Chapter 3 - I was alone in this world.

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Riley I looked around the room and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the single bed. At least, that showed he wouldn’t be visiting me at night! There was nothing personal in the room, and it quickly became clear it was probably a room that was kept for the omega in the house. I unpacked the things I brought with me, and it didn’t take very long. I wasn’t entirely sure how their meal times worked, so I ate one of the sweets I brought with me. I was just about to try and open the door when it swung open, and I came face-to-face with Anna. “I have to show you around.” She didn’t seem like a very friendly person. Or it could just have been because I wasn’t the future Luna or something. I followed her as she told me about the house and what Alpha Jeremy liked us to do. It quickly became clear he wanted me to be the omega and the room suddenly made more sense. After our tour, I was relieved to find out it was dinner time as Anna and I walked into the dining room. The pack house was different to what I was used to, but it made a lot more sense than what Ironclaw had. There were a bunch of little houses built around a communal dining area. Walkways linked all the homes, and they stretched out behind the main house. I could feel all eyes on me as Anna and I grabbed some food and made our way to our table at the back. “Riley, please join me at my table.” Jeremy appeared out of nowhere and startled me so much I almost dropped my plate. He put his hand on my lower back as he guided me to the table in front. Pulling out my chair, he nodded for me to sit. “Everyone, this is Riley. Her pack sold her to me, and she will be working in my house as an omega. I expect all of you to treat her with the respect she deserves.” He sat down beside me and a plate was placed in front of him. I waited for him to start eating before digging into my food. The food was incredibly delicious, and I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until that very moment. I felt stronger after a proper meal! Jeremy didn’t talk to me. He spoke to the male beside him that was in the car with us before and from the man’s scent I could surmise that he was the beta. I scanned the crowd in front of us and I could tell that they all sat according to rank, which made me being seated in front very weird. I made a mental note to tell Jeremy that I wanted to be seated with the rest of the omegas. I didn’t want to interrupt his conversation since it was about me and what Caleb did. It was probably the only way I would ever find out what happened, and I was right. I quickly found out that Caleb sold me to Jeremy under the impression that I was old enough for Jeremy to mate. Jeremy was forced to save face with his pack and he decided not to tell them I was the one. His plan was for me to work in his home while he looked for someone else. He felt he had driven all the way there and didn’t want to waste the trip. Great, I was worth something to someone! After dinner, Anna appeared in front of me with a huge scowl on her face and I quickly moved to clear the plates at the alpha table. After dinner, Anna took me to the laundry room, so they could find me a uniform and I started to feel a little more at home once I had my uniform. “I have school in the morning. What time does Jeremy get up? I would like to ask if there is a bus or something I can take.” I had clearly become too comfortable! Anna glared at me. “Omegas don’t go to school, girl!” She hissed. “You will be taught everything you need to know right here. There is no use in spending all that money and time on someone who is going to do the same job over and over for the rest of their lives.” She hugged as I gaped at her. No school?! How the hell was I going to get an education and leave?! I couldn’t even begin to imagine not getting up in the mornings and rushing to school. I didn’t say another word as we walked to my room, and she informed me not to go to bed too late. “We start work early around here, and I don’t have time to teach spoiled little girls work ethics!” Anna growled at me before closing my door. I stood in the middle of my new room with my new uniforms still in my arms. I had lost everything in the past couple of days. Literally everything. My family. My pack. My mate, who I wasn’t sure was really my mate, and now the opportunity to go to school. It all hit me at once as my legs gave way underneath me and I slumped to the floor. Sobs ripped through me and echoed in the room, and I fought to try and cry as quietly as possible as my shoulders shook, and tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn’t want anyone to know that I was crying. If there was one thing I learned now, it was that I was completely alone in this world. I had to take care of myself. Nobody else was going to do that for me. Not that I ever wanted people to take care of me. I would just have been happy if I had found my mate and I could finally find happiness. When my tears finally dried up, I got up and packed away my uniform. I took a quick shower and jumped into my pajamas and went straight to bed. The last thing I wanted was to oversleep and have Anna scowling at me on my first day. As I drifted off to sleep, my thoughts were on my family and the fact that they just stood there while I was sold.
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