Chapter 4

1269 Words
Athena It’s the day of the Mating Ball and Alice has prepared an army of women to help me get ready. I’m sitting on a stool in the middle of my suite with at least ten people swarming me. One is straightening my fiery red curls, I always have my hair natural so this feels abnormal to me. Another lady is applying what feels like layers upon layers of make up to my face. One lady is working on my nails while another is giving me a pedicure. Earlier this morning, I enjoyed a massage and facial. A stylist was brought in with a selection of gowns, shoes and accessories. This isn’t the damn Oscars! It’s the same ridiculous spectacle as every other year so I shouldn’t be surprised. It just feels a little over the top. Perhaps this year’s ball will finally be the day that I meet my mate. Butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach just thinking about him. Will he be tall and muscular? Will he have golden, sun soaked skin? Will he have tattoos covering every inch of his torso? Will he kneel before me and profess his love for me as soon as we meet? Will he be a passionate lover? I honestly can’t wait to find out! One by one, the army finishes off their tasks and I’m ushered into my walk in robe by Alice to pick my gown for the night. The stylist shows me a hideous yellow dress which would clash horribly with my hair colour. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Does this woman know anything about fashion? After seeing multiple gowns, I’m about to grab one of my own previously worn gowns when she shows me the last dress. It’s perfect! My mate is going to love it because I certainly do. I can’t wait for tonight. Emmet I can’t believe my parents talked me into coming to this stupid ball. I don’t dance. It’s my damn birthday and I’m going to be spending the night surrounded by strangers. Mum told me earlier that I was born at sixteen minutes past six so I’ll technically become a wolf at the ball. It won’t be until the full moon rises in the sky that I’ll be able to shift for the first time. We’ve been driving for what seems like hours through the rainforest when dad stops the car behind a line of other cars waiting to enter the gate wedged between some ridiculously high walls. How did I not know this place was here? Once we reach the front of the line, a guard greets us and asks to view our invitation and identification. I suppose they don’t want uninvited guests to show up and spoil the party. The streets inside the walls are lined with homes. In the distance, there are vast fields full of crops. Dad parks the car and we step out to see a gargantuan building. I guess this is the pack house except it looks more like a multi story ski lodge. A small stair case leading up to a grand glass sliding front door, floor to ceiling windows and a stone clad exterior. I have to wonder if we would have lived here if we were part of the pack? We follow the other guests up the stairs into the front foyer. The floor is made of wood, laid in a herringbone pattern. A stunning open arms staircase leads up to the first floor and a wall of elevators. This place must be huge and at least five stories high. The line of guests leads to the right side of the house into an enormous hall where the party must be held. Upon entering the room, the overpowering scent of caramel and vanilla hits my nostrils. They must be burning a million candles in here. We finally reach the front of the queue and are greeted by a tall man who must be the Alpha King but my eyes are drawn to the woman standing beside him. She is looking at a girl behind her and they are giggling. She flicks her fiery red hair back over her shoulder and turns to greet my family, her hand shoots out to grip mine as if she is on autopilot. “MATE!” A voice shouts in my mind. Her small hand feels soft and warm in my grasp. What should be a friendly handshake turns into an awkwardly long and still hand hold. Her eyes flash black before turning back to her regular stunning hazel. Also, you know how all the books talk about those tingles between mates? Can confirm, definitely real. Dad decides to ruin the moment by smacking my shoulder, forcing me to release my grip on the glorious creature standing before me. “Apologies Alpha, this is my son Emmet.” Dad advises. “Good to meet you, young man.” Alpha Cameron shakes my hand a little too hard, seemingly a warning. “I’d like you all to meet my daughter Athena.” He gestures to the red head, my mate. Suddenly, I feel like my wolf is trying to claw out of my skull to get to Athena. “Would you all excuse me? I need some air.” I say before pacing quickly to the nearest exit. I find myself on a large deserted balcony. I lean my hands on the glass balustrade, hang my head and take deep breaths. “Hello Emmet.” The voice in my head scares the s**t out of me. “Jesus! Warn me next time before you give me a damn heart attack.” I scold my wolf. “How?” He asks seriously. “Forget it. What’s your name?” “My name is Zeus and I have waited a long time to meet you. Can we go back to our mate now?” Desperation dripping in his tone. I sigh in frustration. “You’re giving me a headache already. Give me some time to adjust, would you?” He retreats into the back of my mind without another word. The peace is short lived when the door behind me reveals that scent of caramel and vanilla again. “Hearing your wolf for the first time is kinda weird, huh?” Her voice is like the most beautiful music to my ears. I turn to look at my mate, Athena. She’s utterly stunning and the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen in my entire life. “For sure, especially when the first word he yells in your head is mate.” I declare. She huffs out a breath through her nose, making me acutely aware of my now sharpened senses considering I’m so far away from her. She begins to pace slowly along the length of the balcony, avoiding my gaze. It gives me the chance to admire her beauty. The shimmery black dress she is wearing shows off all her curves. One arm covered by a skin tight sleeve whilst the other is bare. I never knew I found an unclothed shoulder attractive before. Then again, I’d never seen this immaculate creation until today. “So.. Emmet is it? What is your wolfs name?” “Yes I’m Emmet and his name is Zeus.” I answer. She halts in her tracks as those black eyes flicker to mine again before she continues pacing. “And I didn’t catch your last name?” “It’s Grey, why?” I ask in confusion. “So I can reject you. You clearly aren’t Alpha material.”
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