Chapter 8 - Broken love radar!

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Riley I woke up thinking I had gone a little mad. My entire bedroom had been covered in balloons while I slept! I giggled imagining Jeremy and Mike sneaking around my room while trying their best not to wake me. It was probably the best surprise anyone could ever give me on my birthday. I jumped out of bed and waded through the sea of balloons. I had to take a quick shower before the new omega arrived and I had just walked out of my room when I noticed one of the younger pack members walking into the foyer. “Susan?” I was surprised to see her. I had no idea who Jeremy had chosen, and I was surprised that he picked one of the more experienced omegas. “Hi, Riley. I’m here to replace you.” Her hand trembled when I shook it and I frowned. “Replace me? What do you mean?” I wasn’t very happy with that idea. I had just made peace with the fact that I no longer wanted to run away, and now Jeremy was going to replace me! “Well, you are the new housekeeper, so I am your new replacement,” She explained, and with a huge shock, I realized. I was promoted when Anna retired. I replaced Anna, which meant I did need a replacement. Relief flooded my body, replacing the adrenaline almost making me feel sick. I showed her to her new room and told her we could get to work after she was settled in. My day, however, quickly changed the moment I walked into the dining room for breakfast. The entire pack shouted happy birthday and Jeremy had a huge cake waiting on our table. My cheeks were burning red as I walked up to the table. Nobody had ever done anything like this for me. I thought the balloons were more than enough, but the pack clearly loved the idea of having cake for breakfast. After breakfast, I made my way out of the dining room to find Susan. She had also just finished breakfast when we met up with Jeremy in the foyer of our home. “Things are going to be a little different today, I’m afraid.” He frowned and I instantly felt worried. What was wrong? What happened? “Susan, you are going to have to find your own way for today. Riley and I have a couple of appointments to take care of.” He grinned, but it didn’t relieve my worry as he guided me out of the house. “What appointments?” I asked as we got into the back of the black SUV and Mike pulled out of the driveway. “Where is Eric?” I frowned. Eric was Jeremy’s driver! “Why is Mike driving me? Where are we going?” “Why all the questions? It’s your birthday and I haven’t given you your gift yet. Sit back and relax. It’s going to be fun!” Jeremy looked excited and Mike burst out laughing. I sat back crossing my arms instinctively over my chest. I couldn’t help it. They had been kind to me for two years, but I had been disappointed for far longer than that. People who were supposed to love me sold me! As we pulled up outside a boutique, my frown deepened. “Tonight is a very special night in your life, Riley. I want you to feel special. We are spending the day doing a make-over. Emily helped plan everything, so you don’t have to worry that Mike and I did much.” They burst out laughing while I just gaped at them. Over the past two years, Jeremy has done so much for me. I was still gaping when we walked into the boutique and I noted the clothes. They were clearly expensive! “Jeremy! This is too much! I appreciate everything you’ve done for me the past two years, but you really don’t have to do this. You should save the money for when you find your Luna and spend it on her.” My eyes were wide as two women came out from the back with some champagne. “Oh, just let me spoil you! We both know I’m never going to find a mate, and you’ve become like family to me.” He fake pouted and I nodded. There was no harm in looking at and even fitting some of the clothes. It would make him feel great, but it didn’t mean I had to take anything. I changed from one outfit to the next and, in the end, Jeremy insisted that I take the three I liked most. I knew he had the money. I didn’t tell him to save his money because his pack was poor. I did it because I hated it when he spent money on me unnecessarily. After we chose three new outfits for the day, I picked a beautiful blue gown for my birthday celebration in the evening. At least, he told me about that party beforehand. Mike put the bags in the back of the car, and we pulled out of the parking spot. Our next stop was a hair salon. I had never gone to one to have my hair done! That made me incredibly nervous! I have seen some horror pictures of what these people could do to your hair! The stylist scrunched up her nose at the sight of my hair the moment I sat down, making me feel really stupid. “We definitely need to update your hairstyle, sweetie. This is so nineteen fifties, and some colour will give it more life.” The stylist disappeared to the back and I caught sight of Jeremy sitting in the waiting area. He shrugged and looked amused, and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with my dang hair! It took some time to go through the process, but I was stunned when the stylist finally turned my chair around, and I could see the final product in the mirror! They didn’t want me to see it until it was finished, and my hair had never looked so healthy! They had layered it, which made it so much lighter! It was incredible! Jeremy said something to the receptionist after paying, and I only caught the last part before I hurried out of the salon. “…about an hour.” He winked at the girl behind the counter as we left, and I rolled my eyes. Every woman I had ever met just melted in front of him. Every woman, but me. I didn’t melt. He was handsome and kind, but I didn’t melt! Maybe it was me. Maybe my love radar was broken?
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