, has anything like this happened here before?” “No, not that I know of.” “So what’s changed?” I ponder aloud. “Nothing really in the last couple of months except… you and Eliza.” Her eyes suddenly grow wide with realisation. “And do you think that a problem for anyone? Are either of us a threat to the pack?” “Not to the pack. To the Alpha title.” Her hands clamp over her mouth. “Did someone find out about us? Who would hate me so much that they’d try to kill me?” “Emmet I think I know who it is. You’re a genius!” She grips my face in excitement, plants her lips against mine for a slight moment and runs out of the room. Did she … did she just kiss me? Like on purpose?
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