Chapter 7 - Graduation for one.

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Riley On the day I graduated, I was again surprised that Jeremy had gone to such lengths to help me celebrate. It didn’t matter that his pack didn’t really want to be there. I appreciated what he did for me. I was dressed in a blue cap and gown and Jeremy had even bought me a new dress for the occasion. I was nervously sitting in the front of the make-shift graduation celebration and in front of us the school principal and Eli were seated looking at us. With my fingers tightly intertwined, I listened to the principal’s speech, and I was glad that I made him proud. I was the school’s top student, but because of Caleb and his pack, I wasn’t allowed to celebrate my success with the rest of them. Not that I wanted to in any way. The principal called Jeremy to the podium and I held my breath as he smiled at me. “When Riley came to us, she was nothing more than a young girl without a home. Since then, she has proven herself not just as the best student, but also a formidable opponent in the sparring ring!” Jeremy laughed, and I was surprised to hear laughter behind me. I didn’t even realize that any of them took note of me! “Our dear Riley has grown into one hell of a woman, and I’m sure you will all join me in celebrating this incredible milestone that she has achieved. Congratulations, Riley.” He winked and all around me people stood up and cheered. I was so overcome with emotion that I couldn’t stop the tears forming. The principal cleared his throat, but he could hardly be heard over the roar behind me as he called my name and I made my way onto the stage. I beamed when he handed me my certificate and as I turned to look at the pack, it hit me. They weren’t as indifferent to me as I thought they were. The faces looking back at me and cheering were all truly happy for me! The realization was overwhelming and as happy tears started to stream down my cheeks, Jeremy pulled me into one of his bear hugs. “Congratulations, honey. We are all so proud of you. Even Anna. Did you notice!” He smiled as he pointed to the front row where Anna was clapping her hands and smiling brightly. I didn’t even notice until that very moment. I had been so damn nervous! I never expected that. After the short ceremony, there was a special lunch and I proudly sat beside Jeremy for once. It was as if the illusion had fallen from my eyes and I could finally see the pack for who they really were. They smiled whenever our eyes met. They seemed kind! They seemed happy to have me there. All this time, my own damn fears had kept me from forming any bonds with them, which was ridiculous! “I’m going to miss my favourite student, but I have to return to school.” Eli cleared his throat beside me. We had packed up the classroom and put the office back in its former state the day before. It was once again a Luna’s office and I couldn’t help but wonder who that Luna was going to be. Anna was also finally going to retire, since I would be back to my duties full time again. I no longer wanted to leave. I am happy here with my position as omega. What I wanted and needed most had been provided and that was just to feel safe. To feel wanted and needed. Jeremy gave me that and more, so why would I ever want to leave?! “I’m going to miss you too.” A pang of sadness hit my heart as I realized that I had spent almost every day with Eli for the past two years. All the pain and neglect I felt after Caleb sold me was nearly gone. I had people. I had protection. I had a job that I was happy to do. I loved making sure Jeremy’s house ran smoothly and was taken care of. I didn’t need anything more. After our celebration, a couple of the younger warriors helped Anna to move to her daughter’s home where she would be spending time looking after her grandchildren and enjoying her retirement. That meant I had to move into her room, which was a lot bigger than mine. Jeremy bought me a brand-new double bed and I told him that the new vanity was too much, but he just wouldn’t listen to me. My room was just perfect. After I moved my limited possessions to my new room, I spent a while properly cleaning my old one. Jeremy informed me that we would be getting a new omega in the morning and that would become her room. It was a little surprising since there wasn’t that much to do, but I didn’t want to offend anyone, so I didn’t say anything. I had no idea what I was going to give the girl to do. If I gave her the work, then what was I going to do with myself? I shook my head as I closed the door to my old room and tried to just get those thoughts out of my mind for now. Who would do what was a problem for tomorrow, and I was actually pretty tired after that incredibly busy day. I had dinner with Jeremy and the pack and suddenly understood why Anna went to bed so early every night. I was beat. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow and dreamed about my incredible day and the fact that I had finished school. Jeremy “Is everything arranged?” I sat down and studied Mike, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Yes, boss. I got Emily to make sure that our girl would be in safe hands.” Mike had recently met his mate Emily and he was completely smitten with her. It was a beautiful sight that reminded me I didn’t have one. Meeting the very young Riley two years ago was the last straw and I decided to stop looking for the one thing my pack insisted that I had. If push came to shove, I would probably name one of my secret bastards my heir. They were my children after all. Why did it matter whether they were born from my union or not? I nodded, feeling happy. I had been planning Riley’s surprise birthday gift for a while and everything had to be perfect. It was her most important birthday after shifting. It would decide which mate she one day found.
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