Chapter 17 Funny Guy One

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      "I'm just asking, I'm not trying to refuse." Chu Jungui said while signing his name on the document. The beautifully handcrafted signature is a sight to behold.    Meng Jianghu watched Chu Jungui sign, and then his face turned pale, and he scolded Qin Yi: "You are a soldier now, so you can't talk nonsense! Jungui has been growing up in the outer space base, don't scare him."    Qin Yi said, "As ordered, Colonel!"   Meng Jianghu clicked on the desktop, and the signed document was taken back and archived. After doing all this, he seemed relieved, and said to Qin Yi: "take you back to the place where you live, and introduce him to the situation of the college. As for his specific assignment, I think that since he is with this class Many people are familiar with him, so he will be included in this class. Also, from now on, you will be in charge of his special training outside the formal curriculum."    Qin Yi responded, waved to Chu Jungui, and said, "Come with me, lucky boy."    After leaving the office, Qin Yi took Chu Jun back downstairs, and then walked through a long corridor. He was obviously a talkative guy, and he said as he walked, "You know what? Many people envy you. After all, being named by that big man is an adventure that you can't ask for for many years. But I don't think so! You want to know the reason. ?"   Chu Jungui's logic analysis part did not respond at all, this has nothing to do with the level of the version, but judged that even if the answer does not want to know, the guy in front will try to find the answer, so there is no need to waste energy analysis and reasoning. But his tactical deception part kicks in accordingly, and he replies, "Think!" Qin Yi was very satisfied with his reaction speed, turned back and smiled: "Because the year-end performance is a grand event for the entire dynasty! Anyone who can appear there, their chance to play is not a fluke, and everything can only be based on true ability. No matter who keeps you on the court, if you don't perform well, you will become the laughing stock of the dynasty. If that's the case, I suggest that you might as well not play. After all, it's only a few months before the year-end show. Since the boss has handed you over to me, I will train you well! Pray, little one, life in hell has just begun."    "What is life in hell?" The religious element was not in Chu Jungui's knowledge reserve. Qin Yidao: "From tomorrow, you have to forget what rest, relaxation and sleep are. There may be trials every moment, even if you are eating and pooping, you may encounter attacks! You must turn fighting into a kind of Instinct, all the time."    "Fighting just needs to be loaded, right? Does it need to be instinct?" Chu Jungui raised a question in his heart, but did not say it. In his thinking, since Qin Yi said that fighting should be turned into instinct, it makes sense.    But, is there really a difference between fighting and instinct after loading? Chu Jungui began to think. In his eyes, the so-called fighting techniques, such as the melee g*n fighting technique version 0.1a, can be used once loaded. And the call time required for use is almost negligible, and the real bottleneck lies in data transmission. During battle, the sensory organs such as the eyes receive the signal, the brain makes a judgment and response, and then the corresponding response plan in the fighting technique is sent to all parts of the body to complete the action, which is the whole process of a complete tactical action. The most time-consuming part of the whole process is nerve signal transmission. According to Qin Yi's standards, it seems that he can already graduate.   Qin Yiman wanted to see Chu Jungui panicked, but what he saw was that he was thinking, and he couldn't help feeling a little boring, and he couldn't hold on to his face. Qin Yi snorted and said, "If you think you are good enough and don't need me, then you can stop the special training at any time. Of course, the premise is that you can defeat me. Forget it, you are still young, and the conditions can be improved. Relax a little bit. So, you can shoot anytime, anywhere, whether it's a strong attack or a sneak attack, as long as you can defeat me, even if you graduate from special training! How about it? Do you want to try it now?"   Chu Jungui looked at Qin Yi seriously. In his field of vision, Qin Yi's knees and lower abdomen each have a footprint, while the left and right faces have a fist print and a slap print respectively. This means that Chu Jungui has five ways to instantly let go of the talkative guy in front of him and graduate.   Melee firearms fighting not only provides solutions, but also comes with damage assessment: the current highest damage is knee kick, which is physical disability; the highest sustained damage is face slap, which is psychological disability. However, he is no longer an experimental subject at this moment, but Chu Jungui, and his thinking is no longer linear, but more vague qualitative analysis.    Qin Yi is young and holds an important position. If he has no real ability, he will definitely not be able to sit in this position. Could it be that Qin Yi was deliberately inducing Chu Jungui to take action?   Chu Jungui was stunned in his heart, it was incredible that he was almost cheated. The version number of Qin Yi's tactical deception must be terribly high. Is it 3.0 or 4.0? Chu Jungui was aware of Qin Yi's ability, and he knew what he should do now, that is, what a rookie should do. "I will work hard."    Qin Yi nodded in satisfaction. The little guy in front of him reacted a little slower, but he was still quite sensible. In this case, the amount of training in the previous few days can be properly controlled, allowing him to have a process of adaptation. Of course, the ultimate goal will not change.    "Well, this lucky little guy probably doesn't know what it means to beat me, haha! He'll just wait until the night before the big show!" Qin Yi thought happily. He made a gesture to Chu Jungui and said, "Come with me. I'll show you where you live first, and then I'll pick up your basic equipment. However, some equipment is not on the spaceship, and will have to be reissued at the academy. Procedures When I'm done, I'll take you to a good place for a drink, and I'll show you some interesting guys. Do you know the current situation? No? It's okay, I'll talk while drinking. Let's go!"   As soon as Qin Yi turned around, in the eyes of Chu Jungui, there were countless shoe prints and claw marks on his back, back of head, and even his buttocks and thighs, and there were flaws everywhere.    "Deception, it's all deception, you must not be fooled!" It took a lot of effort for Chu Jungui to suppress the urge to graduate immediately.    In order to remind himself, he simply put a striking red 4.0+ mark on the top of Qin Yi's head in the horizon to remind himself at all times that this guy in front of him has a terribly high tactical deception ability. Qin Yi didn't know anything about the change in his image, so he took Chu Jungui to the next floor, went all the way to a cabin at the end of the corridor, pushed open the cabin door, pointed inside, and said, "You Just live here. In order for you to have a good training environment, your current treatment is the same as mine, one room per person."   The cabin on the spacecraft is actually very small, only a few square meters. On one side of the room is the bed above and the writing desk and locker below. On the other side of the room are some very shallow cabinets and storage compartments, with only enough space in between to turn around. However, considering the environment on the transport ship, the ability to have a single room is a treatment that ordinary students cannot enjoy at all.    Qin Yi's guidance, Chu Jungui put his hand on the identification area at the door, entered the identity information, and followed him to the equipment area to register the equipment. At this moment, there is no complete equipment on the transport ship, but a few sets of internal and external uniforms, plus a side weapon.   Chu Jun returned to the room, put things down, put on his uniform, and took a picture of himself. In the mirror appeared a tall and juvenile boy with a little childish and handsome eyebrows. And he is even more heroic against the background of the military uniform. The only fly in the ointment is that his stature is slightly thin, but as an experimental body, his original prototype seems not to be a pure power route, but a general-purpose fighter that takes into account all aspects. When    walked out of the room, Qin Yi also felt that his eyes lit up. He patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said, "I probably understand why you were nominated for the year-end performance."    "Then you must have made a mistake." Chu Jungui complained in his heart.    He still doesn't understand why Lin Xi came out like this all of a sudden, because he saved her life? How could Qin Yi understand what he didn't even understand? This guy doesn't even count as an outside audience.    Seeing Chu Jungui's dazed look, Qin Yi laughed and said, "You'll understand when you're older," he stopped explaining, pulling Chu Jungui straight to the upper deck of the transport ship.   The upper floor is the officer's area. Qin Yi went straight to the officer's restaurant, walked around, and entered a small door on the side. As soon as you enter the door, the loud music is blowing, and the lights inside are scattered and swaying back and forth, just like a nightclub where a group of demons dance. There is a bar on the transport ship of the military school, don't ask, it must be secretly done behind the back.    As soon as Qin Yi and Chu Jungui came in, they immediately became the focus and were surrounded by groups.    "Ouch! Isn't this our new friend?"    "Chicken-eating and drinking!" The roars came and went, Qin Yi pulled Chu Jungui behind him and shouted: "Don't make trouble! The boss asked me to take charge of Jungui's special training, and I also tested him. So from today, Jungui is himself. I'm dead, you all have to cover me. If he is bullied, I'll ask you!"   "no problem!"    "Don't worry, boss!" Qin Yi took Chu Jungui to the table, sat down in the middle, and said, "Come on, let me introduce you. Although these guys have their own faults, they are all very nice people. good friend."    Compared with other people's unique sitting postures, Chu Jungui, who is sitting upright, is like a child who has not had time to learn badly. Qin Yi first pointed to the two decadent boys and said, "Su Xue and Li Bin, you should already know them, the guy who gave Tianji guards to that guy. To be honest, I didn't know that before. They have the guts to..."    "We didn't!" The two jumped up immediately. Qin Yi waved his hand and said, "Okay, I know you didn't take the last step. If you had, you wouldn't be able to sit here again. But even so, it's amazing. Okay, don't explain. Now, be brave enough to admit it, what's the big deal? It's nothing more than being stabbed a few months later, and if you fix it well, maybe you can still be a woman."    "What happened to the woman?" A pungent girl slapped the table. "Okay, if I didn't say it." Qin Yi raised his hand to surrender, and then returned to Chu Jun: "See, it's rare to see such a fierce girl. This is Hei Ya, the best sniper this year, nicknamed 'One shot into the soul'. Of course, if you have worked so hard to close the distance, and you want to get close to her and fight her, then you will have a very unforgettable surprise."   Chu Jungui looked at the girl's iconic dreadlocks, and he felt familiar.
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