A New Home

1212 Words
I woke up being on someone's back, and them running. Everything was faint, but I could make out what was behind us, there were men in suits with guns, but the bullets were not hitting us something was deflecting them. I went back out. I woke up again in a bed with that same boy over top of me with a damp cloth dabbing my forehead. “Dammit! If I had only known you were there we could have gotten you ages ago, although if we had I might not be alive now. I am grateful thank you Rae.” the boy said to me while I was half awake. My mind started to race, how does he know my name, I thought no one did. Who is he. Who are we. And, most importantly where am I. “I am sorry about my comments, I wasn’t thinking straight, I was in shock, and afraid and acting that way because everything felt out of control. I didn’t realize that you saved me” and with those words I passed out again, maybe from the pain, or from the shock of what he said who knows. “Rae! Rae! Come here! Look at this,” those bright blue eyes looked up at me. “What is it lily? Wheres mum, and sophie, and the boys?” I questioned. “Oh they are over there don’t you see them?” sophie asked as her thin blond hair brushed across her round baby face from the wind. “I-I don’t see them lil, what do you mean bud?” I looked to where she was pointing, but there was nothing. “You don’t see them? Maybe that's because they are dead” Her eyes met mine. “Dead! What do you mean, how can you see them then” My eyes started to water. “Why did you have to live we could be together right now, if you were in the house with us then you could have died with us” Her eyes were filled with water, she huffed for air, as she cried her eyes out. “Lil it’s ok I will be with you guys soon enough, once I find the guy’s who killed you and kill them, I will come and be with you. I promise” I gazed off into the distance, but what I was looking at was unfamiliar. “Rae! Don’t make promises you can’t keep. There are man tasks ahead of you, and you will not want to go once the time comes” She started to walk away into the distance, the fog inclosed her. “I will, I will come, don’t leave I will come to you after I’m done” “I will die to be with you guys, you are my family” as I said those words I woke up. I spoke those words out loud, and the person next to me had an expression of horror on their face. It was the boy that I saw in the woods. He seemed very upset, and couldn’t look me in the eye. “Here's your food, I came to check up on you, and brought food incase you woke up” He didn’t question what I said I wonder why. “T-Thank y-you” It was hard to speak my throat was dry, and my tongue was swollen. “It’s ok you don’t need to speak, you were closer to the explosion than I was. You got more injured than I did, and you have been asleep for two weeks. We will talk about what you said as you woke up later” there it is he brought it up, nothing gets by him dose it. I nodded my head, and looked down at my food he had brought me. He got up to left the room, as he walked out of the door he shot me a smile and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. I wonder why what I said bothered him so much. It’s not like he knows me well, or has known me for long, I sipped the soup he left for me. As I gazed around the room something felt ferminlar, but I wasn’t sure why. The room was plain, and there were a few pictures on the walls, the window beside the bed had butterfly curtains. I slowly opened the curtains cerious what was on the other side. Looking out I saw crops growing, and young children running around. How could they be outside like that aren’t they worried someone will see them and then come after us. Us.. no there is no us I need to leave as soon as I can. I need to leave now! These people will just get me killed before I need to be. I swarmed out of my bed, and made my way towards the door. I looked down the hall, there was no one in sight. I started to run and as I turned the corner I ran head first into someone's chest. He fell back and I landed on top of him. “Are you okay Rae?” he said as he patted my head, it was that boy again. I nodded, so he picked me up and brought me back to my room. He laid me down in my bed, and looked at me. His eyes were sad. “You know you don’t have to be afraid, you are safe here. I wouldn’t have brought you here if it wasn’t none of us would still be here if it wasn’t. His eyes were filled with sincerity. “I-I don’t feel safe here, I’m sorry. I am use to being in the woods by myself, I am not use to being around other people anymore” I didn’t look him in the eyes as I spoke to him. “Hey, it’s okay, you will get use to being around people again. You’re talking to me fine aren’t you” He put my cheek into his hand as he spoke to me. “What are you doing” I swatted his hand away. “I-I-I” His face went red and he looked down at the ground. “It’s okay just don’t touch me ever again” I felt awkward, I didn’t mind him touching my cheek it’s just that I wasn’t use to it. “Im sorry, I should leave now I’ll be right back to bring you clothes to change into, everyone is waiting to meet you, so when your ready you can come and meet everyone” He said with a smile. “W-wait” he stopped when I spoke. “What is it?” He asked his face still rather red. “I never got your name” I still couldn’t make eye contact. “O-oh haha” He covered his face with his arm as he laughed because it started to blush more. I felt butterflies in my stomach seeing him do that. H-he's embarrassed. I started to blush as well. “Its Elijah” He left the room after he told me his name. “Elijah…...Elijah, I like that name” I smiled as I spoke his name.
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