Chapter 81 - Locking Margaret away ...

1104 Words

Riley “I think we should move Margaret to the rogue center.” Caleb raised an amused brow as I said it and I sighed deeply. “I really think it will go a long way to help her to adjust to her new surroundings. I don’t think anyone ever showed her love, Caleb. She never spoke about my grandparents much, which only leads me to believe she doesn’t really know how to love.” I shrugged. “If you think it will work, we can give it a try.” He shrugged, but I could see he didn’t think it was going to work. He was being just as negative as my siblings about it all, but I wouldn’t let that phase me. I needed to find a way to have at least one of my mothers by my side when the baby was born and, since Margaret was the one who raised me, I preferred it to be her. “Just do me one favour.” Caleb frowned

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