Chapter 21

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Athena “Why would she do that?” Oliver asks. “She was jealous that I found my mate before she did.” I inform them all. “She thought eliminating Emmet would mean we could still be friends.” “What a psychotic bitch.” Eliza mutters and all eyes turn towards her. “What?” She shrugs. “There’s something I need to know the answer to. Oliver, why was I your secret mission?” Emmet asks and I’ve been wondering the same thing. “I can’t tell you, I made a blood oath with Alpha Cameron, remember?.” Oliver replies in a snarky tone. “The Alpha is dead, you are free of your oath.” Elder Jonah advises. Oliver huffs. “I’m not one hundred percent sure but Alpha Cameron tasked me with watching over you. I needed to earn your trust and protect you.” “Protect me from what?” Emmet asks confused. “Honestly I couldn’t tell you because I don’t even know.” “Is it possible that he knew we were mates?” Emmet questions me. “How could he know? We didn’t even know.” I reply. “Wait, wait, wait. Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You two find out you are mates, Emmet gets attacked and nearly dies from wolfsbane. Then Alpha Cameron questions the wolfsbane and gets murdered in the process.” Eliza literally repeats everything we just said. “Yes and now Alice has disappeared.” Emmet confirms. “So has Officer Roland. I called the station this morning to speak to him and he never showed up.” Beta Leo informs us. “We must assume that they are working together. Nothing is a coincidence.” I say. “What is their end game? What do they want?” Emmet ponders. “Maybe the Alpha King and Luna Queen titles.” Aunt Ruby speaks for the first time. It’s uncanny how much she looks like my mother. “If that is the case, the pack is not safe. We mustn’t allow anyone to move freely through the borders, it could-“ Oliver’s eyes cloud over with a mind link. “I’ve just been informed Elias and Eleanor Grey are at the gates and demanding to be allowed entry.” “Let them in, but after this there will be no more movement for everyone’s safety. Give the order Beta Leo.” I instruct and he bows his head in respect. “Eliza and I had better go and greet our parents. Athena, do you mind if we use your office to talk to them?” Emmet asks. “Take all the time you need.” I reassure him. He stands from his chair and kisses my forehead before walking out the door with his sister. His display of affection in front of the ranked members has me blushing the same shade as my hair. Emmet After greeting our parents, Eliza and I are leading them to Athena’s office. My dad is huffing and puffing about having to be back here again already. Eliza rolls her eyes at me. “What is so damn important that you needed to speak to us in person?” Dad demands as we take a seat on the lounges in Athena’s office. “And where is the Alpha? Why didn’t he greet us?” “That’s what we need to speak to you about.” Eliza says. “Alpha Cameron has been murdered.” I drop the bomb in their laps. “What? How did this happen?” Mum asks, shocked. “The circumstances are still being investigated. Which is why I needed you both to come here to ensure your safety.” “Safety from what? We’re nobodies. The supernatural world doesn’t care about us.” Dad spits out. “What is that on your neck?” Mum demands, changing the subject. “What?” I instinctively reach for my marking spot. “Oh, um it’s my mates mark.” “What is wrong with you? You’ve been here all of five minutes and you’ve already got yourself marked. I told you letting them move here was a bad idea.” Mum smacks dad on the shoulder. “Actually I’m -“ I begin to say. “You’re looking at this packs future Alpha and Gamma, you should show some respect.” Athena appears at the door. “What is she talking about?” Mum queries us with judgement on her tone. “I believe you’ve met Alpha Cameron’s daughter Athena. Funny story actually, we’re mates.” I explain as Athena sits on the lounge between Eliza and I. She threads her fingers through mine in a display of solidarity. “How is this possible?” Dad demands. “I was wondering the same thing. Do you mind if I ask you both some questions?” Athena asks and my parents nod. “Do either of you happen to have any Alpha blood?” “No.” Dad replies. “I’m adopted.” Mum blurts out, shocked at her sudden admission. “What? Why have you never told me this before?” “It was never relevant until now! Sorry Athena, I don’t know who my parents are.” Mum says solemnly. “So there’s a chance we aren’t actually Omegas?” Eliza pipes in eagerly. “Seems possible, although it doesn’t really matter. My last question is why don’t you live within the pack? My father’s file says you used to live here but you left.” Athena questions. “There’s a file about my parents?” I whisper to Athena. “Of course. My father was the king. He has files on everyone.” “Seems your father knew more about us than we ever did.” Eliza mutters sarcastically. “We left the pack when we found out I was pregnant with Emmet. We wanted to live a normal life, have jobs, send our children to real schools.” Mum tries to justify their decision. “You wanted us to be human.” Eliza states plainly. “Not at all.” Dad fails to argue. “That’s exactly what we were!” Eliza jumps to her feet. “You lied to us our entire lives and we’re just supposed to be ok with that? How could you?” She runs from the room with tears in her eyes. Silence falls between us, no one wanting to make the first move. “Well I have a funeral to arrange. Please consider staying here for a while for your own safety and your children’s.” Athena leaves the room too leaving me with just my parents. “So … you’ll stay?” I ask with a sheepish look.
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