Chapter 14

1141 Words
As we started rolling balls of snow for a snowman, I couldn’t help but pause and watch him. Alex had dumped his jacket on the snow. In addition, his tie was loosened, but the detail that was oddly pulling my attention was his arms. He had rolled his shirt sleeves to just above his elbows. As he was bent over, hands firmly pushing his mass of snow, his arms tensed. I couldn’t take my eyes off that tiny ridge of a vein that kept popping up with each push. It was paying off and his contribution was impressive. I, on the other hand, had barely started. Too many distractions and not enough willpower. Out of nowhere, Alex looked up. The smirk was clear as was that stupid slight half laugh he seemed so fond of. I was waiting for a smart remark, but he went straight back to what he was doing. Thankful, I concentrated on catching up. Alex had stopped and I could feel his eyes burning into me. All I could think about was him. I just couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything but him. It was like I had a constant mental image of him in my brain. It was intense. It was too much. I couldn’t decide what it meant or even if it meant anything. It was nothing. He was no one, not really. So why couldn’t I stop my mind from reeling constantly? Reeling so much, in fact, that I completely misplaced my footing and fell over the finally large snow ball. Crushing it in two and face planting into the pillowy fluff. I could have happily stayed there face down in the snow. At the very least, it was doing a great job of cooling the burning in my face. I had no idea what it was about Alex that made me so clumsy and borderline pathetic. I knew Alice would chastise me for even considering calling myself pathetic, but it was honestly how I felt. He was beside me in seconds, his hands hooking under my arms. He lifted me flawlessly out of the snow, placing me back on my feet, but it left us pretty much nose to nose. Alex was just staring down at me. That slight quirky smile that he always seemed to do. He was clear he was thinking about something. At that moment, I wished I was more like Alice. She knew men and what made them tick. I felt out of my depth and my inexperience with the opposite s*x was a deep regret. I just wanted to know what was going through his mind. He reached forward and gently rubbed his thumb across my cheek, taking the flakes of snow with him. I felt like I was drowning in his eyes. The intensity made me want to look away, but I resisted. His forefinger and thumb gripped my chin and held me in place. I couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath as I realised he was getting closer. It was all happening in slow motion. I watched as his eyelashes fluttered shut. His finger and thumb started drifting apart. Each taking an opposite path along my chin. His hand holding my neck below my jaw bones as though he was meant to fit there. With millimetres before his lush lips would be crushed against mine, I closed my eyes. The sound of a clearing throat beside us made us both jump. “Pardon the interruption. Dinner is soon to be served.” Alex dropped his hands to his sides and the missing heat from my neck seemed to ache. The cold air being allowed to penetrate my flesh once more. The growl that erupted from deep in Alex’s throat was so low it blended into the sounds of the garden. I didn’t move my eyes from Alex. I knew it was Ben, standing there a short distance from us. His low, brooding, slightly disappointed tone was the only thing needed to identify him. “We’re coming, Ben.” The eye roll was audible as Alex addressed him. Ben didn’t make any attempt to move. “I said we’re coming. You can run along now.” “I shall wait and escort the lady, as it is my sworn duty to protect her.” I had no idea what was going on between the pair of them. It was clear that there was a history and that neither of them felt the need to inform me of it. “The lady does not need protection from me.” “You could fool me, sir.” “Ben! What is going on with you two?” Neither were looking at one another, but instead their eyes were fixed on the snow. As though, if they dared to look at each other, all hell would break loose. Not a word of explanation was forthcoming. “I will be fine, Ben. I will be just a second, I promise.” Ben locked eyes with me and I could see his reservation. I just couldn’t understand what immediate danger he thought I was in. Despite his obvious reluctance, he nodded and headed back indoors. “Care to explain what is going on between the pair of you?” “He isn’t exactly my biggest fan.” Without realising, my hands had ended up on my hips. I liked Ben, and I trusted him. He wouldn’t dislike Alex without good reason. “I just want to get this clear in my mind. You manipulated things to get Ben to be the one that collected me? Why on earth would you do that if he hates you?” “Because he is the best. He doesn’t have to like me. You look very cute when you are angry.” I dropped my arms, trying to pretend they had never been on my hips in the first place. Alex had a way of making me so exasperated. “The best at what, exactly? We are in one of the most secure places in the world. Why do I need a minder at all?” The words hurtled out on the deep breath I had been holding. He grabbed hold of my shoulders and held me roughly. It gave me little option but to look at him. “Nowhere in the world is ever going to be safe enough, not for you, not for what is mine.” I shrugged out of his grip and it took more effort than I had expected. “I’m not yours, so you can stop now!” As I stormed towards the palace, I desperately wanted to look back. I should have been annoyed, and I was, but still somewhere deep inside of me the idea of being his stirred things that I had never even dreamed of.
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