Chapter 82 - My real mother.

1118 Words

Riley “Hi mom.” I wasn’t sure what to call her, and it just slipped out. Caleb put his arm around me and I felt really nervous. “Hello Riley. I take it you are Caleb?” She raised one eyebrow and I felt as if this might have been a huge mistake. Maybe she didn’t want me! “Yes, ma’am. Pleased to meet you.” Caleb grinned, but she kept frowning. “Well, I guess you had better come in.” She walked into the house and we followed. It was really awkward and uncomfortable and I was seriously beginning to think we shouldn’t have come. She showed us to a small sitting room where an omega asked what we wanted to drink, and we sat around for a couple of minutes not talking while we waited. As soon as the omega put the drinks down and left, I turned my full attention to my mother. “Why?” I frowned a

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