Chapter 3

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Emmet I’m walking home from school when my phone pings with a notification in the family group chat. Dad: Family meeting today at 5pm Since when do we have family meetings? Things have been weird since we received that mysterious letter. Mum has been quiet and avoids me like the plague. I can’t help but feel like I’ve done something wrong. Once I’ve cleaned myself up after school, I sit on my bed pondering what the meeting could be about. Only one reason comes to mind and I can’t help but pray that I’m wrong. My phone pings again. Oliver: You good? Usually by now, I’m online on my Xbox but not today. Me: Fine, family meeting at 5. Oliver: Ah I see. Let me know if you need anything. Odd thing for him to say but I don’t have time to think about it when I hear car doors closing outside. Mum and dad must be home. Eventually I make my way downstairs and mum has a pot of tea and some mugs on the dining table. “Are we expecting company?” I question no one in particular. “No honey, please sit down.” Mum replies as the four of us take our usual seats. Eliza next to me, dad across from me and mum next to him. Mum takes a deep breath. I can’t take the suspense any longer. “Are you guys getting a divorce?” I blurt out as everyone’s eyes flick in my direction. “No bud, your mum and I are happily married.” Dad answers. “Then can someone please hurry up and tell us what’s going on before I develop anxiety?” “There’s something we need to tell you both.” Mum eyes are on her hands in her lap. I take a gulp of boiling hot tea as I wait for her to explain. “We’re werewolves.” Dad says before mum can say another word. I spit the tea out and some escapes through my nose. It sprays all over the table and I watch as a droplet runs down dad’s nose. Hysterical laughter escapes my scalded throat. “You’re f*****g with us, right?” I say once my laughter has subsided. “Watch your language.” Mum snarls. “I think my language is the least of our worries. This has to be a joke. The supernatural world doesn’t exist and you know I love reading about it.” “He’s telling the truth.” Mum replies and dad holds her hand below the table for support. “Sure, next thing you’ll tell us is there’s such thing as mates.” I roll my eyes at their lies. My parent’s side eye each other. “Hang on a second. Is this why you’ve never let us have relationships?” Eliza chimes in. It doesn’t escape my notice that this is the first time she has participated in the conversation. “Exactly darling. Finding your fated mate is a precious thing. We didn’t want you to hurt anyone or get hurt in the process before you find the other half of your soul.” Mum explains. “I still don’t believe you. Shift into your wolf and prove it.” I demand. “We can’t do that here son, we are prohibited from revealing ourselves to humans.” Dad claims. “That’s why we disappear on Sundays. We go into the rainforest to shift, our wolves go for a run together.” Mum adds. “So there’s no romantic walk on the beach then. Wow, I feel like our whole lives are-“ I begin to say angrily. “A gigantic lie.” Eliza finishes my sentence. I make eye contact with her and notice her silent tears running down her cheeks. “Wait, don’t people get their wolves when they turn eighteen? Is this the only reason you’re telling us now? My birthday is on Saturday!” I slam my fist on the table making everyone flinch in fright. The tea cups rattling from the force. “Were you ever going to tell us or was it just going to be a big surprise for me hearing voices in my head?” It’s then that mum slides that damned envelope across the table between Eliza and I. We both stare at it, unsure what to do. “That letter is one of the reasons we are telling you now. We’ve been summoned.” Dad reveals. “Summoned for what?” Eliza questions. Dad gestures to the envelope. I guess it holds all the answers we seek. I snatch it off the table and rip it open. Inside is a fancy invitation. Alpha King Cameron Monroe and his daughter Athena Monroe request the presence of the Grey family to attend the Annual Mating Ball Saturday third of October at six o’clock in the evening at the Blood River pack Attendance is compulsory whilst absence is punishable by law Silence is thick in the air for a while as we process the words written before us. “This is a sick, twisted joke you are pulling on us. I’m not going to this stupid ball. It’s my birthday on Saturday! I have plans with Oliver already and I’m not cancelling them.” I declare angrily. Mum looks away. “He will be there too.” She says in a small voice. “WHAT?!” I jump to my feet. “He’s a f*****g werewolf too?” “WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!” Dad shouts at me. “I can’t deal with this right now.” I storm out of the house and run as fast as I can. Naturally, my subconscious takes me to the wharf and I plonk myself on the edge, my feet dangling above the water. How could they lie to us our entire lives? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Obviously we would have found out eventually so why the secrecy? Also, why don’t we live in a pack? Did something happen? Wait, are we rogues?!
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